Tag Archives: Money Mantras

Abundance Affirmations

Each day is an opportunity to embrace the abundance that the Universe provides. The All is waiting to be seized with your co-operation to manifest dreams and goals. The energy of Abundance is always within your grasp. There is no lack unless you believe there is lack and once you realize this, your money will increase, your abundance will multiply, and you will be in alignment with the flow of Abundance energy. Once in alignment, you can serve others and help them reach their potential too, help them which your infinite value to see and believe and know in their own infinite value.

Today I listened to a very inspiring audio lecture by a wealthy man named Tony Rush called “Making friends with Money”. Tony Rush was in the same situation as most of us, struggling to make money and feeling like he’d never make the type of big money he dreamed of making, until he changed his perspective on money. With his old perspective he was repelling money, by thinking he didn’t deserve it and feeling angry and wrongfully judging people who do have lots of money. He would think, they must be taking advantage of people to have achieved the type of money they have. But when he joined the Empower Network and began to shift his perspective on money, things began to radically change for him. He started to believe he deserved money and tap into the Abundance energy and to believe and know fully his infinite value in this world.

I’ve compiled a small list of affirmations which I got from the lecture as well as some other sources of inspiration too. These affirmations can be used by anyone to re-focus your energy and perspective and come into alignment with the Abundance energy. I hope this helps you!


– Money is my Friend, my Best Friend!
– It’s 100% ok to get/be Rich!
– I deserve to be Rich!
– Abundance is Free Enterprise (My value and worth is complete Richness, never believe your value is less)
– Make your money as a value and service to people, share the Abundance.
– I am Rich!
– The life you want also wants you!
– Ask, Believe, Receive
– I am Wealthy
– I have a constant flow of money coming to me!
– Money is Energy
– I am the Abundance Magnet

More Affirmations from a Spiritual & Biblical perspective (Yeshua and Yahushua ha Moshiah = Jesus Christ):

– “Who Feels it Knows it” (Bob Marley)
– Wake up in the morning and say the blessings of Jah, it has made me Rich, and there is no sorrow in it.
– My source shall supply all my needs, according to His Riches in Glory by way of Yahushua ha Moshiah.
– “Seek ye first the Kingdom of Jah and His Righteousness and all else shall be added unto you.” (Yeshua)
– “Ask, and it shall be given you, Seek, and ye shall find, Knock, and it will be opened t you.” (Yeshua)
– “the harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few, Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth laborers into His harvest.” (Yeshua)
– Build it and they will come

I’m also going to give you a couple videos to inspire you!
The first one is a mantra and visualization which can be used to focus and draw money into your life.

Lakshmi Narasimha Mantra: Eastern Law of attraction to Attract Money (Sankalpa Siddhi)

This next one might seem a little bit of a different vibe then what this post is about but really it fits in very well. I put it here to emphasize the fact that who or what you associate with, you also become. Even Buddha said: “What you think, you become.”

Associate with negative people, you become negative too.
Associate with positive people, you become positive.
Associate with overweight people, you become overweight.
Associate with spiritual people, you become spiritual.
Associate with rich people, you become rich too.
And so on…

So, this video is more for fun then anything, but it could be used as a song/video to get you fired up to the right perspective, a motivational song to direct your focus towards Abundance and associating with others also in alignment with Abundance energy.

Gwen Stefani – Luxurious ft. Slim Thug

I’ve always loved this song by Gwen Stefani!

Regardless, the more you surround yourself with positive and affirming people, places, and things the more you become that, by doing this, you will be making the most important life changing decision you have ever made to changing your reality and receive the wealth and riches you deserve. Come into alignment with the Abundance energy!

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I hope you got lots of VALUE from this post! If you have questions or comments, please share your comments below! Thanks for visiting my blog!

~Sakshi Zion

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