Tag Archives: Hawaiian Ehu hair

Royals with Red Hair and Blue Eyes??

There is a theory by some authors and researchers that most of the Royals, some of the Pharaohs, in particular Rameses II, and even Jesus & Mary Magdalene were Blue Eyed, Red heads with freckles… and thus they claim that they had to have been Caucasian Blue Eyed Red Heads.. but I gotta remind all that you can have red hair, freckles, blue, green or hazel eyes and still be Black, and even the Waka Blondes of New Zealand & Hawaii (Ehu) and the Blondes of Fiji & Solomon Islands can all still be dark or light skinned.

There are various sources online which propose this theory that all the Royals had Red or Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes.. and you can also search RH- Blood and Royals.. but my issue with some of these claims is that they almost always conclude that these Royals had to have been Caucasian then.. but through a simple google search you can see that Red Hair, Blonde Hair, Freckles, Blue, Green and Hazel Eyes can happen in Black and Brown people too.. so while rare… the rarity doesn’t conclusively mean all these royals must’ve been White. If indeed Red/Blonde Hair and Blue eyes was a signifying trait of the Royals.. it could’ve just as easily been that.. rare family of Black red heads with Blue/Green eyes… especially those that lived in Egypt, Africa or the Middle East.