Tag Archives: grail children

Was Cleopatra VII white or black??

One of the most fascinating people in history is Cleopatra VII, her family & lovers… their story & bloodline is shrouded in mystery and is possibly the greatest cover-up in history.

One of the theories is that Jesus Christ is closely related to Cleopatra.. but why would they cover this up??

Another interesting fact is that the 1st King James Version of the Bible was commissioned by King James himself to be translated into English by a mysterious man named Sir Francis Bacon.. there is another theory that William Shakespeare is actually just the pin-name of Francis Bacon.

Notice the similarities between the original King James Bible and the works of Shakespeare… 🧐 it is also known that Francis Bacon was a highly initiated Rosicrucian.. and many of his works (whether as Bacon or as pin-name Shakespeare) are full of Masonic symbolism and metaphors.. One of the most famous stories of Shakespeare is that of the love story of Julius Caesar & Cleopatra.. and Marc Anthony & their mysterious royal children…. 🤔

This stuff keeps me up at night!! 😅

There have been many authors & researchers that claim Cleopatra was Caucasian and thus all the white-washed images & movie depictions of her… but the recent finding of Cleopatra’s sister Princess Arsinoe’s skeleton suggests they had mixed ancestry with definitely an African bloodline… which should be obvious.. considering they married into the ancient African Egyptian Royal Pharaoh lineage.. see this video for proof..𓂀

Proof Cleopatra and her sister Arsinoe had African ancestry

Saint Sarah, Santa Sara La Kali, Sarah the Egyptian

Saint Sarah aka Santa Sara La Kali aka Sarah the Egyptian aka Sarasvati Lakshmi Kali, daughter of Jesus & Mary Magdalene, known by Catholics as Egyptian servant to the Three Mary’s as they fled from Roman persecution in Jerusalem to France to a place now known as Saintes Maries de la Mer in Camarque, France.

To the Romani Gypsies, she is Santa Sara la Kali, the Patron Saint of the Gypsies. To Gnostics, Essenes & Nazoreans she was actually the daughter of Jesus & Mary Magdalene, disguised as a servant to hide her true identity. It is said that, every year since their arrival the people have been celebrating the day of their arrival to France at the coast with a large pilgrimage festival. The day of the pilgrimage honouring Sarah is May 24; her statue is carried down to the sea on this day to re-enact her arrival in France.

Some authors have drawn parallels between the ceremonies of the pilgrimage and the worship of the Hindu goddess Kali (a form of Durga), subsequently identifying the two. Ronald Lee states:

“If we compare the ceremonies with those performed in France at the shrine of Sainte Sara (called Sara e Kali in Romani), we become aware that the worship of Kali/Durga/Sara has been transferred to a Christian figure… in France, to a non-existent “sainte” called Sara, who is actually part of the Kali/Durga/Sara worship among certain groups in India.”

The name “Sara” itself is seen in the appellation of Durga as Kali in the famed text Durgasaptashati.

In The Rozabal Line, author Ashwin Sanghi puts forward that Sara-la-Kali refers to the three Hindu goddesses – Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Kali – the goddesses of Knowledge, Wealth and Power – symbolizing the trinity of female power.