Tag Archives: ziglar videos

Zig Ziglar’s philosophy will change the way you look at Money

“Zig Ziglar’s philosophy will change the way you look at money. Consider every dollar you make as a certificate of appreciation from someone else. By bringing more value to others, you earn more certificates of appreciation. Change your thoughts… Change your world”

“If you can believe it, you can achieve it. You will get all that you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.”

“Your attitude not your aptitude, determines your altitude.”

“Money isn’t the most important thing in life, but it’s reasonable close to oxygen on the “gotta have it” scale.”

~Zig Ziglar (quotes)


Wake Up And Live!

Here is a little more about my story here.. from traveling the world living as a monk in ashrams in Hawaii and India, to my BIG Shift when I discovered the Law of Attraction, fumbling online trying to market my own music, my BIG Awakening, meeting my mentors who helped me reach new levels of success, to where now… People come to me for mentorship and guidance…




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