A New Story of the People (Inspirational Video)

How do we change the world? Change the story.

“The greatest illusion of this world is the illusion of separation.”

Human beings are a storytelling species. As much as we would like to believe that we are rational, scientific people who consider all the “facts” before acting, the truth is that our stories and the roles we play in them have a far greater impact on our behavior. Your family, past experience, and even your name are all part of the story of who you are (or at least who you tell yourself you are). We play many roles in different stories – husband, wife, co-worker, business partner, sibling, employee, boss, waiter, customer, father, mother, friend – and it is each of these roles that has a far greater impact on our behavior.

We also have another kind of story, a collective story that answers the question of who we are as a people. The current story of the people descends from the Newtonian, mechanistic worldview. It says that we are each separate beings – separate from each other and from Nature -interacting through market transactions to maximize economic and reproductive self-interest. In this story, dolphins suffocated by oil spills, starving children, and ostracized homeless people does not affect us. How can it if we are truly separate from one another?

This belief that we are separate from one another is being challenged both by quantum science and our own intuition. We know in our hearts that the world is supposed to be much more beautiful than what has been offered to us as normal. As the old story of separation falls apart, a new story based on the interconnected web of life is being born.

This inviting video provides a glimpse at this new emerging story. As you watch it, try to feel the story through your heart and ask yourself if you are ready to believe in this story.

Shared by Sustainable Human
Visit http://sustainableman.org to explore the world of sustainability.
Visit http://charleseisenstein.net for more from Charles Eisenstein

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Wake Up and Live!

Here is a little more about my story here.. from traveling the world living as a monk in ashrams in Hawaii and India, to my BIG Shift when I discovered the Law of Attraction, fumbling online trying to market my own music, my BIG Awakening, meeting my mentors who helped me reach new levels of success, to where now… People come to me for mentorship and guidance…




Ps. Get Access Now to my FREE Ebook! How I use Law of Attraction to Travel the World and Live my Dreams!


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