Jesus & Mary Magdalene were a Sacred Couple and had babies and this bloodline is the mythic Holy Grail that has been sought and protected for the last 2000 years, forced underground by the Pauline Church. They taught Gnostic realization of our true Divinity as the goal for all beings into the Christhood of Pure Divine Gnosis 🕉
Category Archives: Documentaries
Was Cleopatra VII white or black??
One of the most fascinating people in history is Cleopatra VII, her family & lovers… their story & bloodline is shrouded in mystery and is possibly the greatest cover-up in history.
One of the theories is that Jesus Christ is closely related to Cleopatra.. but why would they cover this up??
Another interesting fact is that the 1st King James Version of the Bible was commissioned by King James himself to be translated into English by a mysterious man named Sir Francis Bacon.. there is another theory that William Shakespeare is actually just the pin-name of Francis Bacon.
Notice the similarities between the original King James Bible and the works of Shakespeare… it is also known that Francis Bacon was a highly initiated Rosicrucian.. and many of his works (whether as Bacon or as pin-name Shakespeare) are full of Masonic symbolism and metaphors.. One of the most famous stories of Shakespeare is that of the love story of Julius Caesar & Cleopatra.. and Marc Anthony & their mysterious royal children….
This stuff keeps me up at night!!
There have been many authors & researchers that claim Cleopatra was Caucasian and thus all the white-washed images & movie depictions of her… but the recent finding of Cleopatra’s sister Princess Arsinoe’s skeleton suggests they had mixed ancestry with definitely an African bloodline… which should be obvious.. considering they married into the ancient African Egyptian Royal Pharaoh lineage.. see this video for proof..𓂀
Saint Sarah, Santa Sara La Kali, Sarah the Egyptian
Saint Sarah aka Santa Sara La Kali aka Sarah the Egyptian aka Sarasvati Lakshmi Kali, daughter of Jesus & Mary Magdalene, known by Catholics as Egyptian servant to the Three Mary’s as they fled from Roman persecution in Jerusalem to France to a place now known as Saintes Maries de la Mer in Camarque, France.
To the Romani Gypsies, she is Santa Sara la Kali, the Patron Saint of the Gypsies. To Gnostics, Essenes & Nazoreans she was actually the daughter of Jesus & Mary Magdalene, disguised as a servant to hide her true identity. It is said that, every year since their arrival the people have been celebrating the day of their arrival to France at the coast with a large pilgrimage festival. The day of the pilgrimage honouring Sarah is May 24; her statue is carried down to the sea on this day to re-enact her arrival in France.
Some authors have drawn parallels between the ceremonies of the pilgrimage and the worship of the Hindu goddess Kali (a form of Durga), subsequently identifying the two. Ronald Lee states:
“If we compare the ceremonies with those performed in France at the shrine of Sainte Sara (called Sara e Kali in Romani), we become aware that the worship of Kali/Durga/Sara has been transferred to a Christian figure… in France, to a non-existent “sainte” called Sara, who is actually part of the Kali/Durga/Sara worship among certain groups in India.”
The name “Sara” itself is seen in the appellation of Durga as Kali in the famed text Durgasaptashati.
In The Rozabal Line, author Ashwin Sanghi puts forward that Sara-la-Kali refers to the three Hindu goddesses – Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Kali – the goddesses of Knowledge, Wealth and Power – symbolizing the trinity of female power.
The African Presence in India, Sambo/Shambo The Black God & Africans In Asia
By Runoko Rashidi
We are already aware… based on recent scientific studies of DNA, that modern humanity originated in Africa, that African people are the world’s aboriginal people and that all modern humans can ultimately trace their ancestral roots back to Africa. If not for the primordial migrations of early African people, humanity would have remained physically Africoid, and the rest of the world outside of the African continent absent of human life. This is our starting point.
Since the first modern humans (Homo sapiens sapiens) were of African birth, the African presence globally can be demonstrated through the history of the Black populations that have inhabited the world within the span of recent humanity. Not only are African people the aboriginal people of the planet, however, there is abundant evidence to show that Black people created and sustained many of the world’s earliest and most enduring civilizations. Such was the case in India.
The questions we pose here are simply these: Who are the African people of India? What is their significance in the annals of history? Precisely what have they done and what are they doing now? These are extremely serious questions that warrant serious and fundamental answers.
Exceptionally valuable writings reflecting close relationships between Africa and early India have existed for more than two thousand years. In the first century B.C.E., for example, the famous Greek historian Diodorus Siculus penned that,
“From Ethiopia he (Osiris) passed through Arabia, bordering upon the Red Sea as far as India…. He built many cities in India, one of which he called Nysa, willing to have remembrance of that (Nysa) in Egypt, where he was brought up.”
In Greater India, more than a thousand years before the foundations of Greece and Rome, proud and industrious Black men and women known as Dravidians erected a powerful civilization. We are referring here to the Indus Valley civilization- -India’s earliest high-culture, with major cities spread out along the course of the Indus River. The Indus Valley civilization was at its height from about 2200 B.C.E. to 1700 B.C.E. This phase of its history is called the Harappan, the name being derived from Harappa, one of the earliest known Indus Valley cities.
In 1922, about 350 miles northeast of Harappa, another large Indus city, Mohenjo-daro (the Mound of the Dead) was identified. Mohenjo-daro and Harappa were apparently the chief administrative centers of the Indus Valley complex, and since their identification, several additional cities, including Chanhu-daro, Kalibangan, Quetta and Lothal have been excavated.
The Indus cities possessed multiple level houses enhanced by sophisticated wells, drainage systems and bathrooms with flushing toilets. A recognized scholar on the Indus Valley civilization, Dr. Walter Fairservis, states that the “Harappans cultivated cotton and perhaps rice, domesticated the chicken and may have invented the game of chess and one of the two great early sources of nonmuscle power: the windmill.”
The decline and fall of the Indus Valley civilization has been linked to several factors, the most important of which were the increasingly frequent incursions of the White people known in history as Aryans–violent Indo-European tribes initially from central Eurasia and later Iran. Indeed, the name Iran means the “land of the Aryan.”
The White tribes that invaded India and disrupted Black civilization there are known as Aryans. The Aryans were not necessarily superior warriors to the Blacks but they were aggressive, developed sophisticated military technologies and glorified military virtues. After hundreds of years of intense martial conflict the Aryans succeeded in subjugating most of northern India. Throughout the vanquished territories a rigid, caste-segmented social order was established with the masses of conquered Blacks (called Shudras) essentially reduced to slaves to the Whites and imposed upon for service in any capacity required by their White conquerors. This vicious new world order was cold-bloodily racist, with the Whites on top, the mixed races in the middle, and the overwhelming majority of Black people on the very bottom. In fact, the Aryan term varna, denoting one’s societal status and used interchangeably with caste, literally means color or complexion and reflects a prevalent racial hierarchy. Truly, India is still a racist country. White supremacist David Duke claimed “that his 1970′s visit to India was a turning point in his views on the superiority of the White race.”
Caste law in India, based originally on race, regulated all aspects of life, including marriage, diet, education, place of residence and occupation. This is not to deny that there were certain elements of the Black aristocracy that managed to gain prominence in the dominant White social structure. The masses of conquered Black people, however, were regarded by the Whites as Untruth itself. The Whites claimed to have emerged from the mouth of God; the Blacks, on the other hand, were said to have emerged from the feet of God. This was the ugly reality for the Black masses in conquered India. It was written that:
“A Sudra [Black] who intentionally reviles twice-born men [Whites] by criminal abuse, or criminally assaults them with blows, shall be deprived of the limb with which he offends. If he has criminal intercourse with an Aryan woman, his organ shall be cut off, and all his property confiscated. If the woman has a protector, the Sudra shall be executed. If he listens intentionally to a recitation of the Veda [a traditional Hindu religious text], his tongue shall be cut out. If he commits them to memory his body shall be split in half.”
Servitude to Whites became the basis of the lives of the Black people of India for generation after generation after generation. With the passage of time, this brutally harsh, color-oriented, racially-based caste system became the foundation of the religion that is now practiced throughout all India. This is the religion known as Hinduism.
Buddhism appeared in India during the sixth century B.C.E. and came in the form of a protest against Hinduism. Buddhism opposed the arrogance of caste, and preached tolerance. It should not be surprising, then, that it developed a large and rapid following in the regions of India where the Blacks had survived in substantial numbers. On the emergence of Buddhism in India, Diop has suggested that:
“It would seem that Buddha was an Egyptian priest, chased from Memphis by the persecution of Cambyses. This tradition would justify the portrayal of Buddha with woolly hair. Historical documents do not invalidate this tradition…There is general agreement today on placing in the sixth century not only Buddha but the whole religious and philosophical movement in Asia with Confucius in China, Zoroaster in Iran. This would confirm the hypothesis of a dispersion of Egyptian priests at that time spreading their doctrine in Asia.”
Dr. Vulindlela Wobogo, another African-centric scholar, has observed that:
“Manifestations of the Buddha in Asia are Black with woolly hair. They all appear to be Egypto-Nubian priests who fled Egypt…The priests carried their spiritual knowledge but lost much of the scientific knowledge for obvious reasons. The well-known aspects of Buddhism and its companion, yoga, are all simply Egypto-Nubian priesthood practices, meditation, and…the belief that one could attain a god-like state if the soul was liberated from the body through knowledge and denial.”
In a monumental two volume work entitled A Book of the Beginnings, originally published in 1881, Gerald Massey recorded that:
“It is not necessary to show that the first colonisers of India were Black, but it is certain that the Black Buddha of India was imaged in the Africoid type. In the Black [African] god, whether called Buddha or Sut-Nahsi, we have a datum. they carry in their color the proof of their origin. The people who first fashioned and worshipped the divine image in the Africoid mold of humanity must, according to all knowledge of human nature, have been Africans themselves. For the Blackness is not merely mystical, the features and the hair of Buddha belong to the Black race.”
In the first volume of his massive text Anacalypsis, Godfrey Higgins wrote that:
“The religion of Buddha, of India, is well known to have been very ancient. In the most ancient temples scattered through Asia, where his worship is yet continued, he is found black as jet, with the flat face, thick lips and curly hair of the African.”
Possibly the most substantial percentage of Asia’s Blacks can be identified among India’s 160 million “Untouchables” or “Dalits.” Frequently they are called “Outcasts.” Indian nationalist leader and devout Hindu Mohandas K. Gandhi called them “Harijans,” meaning “children of god.” The official name given them in India’s constitution (1951) is “Scheduled Castes.” “Dalit,” meaning “crushed and broken,” is a name that has come into prominence only within the last four decades. “Dalit” reflects a radically different response to oppression.
The Dalit are demonstrating a rapidly expanding awareness of their African ancestry and their relationship to the struggle of Black people throughout the world. They seem particularly enamored of African-Americans. African-Americans, in general, seem almost idolized by the Dalit, and the Black Panther Party, in particular, is virtually revered. In April 1972, for example, the Dalit Panther Party was formed in Bombay, India. This organization takes its pride and inspiration directly from the Black Panther Party of the United States. This is a highly important development due to the fact that the Untouchables have historically been so systematically terrorized that many of them, even today, live in a perpetual state of extreme fear of their upper caste oppressors. This is especially evident in the villages. The formation of the Dalit Panthers and the corresponding philosophy that accompanies it signals a fundamental change in the annals of resistance, and Dalit Panther organizations have subsequently spread to other parts of India. In August 1972, the Dalit Panthers announced that the 25th anniversary of Indian independence would be celebrated as a day of mourning. In 1981, in Bangalore, India Dravidian journalist V.T. Rajshekar published the first issue of Dalit Voice–the major English journal of the Black Untouchables. In a 1987 publication entitled the African Presence in Early Asia, Rajshekar stated that:
“The African-Americans also must know that their liberation struggle cannot be complete as long as their own blood-brothers and sisters living in far off Asia are suffering. It is true that African-Americans are also suffering, but our people here today are where African-Americans were two hundred years ago.
African-American leaders can give our struggle tremendous support by bringing forth knowledge of the existence of such a huge chunk of Asian Blacks to the notice of both the American Black masses and the Black masses who dwell within the African continent itself.”
India also received its share of African bondsmen, of whom the most famous was the celebrated Malik Ambar (1550-1626). Ambar, like a number of Africans in medieval India, elevated himself to a position of great authority. Malik Ambar, whose original name was Shambu, was born around 1550 in Harar, Ethiopia. After his arrival in India Ambar was able to raise a formidable army and achieve great power in the west Indian realm of Ahmadnagar. Ambar was a brilliant diplomat and administrator. He encouraged manufactures and built canals and mosques. He gave pensions to poets and scholars, established a postal service, and ultimately became one of the most famous men in India.
In a collective form, however, and in respect to long term influence, the African sailors known as Siddis stand out. Certainly, Siddi kingdoms were established in western India in Janjira and Jaffrabad as early as 1100 AD. After their conversion to Islam, the African freedmen of India, originally called Habshi from the Arabic, called themselves Sayyad (descendants of Muhammad) and were consequently called Siddis. Indeed, the island Janjira was formerly called Habshan, meaning Habshan’s or African’s land. Siddi signifies lord or prince. It is further said that Siddi is an expression of respectful address commonly used in North Africa, like Sahib in India. Specifically, it is said to be an honorific title given to the descendants of African natives in the west of India, some of whom were distinguished military officers and administrators of the Muslim princes of the Deccan.
In the second decade of the sixteenth century a European traveler named Armando Cortesao noted that:
“The people who govern the kingdom [Bengal] are Abyssinians [Ethiopians]. These men are looked upon as knights; they are greatly esteemed; they wait on the kings in their apartments. The chief among them are eunuchs and these come to be kings and great lords in the kingdom. Those who are not eunuchs are the fighting men. After the king, it is to this people that the kingdom is obedient from fear.”
The Siddis were a tightly knit group, highly aggressive, and even ferocious in battle. They were employed largely as security forces for Muslim fleets in the Indian Ocean, a position they maintained for centuries. The Siddi commanders were titled Admirals of the Mughal Empire, and received an annual salary of 300,000 rupees. According to Ibn Battuta (1304-1377), the noted Muslim writer who journeyed through both Africa and Asia, the Siddis “are the guarantors of safety on the Indian Ocean; let there be but one of them on a ship and it will be avoided by the Indian pirates and idolaters.”
10 Documentary Movies You Should See
I’ve watched some pretty intense documentaries lately, trying to learn more about history and WTF is going on right now.. 🧐🤔😨
Witches A Century of Murder (Netflix)
This one explains how fucked up it was the way the church brutally tortured and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent women and men for supposed witchcraft for unbelievable accusations.
JFK The Making of a President (Netflix)
Early life and rise to politics by JFK not much about his assassination, but interesting facts about his staged marriage and his heroic feat in the South Pacific where he rescued several men.
Hitler’s Circle of Evil (Netflix)
The depravity and evil in this one is intense but it profiles all of Hitler’s inner circle and explains how the Third Reich operated and became what it did and also how they all hated and betrayed each other in their pitiful attempts at ass-kissing to Hitler and their own play for power and control.
Jeffrey Epstein Filthy Rich (Netflix)
Disgusting story of Epstein and his web of sex trafficking for himself but hints at an international sex-ring with complicit implications towards people like Bill Clinton and Prince Edward and many other high profile people that associated with Epstein and hints at what is known as #Pizzagate
Alt-Right Age of Rage (Netflix)
Documentary showing the opposing sides and stories of a Black man who is one of the only publicly known and open Antifa Activists verses a White Supremacist man that leads White Supremacist rallies, and their interactions at various rallies and protests. Movie also details events around the Charlottesville car crash incident.
Kevin Hart’s Guide to Black History (Netflix)
Excellent and refreshing look into Black History from a Black man’s perspective. Kevin Hart ofcourse adds his thought-provoking humor and wit to tell stories and drive home the points he is making.
Genius of the Ancient World (Netflix)
All about the lives and philosophies of 3 of the greatest minds ever to grace our planet.. Buddha, Socrates & Confucius, they lived only 100 years or so apart from each other and how their philosophy and influence have shaped our world today.
Grey State (Netflix)
About a Iraq Vet who was filming a movie about the Deep State and New World Order and mysteriously he, his wife and child are murdered. The documentary seems to suggest a bizarre suicide.. but conspiracy theorists believe they were murdered by someone else, possibly the US Government.
In Search of the Great Beast 666 (Tubi)
Bizarre twisted history of Alestor Crowley, documents many disturbing but fascinating stories of his life and magick rituals and beliefs. Many of these Satanic secret societies that run the world today are descendants or inspired by the perverse Crowley teachings.
DaVinci’s Dark Secret (Tubi)
This one is about the secret lineage of Merovingian Kings and Serpent Bloodlines.
Down the 🕳🐇
Was Jesus Christ born as Caesarion? (Son of Julius Caesar & Cleopatra)
Recently, I came across a theory that has been blowing my mind and keeping me up at night. The implications of this theory, if true, could mean so much to the history of our planet and how we think about the historic person, Jesus Christ.
The theory is that Jesus could be the historic Egyptian Pharaoh Caesarion, the only son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra.
I’m trying to figure out all the possible reasons.. if true, that this story would be covered up… as such a important historic couple having a son (heir to the throne of Caesar & Cleopatra) would most definitely be a threat the leaders of Rome & Judea of the time.
Here’s what I got so far :
When Will The Heaven Begin? The Ben Breedlove Story
A few years ago, I came across a very inspiring story about a young man named Ben Breedlove who made a video shortly before he died of heart failure which went viral on YouTube and social media. In the video, Ben told his story about his lifetime struggle with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and also some very mystical and spiritual visions of heaven and angels in his near-death experiences. One interesting point in his experience was the rapper Kid Cudi appeared as a sort of guardian angel for Ben. The message he conveyed in his video stirred something deep in millions of people around the world, including myself.
About 2 weeks ago, a person I used to work with named Josh, came up to me with a gift in his hands. He said, “Hey Sakshi, I have something for you!” he then pulled from behind his back, a book, “When Will The Heaven Begin? The Ben Breedlove Story”. I immediately recognized Ben’s smile and excitedly accepted his gift exclaiming, “Oh Cool! I know this story! It’s Amazing!” Josh told me he recently read the book himself and Ben’s story really impacted him deeply and has since distributed over 25 copies of the book to friends and family. I was extremely touched by this gesture and his thinking of me and I thanked Josh many times.
I then proceeded to read the book in 1 week. It was difficult to put down.. just one of those books. Ben’s story captured me similar to how Lisa “Left Eye” Lopez’s story did, when I first heard it. I cried, laughed and felt the spiritual presence of Ben, as an angel himself. As I read his story, I sat amazed by his strength, compassion and kind heart despite all that he went through. Inspired by Ben, I have been contemplating a lot of important questions in my life too. I can’t suggest this book highly enough, as well as his famous videos, which I share below.
From the final pages of the book:
His life story had been filled with struggle, but even in midst of his suffering, Ben was comforted by the peace of God. Even in the face of death, he was comforted by the hope of heaven. By sharing his short life with the world, Ben completed his purpose.
The last thing Ben left us all with is a question. “Do you believe in Angels or God?”
“I Do.” -Ben Breedlove
Get the book here: “When Will The Heaven Begin?”
I hope you got lots of VALUE from this post! If you have questions or comments, please share your thoughts below! Thanks for visiting my blog!
~Sakshi Zion
Ps. Get Access Now to my FREE Ebook! How I use Law of Attraction to Travel the World and Live my Dreams!
Adventures to see Amma at MA Center & Indiana Dunes State Park
New Vlog! Check our adventures to see Amma the Hugging Saint at MA Center in Elburn, Illinois right outside Chicago. This year marks her 30 Year Anniversary of her US Tour starting in 1987. We had an amazing adventure camping at the Dunes, eating delicious vegan and vegetarian food at Third Coast Cafe in Chesterton, Indiana and Roots Cafe in Valparaiso, Indiana, swimming and dune riding/running and hiking at the Indiana Dunes State Park. We then spent some amazing time with Amma at MA Center and received our Amma Hugs and enjoyed the atmosphere of her ashram, Vegetarian food and all night Kirtans and Bhajans while Amma hugged thousands into the early morning nonstop!
We then had a bit of a challenge getting home but all is well and we had an amazing time!! Watch the video to see for yourself! I highly suggest both meeting Amma and visiting the Dunes!
I hope you got lots of VALUE from this post! If you have questions or comments, please share your comments below! Thanks for visiting my blog!
~Sakshi Zion
Ps. Get Access Now to my FREE Ebook! How I use Law of Attraction to Travel the World and Live my Dreams.
Narasimha Caturdasi
Lord Narasimha was the fourth Avatar of Lord Mahavishnu, which was taken to kill the demon Hiranyakashipu. The story of Narasimha avatar is connected with the story of Hiranyakashipu and Prahlad. In Vishnu’s Varaha avatar the lord killed Hiranyakashipu’s brother Hiranyaksha. By this action Hiranyakashipu got angry towards Vishnu and decided to kill Mahavishnu. For this he took deep penance to appease Lord Brahma and attain magical powers to defeat Lord Vishnu.
The Tapas continued for several years and Brahma Dev got satisfied with his great devotion and asked him what boon he need. Hiranyakashipu asked for eternity, but Brahmadev gave him the boon that he can choose his death according to his wish. Thus Hiranyakashipu wants his death to be in the following ways that, he will not be killed by any man or animal, not in air, water or sea, not in the home or outside, not at the day or at night, and not by any asthra or sasthra.
By attaining the boon Hiranyakashipu considered himself as immortal. With his powers he began to ruin the life of people in three worlds. He asked all devotees of Vishnu to worship him instead of the Lord. Those who haven’t obeyed to worship Hiranyakashipu was killed without any mercy. He captured whole world and made every one under his control. He imprisoned Devans and Rishis.
Everyone was terrified with his mystic powers and went to Lord Vishnu for help. Vishnu gave them the relief that Hiranyakashipu’s son Prahlad will become the cause of his death. So every Gods and Goddesses patiently waited to see how Prahlad will become the cause of the death of Hiranyakashipu. As years passed by Kayadhu, the wife of Hiranyakashipu, gave birth to Prahlad in the Ashrama of Narada Muni. Sage Narada used to tell stories of Lord Narayana to child Prahlada. Hearing the glorious tales he became the devotee of Lord Narayana. Hiranyakashipu who wanted everyone to worship him was greatly disappointed by hearing his own son chanting the names of Maha Vishnu. To change the mind of Prahlad the King sent his son to the Ashramam of Shukracharya’s sons Shaku and Amarka.
However they were also unsuccessful in breaking the solid devotion of Prahlad. Picture of Prahlad and sage Narada All the efforts of Hiranyakashipu in changing the mind of Prahlad were in vain. At last he got angry with his son and decided to kill him. But each time Hiranyakashipu tries to kill Prahlad Lord Vishnu’s magical hands were there to protect him. The King’s soldiers tried to kill Prahlad by poisoning him, drowning him in water, and throwing him down from mountain. But Lord Vishnu saved him from all these attempts. The King then created a bonfire and asked his sister Holika to sit with Prahlad on her lap inside it. As Holika was immune to fire he thought that his son will be killed. But Prahlada escaped from fire without any harm.
The angry Hiranyakashipu challenged Prahlad asked where his Narayana can be found. Prahlad replied “My Vishnu is omnipresent and there is not a single place Narayana is not found”. The King was furious and got up from his throne and asked Prahlad “Can you show me your Vishnu in this pillar as well?” Prahlad said “Yes, He is!” The King hit the pillar strongly with his mace. With a thundering sound the pillar cracked and Lord Vishnu appeared in the form of Lord Narasimha – the half man half lion form. The furious Narasimha grabbed Hiranyakasipu, pulled him to his lap and tore open his body with his claws to kill the asura. Lord Narasimha took this way to kill Hiranyakashipu so that Lord Brahma’s boon could not be offended. As Hiranyakashipu’s death wish and Brahma’s boon, Lord Narasimha was neither a man nor an animal, the time was twilight neither day nor night, he sat on the threshold of the room keeping the body of the Rakshas Hiranyakashipu on thighs, used his nails to kill the demon instead of astra or sasthra. After killing the demon Hiranyakashipu Lord Narasimha was furious and was pacified when his devotee Prahlad touched his feet. Prahlad was crowed as the next King by Lord Narasimha.
The Nine Forms of Narasimha
1. Sri Ugra Narasimha: – Also known as Prahalada Narasimha or Ahobila Narasimha. The lord self-manifested from a pillar to protect his devotee Prahalada from his arrogant father – the demon king Hiranyakasipu. Praying to Ugra Narasimha helps his devotees win over competitors in professional life, especially in business. He gives courage to overcome all kinds of fear.
2. Sri Yoga Narasimha –Yoga Narasimha is referred to the form of the lord who taught Yoga to Prahalada to attain eternal bliss. Worshipping Yoga Narasimha brings peace, mutual harmony and eternal bliss. He rescues his devotees from difficulties.
3. Sri Jwala Narasimha – When Narasimha’s anger reached its peak he became Jwala Narasimha and this is when he tore Hiranyakasipu. Praying to Jwala Narasihma brings good health and success in endeavors, hurdles in marriage disappear.
4. Sri Bhargava Narasimha –Bhargava Narasimha blesses you with leadership qualities, authoritative position in politics and administration.
5. Sri Krodha Narasimha -Also known as Varaha Narasimha as the lord has the face of a boar. His blessings remove obstacles and assure success, especially in real estate business. He help devotees win land disputes.
6. Sri Pavana Narasimha –Narasimha in this form is very peaceful. As per the Sages, Pavana Narasimha can liberate his devotees from sins committed in their present and past lives. He fills their lives with love and compassion.
7. Sri Malola Narasimha – Also known as Lakshmi Narasimha. The lord is full of mercy, love and compassion. Goddess Lakshmi, the consort of Narasimha is in a very happy and peaceful state with her beloved Lord. Worshipping Lakshmi Narasimha brings Brahmananda (unlimited joy) to this world and the higher world. Prayers are offered for peace and harmony and also for clearance of all kinds of debts. Goddess Lakshmi blesses you with Ashtaishwaryam (8 kinds of wealth).
8. Sri Chatravata Narasimha – It is believed that Ketu worshipped the Lord here and gained all comforts. Blessings of Chatravata Narasimha help those in the profession of music and arts to gain proficiency and excellence. The lord also ensures good agricultural produce and stability of economy.
9. Sri Karanja Narasimha – When you worship Karanja Narasimha with three austerities (thought, word and action) you get enlightened and all your desires are fulfilled. The lord protects you from your enemies.
According to Narasimha Purana, the 9 planets worshipped the 9 forms of Narasimha to liberate themselves from the curses of sages and attained their status and powers as planets. Therefore, worshipping Nava Narasimha mitigates malefic effect of the 9 planets.
● Sri Ugra Narasimha protects you from the unfavorable energies of Jupiter
● Sri Yoga Narasimha protects you from the unfavorable energies of Saturn
● Sri Jwala Narasimha protects you from the unfavorable energies of Mars
● Sri Bhargava Narasimha protects you from the unfavorable energies of the Sun
● Sri Krodha Narasimha protects you from the unfavorable energies of Rahu
● Sri Pavana Narasimha protects you from the unfavorable energies of Mercury
● Sri Malola Narasimha protects you from the unfavorable energies of Venus
● Sri Chatravata Narasimha protects you from the unfavorable energies of Ketu
● Sri Karanja Narasimha protects you from the unfavorable energies of the Moon
Here is one of my favorite documentaries about Lord Narasimha and His Holy Place Ahovalam Dham in India.
Thanks for visiting my blog! I hope you got lots of VALUE from this post! Questions or Comments always welcome!! Thank you!
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Sacred Water & Red Power: RISE Standing Rock VICELAND Movie Part 1 & 2
VICELAND recently released a documentary about Standing Rock and the North Dakota Access Pipeline. The people of the Standing Rock Indian Reservation of North and South Dakota are fighting to stop the pipeline from being built on their ancestral homeland. We need all people to be informed and aware of what is going on. Water is life, this effects us all!
Over 5,000 Red Power warriors have descended on Standing Rock camp to stand in solidarity and protect tribal burial sites from the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Donate directly to Standing Rock here!
Let’s stand together in solidarity. If you have questions or comments, please share your comments below! Thanks for visiting my blog!
~Sakshi Zion
Ps. Get Access Now to my FREE Ebook! How I use Law of Attraction to Travel the World and Live my Dreams!