Nazarene Church of Edessa

Hamat Zodiac of Tiberius, Galilee.

The Edessan-Nazarene Church was an initiatory ‘secret’ sect that took 7 years to join (this is how long it took Queen Helena). The Raising of Lazarus was a 3rd degree initiation demonstrating the hidden occult nature of the Church. A primary source of veneration for the Church was the zodiac and the Hamat zodiac at Tiberius was processional and depicted the Heliocentric solar system and a spherical blue-green Earth – long before Copernicus mentioned this, this Church possessed deep scientific and astronomical secrets. One of their symbols was the sacred elagabal stone – (Shiva Linga of Hinduism/ Kaba Stone of Islam) a sacred meteorite of great antiquity that may have been strongly magnetic. The Gali priests who venerated the stone were symbolic or possibly real eunuchs – suggesting that they venerated the Primeaval Adam, the First Man, who was androgynous. Pharaoh Akhenaton – the first pharaoh to depict himself as as androgynous and who is linked with the Exodus of the Hyksos (Israelite) people in Egypt and possibly the founder of Judaism – the Edessan-Nazarene Church followed this ancient tradition. The connection between the zodiac and the elagabal meteorite (the Phoenix) strongly suggests the Nazarene were Sabeans – star worshippers. We can see the processional zodiac once more in “Jesus” being born as Lamb of God (Aries) and becoming a Fisher of Men (Pisces). In the 18th century BC the Hyksos Israelites took on the might of Egypt to become the first of the Shepherd Kings (the Kings of Aries), because Taurus had turned to Aries in 1750 BC. Similarly, Jesus-Izas wanted to take on the might of Rome to become the first of the Fisher Kings (the King of Pisces) because Aries had turned to Pisces in AD 10. The Edessan Kings held the Kama (Kamza) title. Kama means “Black” coming from the land of Kam or Kemet/Egypt. In the works of Josephus he is called Jesus of Gamala. Gamala is another variant of Kamala meaning Jesus the Egyptian. In the works of Josephus, the Talmud & the New Testament we have Jesus being referred to as “the Egyptian” or “the Egyptian False Prophet” and stories of him doing Egyptian magic.

Jesus the Egyptian

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