Tag Archives: Shower

Amma as Lakshmi Devi blessed me with Financial Freedom!

When I saw Amma in California last year, I asked her for a special money blessing. I was in-between a rock and a hard place and in need of a real break. At the end of the all-night Darshan, early in the morning, Amma appeared in the center of the stage with her hands full of flower petals. As people sang the final bhajans, she slowly let the flower petals fall from her hands, showering flowers, which struck me deeply. Amma does something special known as Devi Bhava which means she becomes absorbed in the mood of the Goddess. She was manifesting in this form as Lakshmi, the Goddess of Fortune. You can often see images of the Goddess Lakshmi in the similar form, in which she showers coins in blessings to the viewer/devotee. The coins represent fortune, abundance, and prosperity. Anyone who receives the blessings of Lakshmi will have some sort of abundance.

I knew that I was sealed with Amma’s blessings, who channeled those supreme blessings from the Supreme Goddess, Herself. From then on, my life started to change and opportunities began to open themselves to me, for me to make more money and do the type of work I enjoyed, the Home Business Industry is one of the most exciting and booming new ways to make a 6-7 figure income! I researched it before starting professionally and found it to be such a powerful yet often misunderstood way to create a thriving income and freedom based lifestyle from home or while traveling. You can make $1000 a day or more by simply writing blogs daily, just like this. You can write about anything you like! Just like this!! I can write about things I care about or that interest me, and make “good money” doing it. To me, this is a blessing to which I give abundant thanks to God for. Hallelujah! Jai Maa!

From Amma’s Official Website Amma.org :

Amma Means Mother in Many Languages

Mata Amritanandamayi is known throughout the world as Amma, or Mother, for her selfless love and compassion toward all beings. Her entire life has been dedicated to alleviating the pain of the poor, and those suffering physically and emotionally.

English: Mata Amritanandamayi.
English: Mata Amritanandamayi. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Goddess Lakshmi
Goddess Lakshmi (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I hope you got lots of VALUE from this post! If you have questions or comments, please share your comments below! Thanks for visiting my blog!

~Sakshi Zion

Ps. Get Access Now to my FREE Ebook! How I use Law of Attraction to Travel the World and Live my Dreams!