Tag Archives: Adam Kadmon

The Apocalypse of Adam

Discovered in 1945, The Apocalypse of Adam. 🍎
The Apocalypse of Adam, also known as the Revelation of Adam is Adam’s version of what happened in the garden of Eden. πŸ’

Part of which Reads: “I went about with her in a glory which she had seen in the aeon from which we had come forth. She taught me a word of knowledge of the eternal God. And we resembled the great eternal angels, for we were higher than the god who had created us and the powers with him, whom we did not know.” πŸ«‚

Omitted from the Bible because of what it reveals. Eve and the serpent are the hero’s of the story teaching Adam’s fruits of eternal knowledge. To “eat from” means to “take in and digest, or to fully understand.” Eve was sent to Adam from the eternal father that Jesus spoke of to remind Adam of who he really is, a light being imprisoned in the material world by a jealous creator god. This creator god made this imperfect material world that he fashioned afrer the eternal heavenly realm. Adam’s soul is what was needed to animate the flesh suit the creator god made as a prison for his soul, claiming he is a jealous God, demanding worship and unquestionable faith. 🐍

Jesus also tells this story in another book omitted from the Bible called the “Secret Book of John,” discovered in a cave in 1945.

Jesus quotes the creator god, and asked a question which reads;
β€œI am a jealous God and there is no God but me!” πŸ€”

[But by doing this he admitted to his demons that there is indeed another God.
For, if there were no other God, whom would he possibly be jealous of?] πŸ€”

Where The Bible starts from the creation of earth, what’s learned is this is actually a galatic story. Adam’s soul is known in this story as “the first knowledge that breathed within him,” aka his eternal spirit which was stolen from the heavenly realm. Eve was sent by the true eternal father located at the center of the galaxy. This is the father Jesus spoke of when he came to deliver the same message to humanity to help free us from the prison of the material realm. 🌎

This different interpretation than the story in the Bible will lead you to your true identity.
πŸͺž Gnosis or Awakening