Creating Financial Security Through Affirmations, Beliefs & Actions

Your beliefs create the world you live in and experience. If you wish to make any lasting change to a habit, pattern, repeating experience and so on, you do it at the fundamental level, at the level of belief. Affirmations are a great way, one way, to change beliefs.

“Your beliefs form your reality, your body and its condition, your personal relationships, your environment, and en masse your civilization and your world.”

In the creation of wealth, you require to ensure that you are clear and positive (allowing, not resisting and negating) in four key areas of wealth:

1. Earning (receiving)

2. Spending (giving)

3. Saving

4. Investing

These are the four corners of wealth. The first two function like breathing, like your body’s circulation system, or even like the weather pattern. In other words, money, just like breath and the rest of life, moves in cycles. In and out. Giving/receiving or earning/spending are two sides of the same coin. They both need to be healthy. Without circulation, the system dies.

The remaining two are what allows for growth in wealth. Saving represents many things. For one, it represents the fact that you value your future enough to save for it; you feel you have a future worth saving for. It also represents paying yourself first, valuing yourself. Instead of spending all the money you earn and leaving nothing for yourself, you spend some and keep some for yourself. By the way, you are not saving to buy consumables like a TV or a trip in future. No. You are saving to use that money to invest in yourself, and to have it make money for you. And this is where the final corner, investing, comes in. You invest so that the money you earned, at least part of it, is not forever lost in a spending spree. Instead, it remains with you and works on its own, without your further effort, to make more money for you. In other words, you work for the money (earn) and then stop, after which you allow the money to work for you and give you much more than you produced in the first place. That is the point of investing – having the money work for you and produce more of it than was originally, without you having to spend more effort. Investing is similar to nature’s principle of creating more of itself effortlessly. Without this last step, it is very hard to become wealthy

Remember: Invest wisely

Here are sample affirmations gathered for you from various sources (affirmations partly gathered from You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay and Rebirthing in the New Age by Leonard Orr and Sondra Ray). As you do the affirmations, notice how you feel about them. Then follow these feelings freely without resisting or manipulating them and see where they lead you (they will always lead you to the beliefs behind them).

Earning (receiving)

1. My income is constantly increasing

2. I enjoy earning.

3. I deserve to be wealthy.

4. My job/business is one of the pipelines through which I tap the infinite wealth of the universe for my own desires.

5. My personal connection to Infinite Being and Infinite Intelligence is enough to yield a huge personal fortune.

6. People enjoy paying me for what I enjoy doing the most.

7. Life always holds out as much goodness as I am willing to accept.

8. I am enjoying creating value for the people that give me money.

9. I have the right to give myself permission to become wealthy or do anything that I want.

10. Each year, my money increases faster than I spend it.

11. It takes less effort to be wealthy than it does to keep out the universal supply.

12. Life rewards me with abundance.

13. I deserve to be wealthy, rich, prosperous and affluent.

14. I enjoy expressing my abundance.

15. I don’t have to work to get money.

Spending (giving)

1. I spend money wisely.

2. I always have more money than I need.

3. I bless all my bills with love.

4. I pay all my bills on time easily.

5. I enjoy spending.

6. My income now exceeds my expenses.

7. Every dollar I spend comes back multiplied.

8. The more willing I am to enrich others, the more willing others are to enrich me.

9. I now have a positive personal cash flow.


1. I am worthy of having money in the bank.

2. I am financially independent and solvent.

3. I enjoy saving.

4. A part of all that I earn is mine to keep.


1. I enjoy investing.

2. I find investing to be relaxing, easy and safe.

3. My income increases every day whether I am working, sleeping or playing.

4. All my investments are profitable.

5. I don’t have to work to get money.

6. Part of all my profits goes into permanent wealth creation, capital and reserves.

You have many beliefs about money. Many of those beliefs are transparent to you (you do not consciously know you have them) and so they work behind the scenes producing results that seem to come from some external source (thus the idea of being a helpless victim of circumstances or chance). But you can bring them out of transparency and even change them. You can also discover your beliefs by asking yourself questions like:

– What did I learn about money as a child?

– What is my biggest fear about money?

– How did my family handle money?

– How do I handle money?

– Do I feel worthy of having and enjoying money?

– What do I criticize and praise myself for regarding money?

By Jahn Hooks aka Illuminati Congo

Thanks for visiting my blog! I hope you got lots of VALUE from this post! Questions or Comments always welcome!! Thank you!

~Sakshi Zion

Ps. Get Access Now to my FREE Ebook! How I use the Law of Attraction to travel the world and live my dreams!!

Many Faces Many Names (Official Music Video)

Backstory: We wrote and released this song over 11 years ago.. it became and continues to be one of our fans and friends favorites. Recently, B-Still and I were together in Bloomington, Indiana where we met and originally wrote and recorded the song.. and decided to shoot a video for our underground classic. We selected several spiritual destinations in “Btown” and Gabriel Lantz shot the footage. Yamily Creative Company edited the video and Chip Reardin, the original producer of the song, Re-Mastered the track as well. Enjoy! Namaste!

I am the One with Many Faces & Many Many Names,

God & Goddess in the hearts that flame,

The rain, the sun, the stars and the moon,

The earth and universe, the song and the tune.

(Verse 1 – Sakshi Zion)

I Am That I Am, the light, shining bright tonight

Like the fire of Yahweh before Moses at Sinai

The burning bush, Ganja, Holy Marijuana

There’s a natural mystic blowing thru the air, Oh Jah

Heartbeats of freedom, Buddha, Bodhisattva Zen,

I’mma climbin Jacob’s ladder to the highest heaven,

to the palace within, I sip the chalice again,

on my flyin carpet Iyah soar Himalayan Mountains


(Verse 2 – B-Still)

They call me Buddha when they know that money isn’t true worth,

they call me the Great Spirit when they can feel me from the earth,

they call me Apollo when they follow me to the west,

call me Jesus in the Middle East, that’s where you know me best,

call me the effect of drugs, when they only feel me shroomin,

call me their soulmate when they see me in a human,

call me the Self of all things when you see things clearly..

It don’t matter what you call me, as long as you can hear me.

(Verse 3 – Sakshi Zion)

I am the one in Kailash, where I smoke ganja

With my coiled dreadlocks dat dem call Jata

They call me Shiva, in Meditation,

I have been that I Am from Creation,

to the zenith of the One, all my relations,

Aho Mitakyasin to all the nations

They call me Krishna Kokopeli with the magic flute

The Kabbalic Tree of Life, with everlasting fruits

They call me Bacchus, Dionysus, got the wine of bliss,

intoxicated circle dance with the flower goddesses,

they call me Isis, Mother Mary, the Magdalene,

the Queen, Triple Goddess, Gaia Earth so Green,

they call me Allah, the Great and Powerful Source,

Kundalini Shakti coiling serpent force,

they call me Rastafari, the King of Kings

Bhakti Yoga is the path, see me dance and sing ahhh

(Chorus & instrumental solo)

(Verse 4 – B-Still)

If I came as a blind man, would you hold my hand?

If I came as animal, would you protect my land?

If I came as the tree, would you cut me down?

And if I came as the rain, would you thank me now?

I come in Rainbows, not jus one single color

So when I come in another race, will you still see me as your brother?

If I said it was you, would you stop searching for me?

I’m what you close your eyes and feel, not what you think you see

They call me 99 names cause you can only describe me,

said I had 1000 yes, Infinity you’ll find me,

call me Keeli-Ana-Kulu-Kulu if you a Zulu

Under the Bodhi tree, like the Buddha I school you

(Verse 5 – Sakshi Zion)

I Am the Omkar, The Primordial Sound

Look Around, I Surround, You’re on Holy Ground

They call me Shanti, Shalom, Pax & Peace

Zion Temple of Love, I Am the High Priest

Emmanuel, Melchizedek, Avilokateshwar

Medicine Buddha and the Green Tara

I Am the whisper of the wind and the ocean’s wave

Jah Redemption call, knowledge of Self that saves

Yeshua Kristos, Haile Selassie I

I Am the Way, the Truth, the Life.

4 Keys to Slow the Aging Process (Youthing)

1. Reduce the amount of free radicals in your diet.  – This means you eliminate fast foods, fried processed foods, and focus on whole nutrient dense stuff full of life force. The more raw, steamed, or baked foods the better. If you don’t want to look like a potato chip at 85; don’t eat them.

2. Start the practice of intermittent fasting. Not only has eating within a restrained window of time been proven by research to extend your lifespan, it also activates autophagy. Autophagy is basically a really gangsta clean up and repair of dead cells. While your body fasts, you regenerate your cells and remain fabulous.

3. Stimulate the vagus nerve. So the vagus nerve is a part of our nervous system and is responsible for communication between the gut and brain. When our parasympathetic nervous system is turned on, our body is in digest and rest mode. Most people have their sympathetic nervous system turned on which is fight or flight mode. When the body is in fight or flight, it cannot heal! Simple way to stimulate the vagus nerve: take a hot to cold shower.  If you can handle it an extremely cold 60-90 second burst during your morning shower will not only energize you, but put your body into healing mode.

4. Reduce your refined sugar intake. When the body takes in sugar, it triggers a process called glycation – sugars latch onto protein molecules and because of this they get stiff and malformed. Some of the main proteins affected by this are collagen and elastin, which are KEY in keeping our skin youthful and supple. 

Thanks for visiting my blog! I hope you got lots of VALUE from this post! Questions or Comments always welcome!! Thank you!

~Sakshi Zion

Ps. Get Access Now to my FREE Ebook! How I use the Law of Attraction to travel the world and live my dreams!!

Beyoncé urges 123 Million Fans to go Vegan for a chance to Win FREE Concert Tickets for Life!

Music icon Beyoncé shared on her Instagram today a awesome promotion of veganism with a special offer to her 123 million followers. “What is your Greenprint?” Beyoncé posted. “Click the link in my bio for a chance to win tickets to any Jay-Z and/or my shows for life.” Following the link, followers are taken to Beyoncé’s new project, The Greenprint Project, that she created with husband Jay-Z and nutritionist Marco Borges, who she previously collaborated with on vegan meal company 22 Day Nutrition in 2015.

The Greenprint—which is a play on Jay-Z’s 2001 album “The Blueprint”—is a multi-prong plant-based movement that includes a vegan cookbook (with a forward written by the celebrity couple), online resource tool that highlights the benefits of following a plant-based diet, and an upcoming documentary executively produced by Jay-Z that features clinicians, celebrities, musicians, and athletes that promote plant-based living. To enter for a chance to win free Beyoncé and Jay-Z concert tickets for life (a value of $12,000), fans must submit their name and email on The Greenprint landing page before April 22, and a grand prize winner will be selected by May 22.

Go here to check out The Greenprint Project