Tag Archives: Yoga

Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith (Book Review)

Anodea Judith’s Wheels of Life is an insightful and thorough exploration of the chakra system, blending ancient wisdom with modern psychology, metaphysics, and spiritual philosophy. As one of the most comprehensive books on the subject, it serves as both an introduction for beginners and a valuable resource for those with more experience in energy work.

Judith meticulously examines the seven main chakras, detailing their physical, emotional, and spiritual significance. She explains how imbalances in these energy centers can manifest in various aspects of life, offering practical exercises, meditations, and visualizations to help readers restore harmony. Her approach is both scientific and mystical, making the book accessible to a broad audience—from those interested in yoga and meditation to individuals exploring holistic healing.

One of the book’s greatest strengths is its integration of psychological insights with spiritual concepts. Judith connects chakra imbalances to emotional and behavioral patterns, drawing from Jungian psychology and personal development theories. This holistic approach makes Wheels of Life not just a guide to chakras but also a roadmap for self-discovery and transformation.

While deeply informative, the book’s depth and detail may feel overwhelming to some readers, particularly those new to the subject. However, Judith’s clear writing and structured presentation make the information digestible, even when covering complex topics.

Overall, Wheels of Life is a must-read for anyone interested in energy healing, personal growth, or spiritual awakening. Its blend of wisdom, practical exercises, and insightful analysis makes it one of the most definitive books on the chakra system.

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Wheel of Life – Anodea Judith

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~Sakshi Zion

The Body is the Garden of Eden

The body is the Garden of Eden. The Head is the “Heaved Up Place” or the Dome of Heaven. The CSF (CerebroSpinal Fluid) is the river Gihon (Nile) one of the four rivers in the Garden of Eden mentioned in GeneISIS Chapter 2. It encompasses the land of EthiOpia which is the Etheric Optical or Optic Thalamus aka the Light Of The World. Accessed thru the Tree of Life aka the Vegus (Negus/King) Nerve. The 4 Rivers are in the Human anATOMy (Adam/Man). They are 4 heads that break off from the One River of Life which is SALiva/SALt/SALvation. The River of Saliva starting in the mouth is under the Pituitary (Peter) and above the Vegus Nerve which is connected to it. Both are associated with the Tree of Life.

The mouth eats the food of earth, breathes air, is wet with water. And speaks the word of Fire (4 elements).

 Euphrates is the Blood Stream. It means “Good to Cross” and is referring to the heart barrier Torus field which shapes the sign of the Cross.

The Pison is the URinary tract. UR means Gold. It went thru the land of Havilah (possibly India) which scriptures mentions as having gold. Abraham also was from the land of UR.

The Hiddikel River which is the Tigris is the digestive tract that runs thru Babylon, if it becomes corrupted it poisons the whole world/body. 

The Gihon/Nile is the CSF that flows up stream (Up the Spine/Micro Cosmic Orbit). It is also called the Chrism or Luminous Ether (5th Element that reaches the Medulla/Mouth Of God) which is the Anointing Oil, and is where we get the word Christ. Our Pineal Gland is constantly being bathed or Anointed with CSF. Gihon means “to burst forth”. 

The Semen (as welll as all other Oils secreted from the various glands) is considered an extension of the Life-Giving Chrism. Oil backwards is Lio/Leo/Lion. The Libido energy has long been thought of as a Lion. Consider the Nazarite Samson who conquered the Lion in order to get the Honey. In the Gospel Of Thomas Christ says: “Blessed is the Man who eats the Lion so the Lion can become Man. But woe to the man who is eaten of the Lion before the Lion becomes Man”

The Conquering Lion of Judah, like the Buddha has conquered the Lion within. The Bible also tells us to be sober and vigilant because the devil is like a roaring Lion.

Most human bodies today function under the order of the god of this world. The secrets of Eden long forgotten but occasionally revealed by Great Awakened Beings.

Few are they who find the Way.

One of the hidden reasons for the practice of celibacy (Brahmacharya) in the seminary (semen-ary)  has to do with the refining of semenial fluid thru  sexual transmutation and raising up the Chrism. Sending Moses up the Nile… The fish/ seed that flows up stream until it reaches the land of milk (feminine lunar magnetic serotonin/melatonin ) and honey( masculine solar electric D.M.T/Divine Mental Transmutation)

The Mind of Is-Ra-El/ Single Eye of Eyesus which is unlocked in the Pineal/Penial discovered in GeneISIS 32.30 By Jacob who saw God face to face and lived. He was the grandson of SarAbram (Cerebrum) the Brahmins who became Fathers and Mothers of a New Race. 

Let thine Eye Be Single (MAAThew 6.22). 

In the New Testament the CSF is the Jordan/Yardin/Garden River. The Garden is protected with a sword of Fire. Christ said His baptism was one of Fire and Spirit. When our Pineal Gland is Baptized in the Jordan by being bathed in Chrism. The Oil sparks the Fire of Life and man literally receives the Holy Breath/Spirit. Higher Quality Chrism creates a greater flame and burns hotter. Christ said “those who are close to I are close to a Flame.”

To feed the flame you must use the reSPIRITory system to connect to Source Power and L.O.V.E (Law Of Vibrational Energy)… Man does not live off of bread alone but by the Word/vibration/Prana/life force that proceeds from the Mouth Of God (Medulla Oblangata at the base of the Skull/Golgotha.) The word EAT is hidden in the words brEATh and dEATh. These are the real names for the 2 trees ???? ???? in the garden. Physical orgasm drains the life force and brings death (tree of the knowledge of good and evil which is duality of birth and death), whereas using the breath raises the Chrism up the spine (Tree Of Life) and brings the blood/soul up to the head/Heaven where Khrist sits on the Throne in the center of the Brain surrounded by 12 cranial nerves (disciples) who are His “judges” . This is the Yoke/Yoga of Light that was taught by the Master Jesus and many other awakened Sons of the Most High.

Like the Apostle Paul who also knew the code of the 2 Trees and taught about the Fruit of the Spirit/Breath. One of them being Self Control which can be seen as Pranayama/Life-Force-Control/ Breath-Work/Shamanic Breathing.

The ancients spoke of healing through synchronized Breath with the Healer.

Let this same Mind that was in  Yahshua also be in YOU.  He left us the Sign of Jonah. Jonah means Dove which is a symbol of the Crown Chakra/Holy Spirit. Jonah is hidden in the belly of the fish/seed and must be raised up so that He can Speak the Word of Salvation to the “Gentiles” and save them with the At-One-Ment of Inner Anointing/Crystalizing/Christalizing. Why do you think he (Jonah) had the people of Niniveh fast pray and meditate for three days? He was teaching the same process God just took him thru. The same wilderness of meditation the Christ was in for 40 days. As Moses lifted the serpent in the wilderness of meditation so the Seed of Man must also be lifted up.

Read the book of RA-veilations (Revelations)  and understand that the Mark of the Father is in the Forehead. 

The hidden message in the Name RasTafari is “The Mark/Sign/Seal in the Head is Worthy of Reverence”

Swami Paramahansa Yogananda said: “The Spine and the Brain are the altars of God”

Written by Ras Imon Shamaiwan

Sadhus – Holy Men of India

India is a land of mystery, culture and religions. One of the most unique and extraordinary features of India is its sadhus. A sadhu is a holy man, an ascetic who renounces worldly life and devotes his time to meditation and spiritual pursuits.

The sadhus of India have been an important part of the culture for centuries. They are typically found dressed in bright saffron robes and orange wrap around skirts called dhoti. They often have matted dreadlocks and can be found walking around singing or chanting mantras or seated in meditation. They are easily recognizable by their symbols of divinity – ash markings, auspicious strings of rudraksha beads, and a trishul (trident).

The sadhus of India are not just wandering holy men, but they are great teachers of the spiritual and cosmic energy of the universe. They are the guardians of ancient Hindu spiritual practices, and are said to protect people from harm and bad omens. They also promote the ideals of peace, love, and tolerance among all people regardless of their religion or creed.

The sadhus of India provide an interesting glimpse into the ancient mysteries of India. They are a great source of knowledge and insight into the deep spiritual traditions that have been practiced for many centuries in this part of the world.

In traditional Hinduism, living a life of the Sadhu is considered to be one of the highest callings. Sadhus have reached an extreme level of spiritual development and are often revered as living masters. They are thought to have achieved moksha, or ultimate freedom.

Sadhus also give spiritual guidance to people who come to seek their advice and knowledge. They often live in ashrams or temples, where people can go to seek advice and gain spiritual knowledge from them. Sadhus are also known to visit villages and towns, in order to spread their spiritual knowledge.

The tradition of the Sadhu is an important part of Hinduism, and will be practiced for many years to come.

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~Sakshi Zion

Anatomy of Enlightenment & The Truth About the Serpent

The Anatomy of Enlightenment According to Esoteric Philosophy: A Look at “The Truth About the Serpent”

Esoteric philosophy speaks to the truth of the human spirit, providing a backdrop for understanding our connection to the cosmos and the divinity of our inherent selves. This ancient wisdom is rife with symbolism, particularly with reference to the serpent. One of its most beloved archetypes speaks to an anatomy that can unlock inner depths of power, passion and courage—essentially, it teaches us how to connect to our true selves and live a life of understanding and enlightenment. Taking a closer look at this ancient wisdom, let’s examine the anatomy of enlightenment as it relates to “the truth about the serpent” with references to how the Gnostics view the serpent, the idea of kundalini and the serpent in the Garden of Eden.

In regards to the Gnostics, the serpent archetype served as a symbol of the savior offering emancipation from ignorance and oppression. In the Gnostic creation story, the serpent is elevated to the status of saviour and teacher, elevating man to knowledge and understanding that is rooted in truth and freedom rather than imprisonment by ignorance. The serpent is also symbolic of the spiritual path, offering us divine knowledge as a way of liberating us from suffering and personal bondage. In esoteric philosophy, the image of the serpent is seen as a metaphor for spiritual knowledge and revealed truth—a representation of the power of awakening, or “yoga”, as it is commonly referred to—that exists within us, leading us on the path to enlightenment.

The serpent is particularly connected to the concept of kundalini energy. This energy is the power of pure, divine fluidity and movement within the body, awakening and opening the pathways to liberation and union with divine consciousness. Kundalini is understood to be a living force that resides within us, accessible through subtle yoga techniques and meditation. Through the channeling of kundalini energy, we can awaken the serpent within. Kundalini rises, also referred to as “Serpent Power”, connecting us with infinite sources of life-force and restoring the connection between our physical and spiritual bodies. The power of Kundalini is primal and pure, providing a route to the true self and ultimately the Divine.

The serpent also holds a special place in the story of the Garden of Eden. As the serpent in the garden, it is seen as a provider of knowledge and forbidden wisdom, enticing man and woman to come to understandings of truth, thus providing them with all the power of the divine. The serpent is seen as a figure of illuminative power and insight, providing the spark of understanding that propels us towards awakening and ultimately, enlightenment.

In summary, the anatomy of enlightenment is illuminated in the powerful symbolism of the serpent. As taught by esoteric philosophy and supported by the Gnostics, this archetype speaks to an inner power within each of us that can be recognized and tapped into via methods such as kundalini awakening and meditation. Additionally, the serpent serves to highlight the importance of knowledge and understanding and the power of this enlightenment in setting us free. Ultimately, by unlocking the mysteries of the serpent within, we can rise in our own power and activate the pathways of freedom, truth and connection to our greater source.

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~Sakshi Zion

Poem for the Cosmic Christ Child

In yonder tree stands tall with might,
A symbol of life, its leaves bright.
Its twin pillars represent end and start,
Boaz & Jachin, each a life-giving part.

From two distinct sources, a spark comes alive,
A paradox formed, of contradictions rife.
For from the union of Star Father and Gaia
A Christ Child is born, through the Powers of the Fire.

He brings a message of Love and Compassion,
Of Harmony and Balance, beyond 3D perception.
He carries forth the Tree of Life, an eternal reminder
Of Interconnectivity, the Sacred Union of Creator & Nature.

Prithvi Mudra

Prithvi Mudra, translated as “earth gesture,” is a hand mudra, or energy seal, that is commonly used in yoga, meditation, and other spiritual traditions for calming the mind and extending grounding energy. Prithvi Mudra is believed to represent the element earth, and its practice is thought to bring balance and stability to both physical and emotional health.

The mudra is performed by pressing the tips of the ring finger and thumb together while keeping the other three fingers extended. This seal is gentle and peaceful, and it is believed to calm the mind and connect one to the earth, thereby inducing a sense of calmness and stability.

In addition to its calming effects, Prithvi Mudra is believed to have a number of health benefits. It is thought to improve digestion, strengthen bones and joints, nourish the skin, and regulate metabolism. Practicing this mudra is also said to reduce symptoms of stress, fatigue, and insomnia.

Practicing Prithvi Mudra is also thought to improve concentration, intuition, and mental clarity. It is believed to increase focus and aid in both physical and spiritual growth. Additionally, it is used to help cultivate gratitude, generosity, and peacefulness.

In terms of meditation, Prithvi Mudra acts as a grounding tool that helps the practitioner remain grounded and present. It can be practiced anytime, such as before or during seated meditation or pranayama breathing exercises. It can also greatly help the mind remain relaxed and focused during periods of stress and anxiety.

Overall, Prithvi Mudra is a powerful gesture for physical and mental wellbeing that can help to promote a sense of calm, connection, and balance. It is an easy hand mudra to incorporate in everyday life and can provide an array of physical and mental health benefits.

Prithvi Mudra, or Earth Mudra, is an ancient yogic gesture originating in India however is used in various religions around the world today. Although it is predominantly used in Hindu and Buddhist belief systems, Prithvi Mudra also appears in Christian iconography as an embodiment of Jesus Christ.

Prithvi Mudra is a hand position in the practice of yoga, used to honor and connect with the elemental energy of the earth. The mudra itself is made by extending the thumb finger, while folding the other three fingers against the palm. It is believed that Prithvi Mudra creates a sense of groundedness in one’s physical and spiritual foundations.

This spiritual grounding of the earthly world and humanity of Jesus may be why several Christian iconographers have included Prithvi Mudra in their depiction of Jesus in his human form. Some examples of this can be found in the art of El Greco, Michelangelo and other renowned masters. As Christianity emphasizes the spiritual importance of rootedness in the physical body, Prithvi Mudra helps to convey Jesus’ connection to humanity and his ability to understand and sympathize with the everyday struggles of life.

In the Catholic & Eastern Church, Jesus’ presence and embodiment of the earthly world is most notably conveyed in the iconic Eucharistic ceremony. During the ceremony, Jesus breaks bread and says, “This is my body, given for you; do this in remembrance of me.” This gesture of breaking bread, which is connected to Prithvi Mudra in Yoga, brings Jesus’ physical manifestation of the earthly self closer to worshipers.

Apart from his role as an embodiment of groundedness, the use of Prithvi Mudra in Christian art can also be seen as a sign of unity and mutual respect between different religious traditions. Jesus’ inviting gesture combines the power and potential of both Christianity and Yoga and communicates a message of harmony and acceptance between diverse spiritual creeds. Thus, Prithvi Mudra’s utilization in Christian iconography serves as a powerful reminder of how all beings share in the same fundamental needs and goals and how religious and spiritual practices should be used to unite, rather than divide, humanity.

Prithvi Mudra has been found at times a prominent feature in Christian art, as it encapsulates Jesus’ presence on Earth as well as conveys a unified message of acceptance among different religious traditions. By combining the spiritual, physical and symbolic aspects of the mudra, Christian iconographers help to bring Jesus’ relationship to the earthly world to life for people of all faiths and beliefs.

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~Sakshi Zion

Narasimha the Lion King

The Narasimha avatar of Vishnu is one of the most popular and important avatars of Vishnu. It is believed to have occurred at the end of the Treta Yuga. The story of Narasimha as told in Hindu mythology is as follows:

The demon king Hiranyakashipu had been granted a boon by Lord Brahma that nothing on earth, neither man nor animal could kill him. Knowing of his invincibility, Hiranyakashipu grew increasingly powerful, prideful and arrogant. As his tyranny worsened, the people of the world started to suffer from his rule.

In response to Hiranyakashipu’s wickedness, Lord Vishnu took the form of Narasimha (half-man, half-lion) in order to save his devotee Prahlada and the people of the world. Vishnu took the form at dusk, knowing that neither Hiranyakashipu nor anyone else would be able to recognize him. Vishnu appeared with terrifying arms, four faces, and power greater than anyone had ever seen before.

When Hiranyakashipu challenged Vishnu to a fight, Vishnu grabbed the demon king and placed him on his lap. Since Hiranyakashipu had been granted that nothing on earth would kill him, and Vishnu was neither man nor animal, the Avatar was able to tear apart the demon king with his fingernails.

This incident marked the end of Hiranyakashipu’s tyranny and the beginning of peace in the world. Vishnu’s act of protecting Prahlada and destroying Hiranyakashipu, demonstrated the power of devotion and taught the world that evil forces will never win in the face of absolute faith and love.

Since then, Lord Vishnu in the form of Narasimha has become one of the most venerated and popular deities in Hinduism. His image can be found in various temples and other places of worship all over the world. Narasimha is also worshipped during festivals and special occasions, usually in the form of prayers and Thirumanjanams (fire sacrifices).

Art by Art is Well ????️

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Prana Mudra

Prana Mudra is a type of hand gesture used in yoga and meditation. It is used to gather and focus the universal life force, or prana, into the body. Prana is believed to be the life force that animates everything in the universe. Prana Mudra is believed to balance the chakras and enhance overall wellbeing, while also promoting physical and mental health.

History :

Prana Mudra is said to originate from India and is an ancient practice, appearing in texts dating back to the Vedic period (1500 – 500 BC). According to traditional Hindu, Buddhist and yogic texts, Prana Mudra practices were used as an effective way to connect with the life force and bring balance to the body and mind. Prana Mudra is said to have been rediscovered by modern-day yogis and meditation practitioners to bring about healing, creativity, and clarity.

Benefits :

The practice of Prana Mudra is believed to have many benefits for both physical and mental health. It is said to increase energy and vitality, reduce tension and stress, balance the chakras and enhance self-awareness. It is also thought to improve concentration and focus, boost creativity and promote mental health.

How to Perform Prana Mudra :

Prana Mudra is a simple and easy to practice hand gesture. To do Prana Mudra, sit in a comfortable position and place the palms of your hands together. Touch the tips of your ring and pinky finger to your thumb. The index and middle finger should be pointed straight. Keep your hands in this position for several minutes, or as long as it is comfortable. While performing Prana Mudra, focus on your breath and allow the energy to flow freely throughout your body.

Prana Mudra is a simple yet powerful technique that can be used to enhance physical and mental wellbeing. Practicing Prana Mudra is said to increase energy and vitality, reduce stress, balance the chakras and promote mental health. It is an easy to practice and accessible hand gesture that can be done while sitting in a comfortable position and with minimal equipment.

Jesus was often depicted in ancient art doing Prana Mudra

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The Divine Love of Shiva & Parvati

Once upon a time in a magical world, the divine Shiva and his consort Parvati roamed together. This divine couple was in perfect harmony, and all of creation stood witness to their love.

The story of Shiva and Parvati soon spread throughout the universe and it seemed as if the entire world was under their influence. Couples from all corners of the universe wanted to receive blessings from the divine couple.

One such story unfolded in the foothills of the Himalayas, where Shiva and Parvati had taken form as a god and goddess. As the sun set, anticipating their tryst, the two deities danced in the light of the moon.

The stars sparkled and the night seemed alive with energy that was felt everywhere. They were immersed in their love and lost in the sublime melody of creation.

As they danced, Shiva shared his spiritual knowledge with Parvati. Through this sacred knowledge, highly difficult concepts of the Upanishads were clarified by Shiva so that even the most distant star dancing at the edge of the night sky could understand the divine secrets of truth.

With the clarity of knowledge and the language of love, Shiva and Parvati continued to share their love with each other.

With their trances soaring, their amorous tale was revealed like a script from heaven.

The couple embraced each other with passion as the sky lit up in sky blues, pinks and orchids.

The gods of the sky watched in awe and admiration as the divine pair embraced, knowing that this was a union that would forever remain monogamous to one another.

In time, Shiva and Parvati’s love story was remembered and hailed in the annals of the Upanishads and their union was celebrated by the people of the world who forever stand witness to the divine beauty and eternal resonance of the spiritual love story of Shiva and Parvati.

Shiva Shakti


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Sita Rama – The Ramayana

The Ramayana is an ancient epic poem that tells the story of Rama and Sita, an iconic Hindu deity couple. It is a revered text within Hinduism and esteemed by followers as one of the greatest works of world literature. As part of the larger Hindu tradition, Rama and Sita have come to symbolize many things including ideal righteousness, loyalty, and the divine power of true love.

Sita and Rama have become legendary figures in Hinduism and throughout South Asia due to the prevalence of the Ramayana. They represent the perfect couple and exemplify the characteristics of dharma, devotion, and sacrifice. Devotional texts often portray Sita as the link that binds Rama to his personal dharma in performances of moral and dutiful acts. She is also venerated for her selfless devotion to her husband and her willingness to sacrifice her own safety and well-being in order to bring honor and virtue to their relationship.

Rama is seen as the epitome of morality and devotion. He is a great warrior renowned for his courage on the battlefield and skill in fighting the demoniac forces of evil. As an incarnate of the god Vishnu, Rama is a source of divine strength that inspires his followers to rise to heroic heights and achieve great feats of devotion. In the Ramayana, Rama represents the highest ideals of dharma, and his willingness to practice them even when they cost him great hardship or personal sacrifice is seen as a source of moral inspiration.

The legends of Sita and Rama have been very influential within Hinduism and shaped the way devotional expression to the deity couple has developed over time. Numerous stories and devotional songs have been written about their relationship and have become part of the Ramayana tradition. As a result, the characters of Sita and Rama have been woven into the fabric of many Hindu communities, and their stories are told and re-told throughout Hindu literature and culture.

In conclusion, the legends of Sita and Rama are deeply shared within Hinduism, and their stories represent a powerful example of dharma and loyalty. They have become an integral part of Hindu tradition, and followers often look to their relationship as a source of moral guidance. As two of the most influential deities in Hinduism, Sita and Rama are symbols of true love and devotion.


Sita and Rama, two timeless souls,
Who walked by faith, made life their goal.
Oaths of love and promises they made,
Their love so strong, it could never fade.

Rama strong, brave, and true,
An epic hero, that much is true.
His love for her like none before,
Made many a heart even more sore.

Sita, the beautiful and brave,
She shed light in life’s darkest cave.
A lesson of pure devotion,
An archetype for modern woman.

A love story for all to hear,
Of devotion and strength, so sincere.
Their love through thick and thin,
Their legacy, forever within. 💓

Divine Lovers Sita & Rama

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