Two sacred chalices, one of Life and one of Love,
Gifts of love crafted by the hand of The Lord above.
The Ark of the Covenant, revealed to all mankind,
Gathered and safe around its grace our hearts do bind.
Hand crafted by Christ, our living Savior,
With grace He filled these chalices that flow with favor.
Standing beside the proof of His faith,
His power lights our path with rays of grace.
His blessed Redeemer, all will come to know,
As our one Sure Path, it is the way to go.
The Lamb of God, our Lord Most High,
His presence will lift us way up high.
Blessed be He, the Man of our Salvation
Our faith in Him strengthens our Foundation.
Our love and strength, each found in His Light,
Transformed our lives and made us Divine.
Proclaimed to us by His faithful Word,
Our Eternal King be praised and heard.

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~Sakshi Zion