Tag Archives: Atlantis

Egyptian Alchemy


The path of Kundalini Yoga was initially brought to Egypt by the Thoth-Hermes Masters of Atlantis, where its patrons had been the Kaberoi Twins. On ancient Lemuria the Kaberoi had been known as the Kumara Twins, Sanat and Sananda, the founders of Gnostic-Alchemical Path and the vehicle of its dissemination to Atlantis, the Order of the Seven Rays. The Seven Ray Order later became known as the Great White Brotherhood.

On Atlantis the Kaberoi were the “Two Fires,” the dual parts of Neptune in his manifestation as the Fire Serpent or Kundalini, and they were represented as the Twin Snakes on the caduceus of Thoth-Hermes. In Egypt, they became the Twin Sons of Neptune in his manifestation as Fire God Ptah.

In Egypt, the Kaberoi Twins also took the form of Seth and Horus, and the dual serpentine pathways in the etheric body, the Ida and Pingala Nadis, became known as the Paths of Seth and Horus. During the alchemical process the two nadis and the polar opposite charges moving through them unite to become as the Dj, the Serpent Fire, to rise up the Djed column (the spine). The Kundalini, which is mentioned in Egyptian texts as Iart or Aart, meaning “to rise,” states Egyptologist Isa Shwaller de Lubiz, “alluded to, the rising of the snake of fire along the spinal column “

The alchemical tools used by the Egyptian Masters to prepare Djedhi candidates for initiation in the Great Pyramid included asanas (stretches), pranayama (breath control), fasting, meditation, study of the ancient scrolls, and attendance at the regularly staged dramatizations of the death and spiritual rebirth of the archetypal initiate, Osiris, at Sais, Philae, Busiris and Abydos. During this drama, after being murdered by his brother Seth, a personification of the destructive Kundalini, Osiris was represented on stage by his spine, the Djed Pillar, which was laid horizontally on its side. Osiris’s subsequent resurrection and immortality was then enacted by raising the Djed Pillar to its vertical position, thus representing the rise of the Dj (the Serpent) up the Djed (the spine) to the apex of the head of the archetypal initiate. This part of the drama is still intact and beautifully portrayed in relief on a wall of Osiris’s principal headquarters at Abydos. Close by is a depiction of Thoth handing the Twin Serpents to Osiris with one hand and an Ankh in another, symbolizing that through uniting the inner serpents to become the Kundalini, Osiris will achieve immortality.

From: The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom 🐍
by Mark Amaru Pinkham


Artist: J Augustus Knapp

In the Critias, Plato describes in detail the divine foundation of the Atlantean Empire, originally known as Poseidonis. The goldenage preserved in myth and legend, when gods walked with men, depicts the zenith of the Atlantean civilization.

The demigods of the ancient world were the Atlanteans, to whom every civilized nation owes an incalculable debt of gratitude. In the British Museum there is a remarkable document – known as the Troano manuscript – which was written over 3,500 years ago by the Mayas of Yucatan, containing an authentic account of the cataclysm which sank the continent of Atlantis.

This priceless document contains the following statement according to the translation by Le Plongeon: “In the year 6 Kan, on the 11th Mulac in the month Zac, there occurred terrible earthquakes, which continued without interruption until the 13th Chuen. The country of the hills of Mud, the land of Mu, was sacrificed; being twice upheaved it suddenly disappeared during one night, the basin being continually shaken by volcanic forces. Being confined, these caused the land to sink and to rise several times and in various places. At last the surface gave away and ten countries were torn asunder and scattered; unable to stand the force of the convulsions, they sank with their 64,000,000 inhabitants.”

Before the Atlantean continent was submerged, the initiates of the Atlantean Mysteries, carrying with them the secret doctrines entrusted to their keeping, immigrated into Egypt and other parts of the Earth where they would be safe from the impending catastrophe. Thus their secret teaching – with its priceless value to subsequent ages – was preserved. They established centers of learning and promulgated the code, clothed in language of symbolism, to such as they deemed worthy to receive it.

(from The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P Hall)