Bel, the Horned God, the Green Man, Sun God of the Druids. He is the same Shiva Pashupati Lord of the Animals, Osiris the Green Dying and Resurrected Lord. He is also called Pan (Peter Pan), and Dionysus of the Greeks, and Murugan or Sanat Kumara of Sri Lanka and Ancient Mu or Lemuria. Also called Baal of the Canaanites and Israelites and Balaram of the Hindus. We get the festival of Beltane from Bel as well.
I recently learned that my family ancestry on my dad’s side “The Bell’s” goes way back to Scotland and the legendary enigmatic Druids themselves, who took the name Bell in devotion to their Deity Bel when having to adapt to (in threat of persecution and death) and create a syncretism with Christianity in what became the Celtic Coptic Church. 🦚🌿🍀🐉🐍
The ancient Egyptians considered their country to be the body of Osiris, the Green Man. The Nile River was his spine and his chakras were the sequential vortexes that lay along its length, from south to north. The sacred architects of Khem marked these power spots with temples and installed within them the neter (deity) associated with the corresponding chakra. Egyptian initiates would then travel to each of Osiris’s chakra temples and undergo an initiation to alchemically activate the same chakra within their own bodies.
The temple marking Osiris’ First and Earth Chakra- and the residence of the Green Man’s alchemical Kundalini – was built in the southern city of Aswan and its adjoining sacred Nile island of Elephanta. Here giant rocks took the form of immense elephants, the animals associated with earth element and the Earth Chakra. The neter of the temple was Khnum, the fiery ram god that embodied the Kundalini power that had created the cosmos and alchemically transforms a human initiate.
The temple marking Osiris’s 2nd and Water Chakra was built north of Aswan over the vortex of Kom-Ombo, and its neter was Sobek, the crocodile god. Legend has it that before a seeker could undergo a 2nd chakra initiation at Kom-Ombo he or she was required to survive a terrifying swim through a dark underground vault of water filled with live crocodiles.
The temple marking Osiris’ 3rd Chakra and Solar Plexus was at Edfu and dedicated to Horus, a neter of the Sun. The 4th Heart Chakra of Osiris was at Dendera and dedicated to Hathor, the Goddess of Love. The temple marking Osiris’ 5th Chakra of communication was at Memphis, the capital of ancient Khem that was in constant communication with the rest of the country. And Osiris’s 6th and 7th Chakras were united as the Giza Plateau and its Great Pyramid. This is where the final initiation was given to a Djedhi to complete the ascension of the Kundalini to the head and fully activate the Third Eye and Crown Chakras.
The path of Kundalini Yoga was initially brought to Egypt by the Thoth-Hermes Masters of Atlantis, where its patrons had been the Kaberoi Twins. On ancient Lemuria the Kaberoi had been known as the Kumara Twins, Sanat and Sananda, the founders of Gnostic-Alchemical Path and the vehicle of its dissemination to Atlantis, the Order of the Seven Rays. The Seven Ray Order later became known as the Great White Brotherhood.
On Atlantis the Kaberoi were the “Two Fires,” the dual parts of Neptune in his manifestation as the Fire Serpent or Kundalini, and they were represented as the Twin Snakes on the caduceus of Thoth-Hermes. In Egypt, they became the Twin Sons of Neptune in his manifestation as Fire God Ptah.
In Egypt, the Kaberoi Twins also took the form of Seth and Horus, and the dual serpentine pathways in the etheric body, the Ida and Pingala Nadis, became known as the Paths of Seth and Horus. During the alchemical process the two nadis and the polar opposite charges moving through them unite to become as the Dj, the Serpent Fire, to rise up the Djed column (the spine). The Kundalini, which is mentioned in Egyptian texts as Iart or Aart, meaning “to rise,” states Egyptologist Isa Shwaller de Lubiz, “alluded to, the rising of the snake of fire along the spinal column “
The alchemical tools used by the Egyptian Masters to prepare Djedhi candidates for initiation in the Great Pyramid included asanas (stretches), pranayama (breath control), fasting, meditation, study of the ancient scrolls, and attendance at the regularly staged dramatizations of the death and spiritual rebirth of the archetypal initiate, Osiris, at Sais, Philae, Busiris and Abydos. During this drama, after being murdered by his brother Seth, a personification of the destructive Kundalini, Osiris was represented on stage by his spine, the Djed Pillar, which was laid horizontally on its side. Osiris’s subsequent resurrection and immortality was then enacted by raising the Djed Pillar to its vertical position, thus representing the rise of the Dj (the Serpent) up the Djed (the spine) to the apex of the head of the archetypal initiate. This part of the drama is still intact and beautifully portrayed in relief on a wall of Osiris’s principal headquarters at Abydos. Close by is a depiction of Thoth handing the Twin Serpents to Osiris with one hand and an Ankh in another, symbolizing that through uniting the inner serpents to become the Kundalini, Osiris will achieve immortality.
From: The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom 🐍 by Mark Amaru Pinkham
Life Coach, Entrepreneur, Social Media Expert, Musician, Yoga Teacher, World Traveler