Generally, when you hear about Mary Magdalene’s daughter, people tend to call her, consistently, “Sara”. But, the truth is that her name is actually Tamar.
Back in the 1st century, (and before that) it was traditional for girls, when they reach 12-15 years of age, for them to be married-off. (this generally went around the time of their first period… first period, get your husband!) Mary Magdalene’s family was rich. They decided to send their daughter off, from their home in Magdalena (Obviously, Mary “self-choose” her “surname”.) to marry a rich man in Bethany. Now, Magdalena is a northern Israeli (yes, I said “is”. It still stands!) town, a huge one for fishing, because it is on the Jordon river — but Bethany, is right next to Jerusalem, which is (obviously for us geography geeks) very south Israel. Mary was sent off with one donkey, tons of money, and her spikenard perfume. Along the way, Mary was raped by a southern-African band of bandits, they stole her donkey, and all her money. And, this resulted in a pregnancy. She was at least more than half way, she made it just to Jericho, a town slightly more northern than Bethany, but by the time she made it she was too sick (and by that, I meant too pregnant) to make it to Bethany. Oh what am I doing, this post is about TAMAR. OK- just to rap things up, she then went into prostitution, then met Jesus, wa-laa!
Well, about a month before the crucifixion, Mary got pregnant with Jesus’ child. After the crucifixion, Mary, Tamar (who was now… I think 15-16 years old) Salome (a female apostle of Jesus), Mary of Bethany and Lazarus escaped Israel in a rowboat — with Peter Simon now the first Pope, and more than enough people wanting to slit her throat, she had to leave. Under disguise, Tamar changed her name to “Sara”, and pretended to be Mary’s slave, (Gosh that’s horrible) noting her “father” was of southern-African origins. During this time, Mary gave birth to a boy who she named Joseph. Tamar was bypassed in favor of Joseph, him being a boy, but there were those that believe Tamar was the real heiress and as such a secret society sprung up around her and her beliefs.
It is called The Tamar Secret Society. And it is the most secretive society on Earth. It started in Glastonbury, a small town in England, but it’s base can also be traced to France as well as England. It had strong connections with the Celtic church where many of its members came, later it developed strong connections with the Cathars in France. Tamar even has it’s own language, with has almost 5,000 spells connected to it. The Tamar holds virginity very important, to both men and women. The Tamar where well connected to the Knights Templar and the Prieuré de Sion. It is thought by some that when the Templar where being persecuted by the catholic church that the Templar passed on to Tamar the secrets of the Arc, which they had discovered some years earlier.
Reposted From : Magdalene: Beyond the Da Vinci Code

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