Category Archives: Yoga

Lord Shiva instructs his Sadhu Disciples

In the mist-clad peaks of Mount Kailash, the abode of divinity where silence speaks volumes, there sat Lord Shiva, the ascetic god of destruction and regeneration. His presence was as serene as the moonlit Himalayas, yet as intense as the fire that burns within the core of the earth. Surrounding him were his devoted sadhus, seekers of the ultimate truth, each one an embodiment of renunciation.

These ascetics, with ash smeared across their foreheads and bodies, signifying their continual death to the world of form, had gathered to absorb not the words, but the wisdom that emanated from the very being of Shiva. They were an assorted congregation; some young with fiery eyes fueled by the vigor of spiritual quests, others, old, with eyes deep as the cosmic sky, reflecting eons of contemplation.

Shiva, the great Yogi, sat in tranquil stillness, his eyes half-closed in a state between the manifest world and the unmanifest void. His trishula, the trident, stood beside him, symbolizing control over the physical, mental, and spiritual worlds. The crescent moon adorned his matted locks, and the mighty Ganga flowed from his hair, cascading down into the realms of man, a testament to his power to harness and release the torrents of cosmic energy.

As the sun began its descent, casting a golden cloak over the snow, Shiva opened his eyes, and in them, the universe seemed to dance. He spoke not through words but through the very essence of silence. His teachings were not of the scriptures but of existence. He taught the sadhus about the impermanence of the physical universe and the permanence of the self. He revealed to them the dance of creation and destruction, inherent in the flow of time, where every end was a prelude to a beginning.

He spoke of the beauty of detachment, how like the lotus, one must live in the world yet not be of it. His every gesture was a teaching, every pause a lesson in patience, every glance an initiation into the depths of consciousness.

As dusk turned to night, and the stars began to mirror the sparks of their meditative fires, the sadhus sat in profound meditation, absorbing the vibrations of Shiva’s presence. They realized that the ultimate teaching was not something to be grasped, but something to be lived. It was in the very act of living in harmony with the cosmos, in recognizing the oneness of all existence.

In the great silence of the Himalayas, under the watchful gaze of their eternal teacher, the sadhus found their truths. And Shiva, the Adiyogi, continued to sit in repose, his stillness an eternal testament to the wisdom beyond worlds. The cycle of night and day passed, seasons changed, but the quest of the sadhus remained — a quest quenched only by the profound waters of self-realization, a thirst for which they had forsaken all worldly desires.

And thus, the story of Lord Shiva and his disciples continues, in the hearts of those who seek, in the silence of the sages, and in the very air of Mount Kailash, where every breath whispers tales of liberation.

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~Sakshi Zion

Lord Shiva and the Ganas

Shiva is a principal deity in Hinduism and is often associated with various aspects, including being the Lord of Ganas, which are supernatural beings that serve him. These Ganas can be interpreted in different ways, sometimes as ghost-like or goblin-like entities. Shiva is often depicted as having a connection to the spiritual and supernatural realms, and his dominion over Ganas is symbolic of his mastery over various aspects of existence, both material and spiritual.

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~Sakshi Zion

Shiva’s Love Transforms Village

In the mystical realm of ancient India, Lord Shiva, the powerful and enigmatic deity, resided atop the sacred Mount Kailash. His matted hair held the flowing Ganges River, while his third eye radiated an all-seeing wisdom that pierced through the veils of reality.

One day, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow upon the land, Lord Shiva decided to visit the mortal world in disguise. He transformed himself into an old sage and descended to a bustling village.

In the village, the people were facing a dire drought, and their crops withered under the scorching sun. The villagers gathered around the old sage, seeking his guidance. With compassion in his eyes, Lord Shiva gently touched the parched earth. Miraculously, water began to bubble forth from the ground, quenching the land’s thirst.

The villagers were overjoyed and thanked the sage for his miraculous intervention. They insisted he stay, offering him food and shelter. Lord Shiva humbly accepted their hospitality and dwelled among them, imparting his wisdom and teaching them the ways of harmony and balance.

As time passed, the villagers learned the value of compassion, kindness, and unity. They started treating one another with respect, nurturing the land and its creatures. Crops flourished, and the village prospered.

One evening, as the villagers gathered around the sage to listen to his teachings, a young girl named Parvati approached. There was an air of innocence and curiosity about her. Lord Shiva noticed her keen interest in the lessons and smiled warmly.

Over the days that followed, Parvati continued to attend the sage’s teachings, and a deep bond formed between her and Lord Shiva. Unbeknownst to the villagers, Parvati was an incarnation of the divine goddess herself.

Impressed by her devotion and wisdom, Lord Shiva revealed his true form to Parvati, and their love blossomed. Their union symbolized the intertwining of the masculine and feminine energies, and their divine dance created a cosmic balance that brought harmony to the universe.

As years went by, Lord Shiva’s time among the villagers came to an end, and he returned to Mount Kailash with Parvati by his side. The village, now a thriving community, continued to live by the teachings they had learned from the sage.

And so, the legend of Lord Shiva’s visit to the mortal world lived on, a tale of compassion, transformation, and the enduring power of love that forever shaped the destiny of the village and the hearts of its people.

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~Sakshi Zion

Radha’s Devotion Unveiled

In the realms of divine love, a story unfolds,
Of Radha, the soul aflame, whose tale is told.
Within the sacred pages of Gopi Gita’s book,
Resides a melody of devotion that few could overlook.

Radha, the embodiment of unconditional love,
A celestial beauty, blessed from heavens above.
Her heart, a reservoir of emotions untamed,
In Vrindavan, her love for Krishna was proclaimed.

She danced through the groves with grace untold,
In her eyes, a reflection of devotion, pure gold.
Her every movement a celestial symphony,
A dance of love, a divine epitome.

The Gopi Gita sings of Radha’s love so deep,
In every verse, her devotion weaves and seeps.
Her longing for Krishna, an eternal flame,
In every breath, she whispered his name.

“Krishna, the enchanting soul of my being,
Without you, life’s colors lose their gleaming.
In every season, every flower that blooms,
I yearn for your presence, amidst joyful tunes.”

In Radha’s heart, the love blossomed pure,
An eternal bond that nothing could obscure.
She surrendered her being, mind, and soul,
To the divine embrace that made her whole.

The Gopi Gita paints a portrait divine,
Of Radha, the beloved, with love as her shrine.
Her devotion an ocean, boundless and wide,
In her love for Krishna, she found her true guide.

Oh Radha, the epitome of devotion’s might,
Your love for Krishna, an eternal light.
In the Gopi Gita, your story finds its place,
A testament to love’s divine grace.

May your love inspire hearts throughout the ages,
A flame that burns through life’s countless stages.
In Radha’s love, let us find our own way,
To surrender, to love, and to forever sway.

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The Esoteric Meaning of the name Krishna

Krishna, a name rich in cultural and spiritual significance, holds a secret esoteric meaning that unveils the depth of its symbolism. Derived from Sanskrit, Krishna is a divine name that embodies a multifaceted understanding, transcending mere linguistic representation.

At its core, Krishna signifies the embodiment of divine love, joy, and consciousness. It is a profound representation of the divine, the ultimate reality, and the primordial cosmic energy. Krishna is considered an avatar, a divine incarnation, of Lord Vishnu in Hinduism, and is revered as a deity who embodies both human and divine qualities.

Delving deeper into its esoteric meaning, Krishna can be deciphered as the personification of supreme consciousness and the epitome of spiritual evolution. The name Krishna signifies the boundless, eternal nature of the universe and the individual soul’s journey towards self-realization and enlightenment.

Krishna is often depicted as a dark-skinned, charming deity with a mesmerizing smile, playing a flute, surrounded by devotees, and engaging in divine play or lila. This playful aspect of Krishna represents the harmonious interplay between the divine and the mortal realms, symbolizing the dance of creation and the interconnectedness of all beings.

Furthermore, Krishna is renowned for his teachings in the Bhagavad Gita, a sacred Hindu scripture. In this text, he imparts profound wisdom, guiding individuals on the path of righteousness, selfless action, and spiritual realization. The name Krishna thus embodies the essence of divine wisdom, leading seekers towards enlightenment and liberation.

In essence, the secret esoteric meaning of Krishna’s name encompasses divine love, cosmic consciousness, spiritual evolution, and the interplay of the divine and mortal realms. It serves as a reminder of the eternal journey of the soul towards self-realization, offering profound guidance and wisdom to those who seek it.

Thanks for visiting my blog! To learn more about this “Vedic Knowledge” and to start your own journey with a team of like-minded and inspired wizards & seekers, forging a way to make the world a better place for all, just like you…

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~Sakshi Zion

Shiva Linga & Yoni

The Shiva Linga and Yoni are ancient and revered symbols in Hinduism, carrying profound esoteric and spiritual significance. They represent the divine union of Shiva, the masculine principle, and Shakti, the feminine principle, embodying the cosmic forces of creation and dissolution.

The Shiva Linga, often depicted as a cylindrical or elliptical stone structure, is symbolic of Lord Shiva, the supreme consciousness and the eternal aspect of the divine. It is considered a representation of the unmanifest, formless nature of Shiva. The shape of the Linga is said to represent the cosmic pillar, or axis mundi, connecting the earthly realm with the spiritual realm. It is a symbol of transcendence, reminding devotees of the infinite and timeless nature of the divine.

The Yoni, on the other hand, represents the cosmic womb and the creative power of Shakti, the divine feminine energy. It is often depicted as a circular or triangular base upon which the Shiva Linga stands. The Yoni signifies the primordial source of all existence and fertility, the origin of life itself. It represents the dynamic aspect of creation, nurturing, and sustenance.

The union of the Shiva Linga and Yoni represents the harmonious balance and interdependence of the masculine and feminine energies in the universe. It symbolizes the inseparable unity of Shiva and Shakti, representing the divine union of opposites, consciousness and energy, stillness and movement. This sacred union is believed to give rise to the entire cosmos and all of creation.

Esoterically, the Shiva Linga and Yoni also hold deeper metaphysical meanings. The Linga signifies the concentrated and focused spiritual energy within every individual, often referred to as the inner flame or the divine spark. The Yoni, in turn, represents the receptive aspect of our being, the vessel through which we receive and assimilate divine grace and wisdom.

The worship of the Shiva Linga and Yoni is a way for devotees to connect with the divine energies within themselves and in the universe. It is a practice that seeks to transcend duality and realize the oneness of all existence. Through devotion, meditation, and rituals associated with these symbols, followers of Hinduism seek spiritual growth, self-realization, and union with the divine.

Om Namah Shivaya ~ Om Shiva Shakti

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~Sakshi Zion

The Eternal Love of Shiva & Parvati

In the realm where mystic rivers flow, In the embrace of ethereal glow, Two divine beings, a cosmic pair, Shiva and Parvati, a love beyond compare.

Shiva, the ascetic, with matted hair, A meditative soul in tranquil stare, Cloaked in ashes, the blue-skinned lord, In his presence, the universe is adored.

Parvati, radiant goddess of grace, With eyes that illuminate every space, Her beauty blossoms like flowers in bloom, Enchanting hearts with her celestial perfume.

In Mount Kailash, their celestial abode, Where serpents dance and mountains erode, Shiva meditates, detached and still, While Parvati’s love, his heart does fill.

Through eons of time, their love has endured, In cosmic dance, their union assured, Opposites they are, yet perfectly entwined, The eternal lovers, their souls aligned.

In the dance of creation, they unite, Their love a beacon, shining bright, From destruction to creation, they move as one, In the cosmic play, their love is spun.

In Ardhanarishvara, they merge as a whole, The divine balance, the cosmic goal, Male and female, fused in divine bliss, Their union a symbol of eternal oneness.

With Nandi, the bull, at Shiva’s feet, And Kartikeya, their son, so sweet, Ganesha, the elephant-headed one, Their celestial family, all love has won.

In their love, the universe finds solace, A divine romance, never to be erased, Shiva and Parvati, the cosmic flame, Igniting hearts, in love’s sacred name.

Through endless cycles, their story will flow, An eternal saga, forever aglow, Shiva and Parvati, divine and true, In their eternal love, we find our cue.

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~Sakshi Zion

Dance of Shiva & Kali

In realms divine, where mystic energies flow,
In tales of gods and goddesses, their powers aglow,
There shines a union, profound and wild,
Of Shiva, the destroyer, and Kali, the fierce and mild.

Shiva, the ascetic, adorned in ash and grace,
With matted locks that frame his tranquil face,
His third eye blazing, wisdom’s eternal fire,
In meditation, he quells the world’s desire.

Kali, the dark goddess, fierce and bold,
With a garland of skulls, her stories unfold,
Her tongue crimson, tasting victory’s thrill,
She dances in ecstasy, the cosmos to fulfill.

Together they dance, in the cosmic dance of life,
Their union a symphony, harmonious and rife,
Shiva’s calm and Kali’s storm entwined,
Their energies merging, intertwined.

Shiva’s tranquil gaze tames Kali’s raging storm,
Her fury subsides, her power transforms,
From destruction to creation, they manifest,
In their dance, the universe is blessed.

Shiva, the timeless, the ultimate ascetic,
Kali, the primal force, fierce and kinetic,
They embody the cycle, the ebb and flow,
Creation, preservation, and dissolution’s glow.

In their embrace, the cosmos finds harmony,
The dance of life, the eternal symphony,
With every step, they destroy and create,
Together, they embody fate’s intricate slate.

Oh, Shiva and Kali, the cosmic pair,
In their dance, we find the truths rare,
For destruction and creation are intertwined,
In the eternal cycle, forever aligned.

So let us embrace the dance of duality,
And seek the balance in life’s vast reality,
For Shiva and Kali, in cosmic embrace,
Remind us that existence is a sacred space.

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~Sakshi Zion

Surya Mudra or Agni Mudra

Surya Mudra, also known as Agni Mudra, is an ancient healing practice that dates back more than 5,000 years. Derived from Hindu and Buddhist traditions, it is a type of yoga posture that is believed to provide powerful health benefits.

In practice, Surya Mudra is a simple hand gesture. To make the mudra, you use your right thumb to press down on your ring finger. Your other three fingers should be straight and relaxed. This form of yoga is said to communicate an energy and signal to your body, allowing a re-balancing of your internal systems.

Surya Mudra has a variety of different benefits, with its main focus being on improving your energy flow and aiding in digestion. This mudra helps to regulate your whole body, boosting immunity and improving the functioning of your organs. It also promotes healthy skin, weight loss, and reducing stresses.

On an emotional level, Surya Mudra can also be said to restore balance. It helps to equalize your emotions and reduce anxiety, as well as bring peace and clarity to your mind. This can be incredibly helpful for those who are struggling with difficult life issues.

As well as its therapeutic benefits, Surya Mudra also has a spiritual aspect. Practicing this mudra on a regular basis can open up your crown chakra and enhance your connection to the Divine. By doing this, it encourages the generation of positive vibrations and awakens your inner power.

The practice of Surya Mudra should only take around five minutes of your time each day and can be done in any comfortable seated position. Simply close your eyes, extend your arms out in front of you, and place your right thumb over your ring finger. Continue in this position for a few minutes, focusing your intention on energy transformation.

By taking the time to practice Surya Mudra, you can unlock ancient healing powers to improve your mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. When combined with other yoga poses and positive affirmations, you can become truly empowered and experience the profound power of yoga.

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~Sakshi Zion

The Body is the Garden of Eden

The body is the Garden of Eden. The Head is the “Heaved Up Place” or the Dome of Heaven. The CSF (CerebroSpinal Fluid) is the river Gihon (Nile) one of the four rivers in the Garden of Eden mentioned in GeneISIS Chapter 2. It encompasses the land of EthiOpia which is the Etheric Optical or Optic Thalamus aka the Light Of The World. Accessed thru the Tree of Life aka the Vegus (Negus/King) Nerve. The 4 Rivers are in the Human anATOMy (Adam/Man). They are 4 heads that break off from the One River of Life which is SALiva/SALt/SALvation. The River of Saliva starting in the mouth is under the Pituitary (Peter) and above the Vegus Nerve which is connected to it. Both are associated with the Tree of Life.

The mouth eats the food of earth, breathes air, is wet with water. And speaks the word of Fire (4 elements).

 Euphrates is the Blood Stream. It means “Good to Cross” and is referring to the heart barrier Torus field which shapes the sign of the Cross.

The Pison is the URinary tract. UR means Gold. It went thru the land of Havilah (possibly India) which scriptures mentions as having gold. Abraham also was from the land of UR.

The Hiddikel River which is the Tigris is the digestive tract that runs thru Babylon, if it becomes corrupted it poisons the whole world/body. 

The Gihon/Nile is the CSF that flows up stream (Up the Spine/Micro Cosmic Orbit). It is also called the Chrism or Luminous Ether (5th Element that reaches the Medulla/Mouth Of God) which is the Anointing Oil, and is where we get the word Christ. Our Pineal Gland is constantly being bathed or Anointed with CSF. Gihon means “to burst forth”. 

The Semen (as welll as all other Oils secreted from the various glands) is considered an extension of the Life-Giving Chrism. Oil backwards is Lio/Leo/Lion. The Libido energy has long been thought of as a Lion. Consider the Nazarite Samson who conquered the Lion in order to get the Honey. In the Gospel Of Thomas Christ says: “Blessed is the Man who eats the Lion so the Lion can become Man. But woe to the man who is eaten of the Lion before the Lion becomes Man”

The Conquering Lion of Judah, like the Buddha has conquered the Lion within. The Bible also tells us to be sober and vigilant because the devil is like a roaring Lion.

Most human bodies today function under the order of the god of this world. The secrets of Eden long forgotten but occasionally revealed by Great Awakened Beings.

Few are they who find the Way.

One of the hidden reasons for the practice of celibacy (Brahmacharya) in the seminary (semen-ary)  has to do with the refining of semenial fluid thru  sexual transmutation and raising up the Chrism. Sending Moses up the Nile… The fish/ seed that flows up stream until it reaches the land of milk (feminine lunar magnetic serotonin/melatonin ) and honey( masculine solar electric D.M.T/Divine Mental Transmutation)

The Mind of Is-Ra-El/ Single Eye of Eyesus which is unlocked in the Pineal/Penial discovered in GeneISIS 32.30 By Jacob who saw God face to face and lived. He was the grandson of SarAbram (Cerebrum) the Brahmins who became Fathers and Mothers of a New Race. 

Let thine Eye Be Single (MAAThew 6.22). 

In the New Testament the CSF is the Jordan/Yardin/Garden River. The Garden is protected with a sword of Fire. Christ said His baptism was one of Fire and Spirit. When our Pineal Gland is Baptized in the Jordan by being bathed in Chrism. The Oil sparks the Fire of Life and man literally receives the Holy Breath/Spirit. Higher Quality Chrism creates a greater flame and burns hotter. Christ said “those who are close to I are close to a Flame.”

To feed the flame you must use the reSPIRITory system to connect to Source Power and L.O.V.E (Law Of Vibrational Energy)… Man does not live off of bread alone but by the Word/vibration/Prana/life force that proceeds from the Mouth Of God (Medulla Oblangata at the base of the Skull/Golgotha.) The word EAT is hidden in the words brEATh and dEATh. These are the real names for the 2 trees ???? ???? in the garden. Physical orgasm drains the life force and brings death (tree of the knowledge of good and evil which is duality of birth and death), whereas using the breath raises the Chrism up the spine (Tree Of Life) and brings the blood/soul up to the head/Heaven where Khrist sits on the Throne in the center of the Brain surrounded by 12 cranial nerves (disciples) who are His “judges” . This is the Yoke/Yoga of Light that was taught by the Master Jesus and many other awakened Sons of the Most High.

Like the Apostle Paul who also knew the code of the 2 Trees and taught about the Fruit of the Spirit/Breath. One of them being Self Control which can be seen as Pranayama/Life-Force-Control/ Breath-Work/Shamanic Breathing.

The ancients spoke of healing through synchronized Breath with the Healer.

Let this same Mind that was in  Yahshua also be in YOU.  He left us the Sign of Jonah. Jonah means Dove which is a symbol of the Crown Chakra/Holy Spirit. Jonah is hidden in the belly of the fish/seed and must be raised up so that He can Speak the Word of Salvation to the “Gentiles” and save them with the At-One-Ment of Inner Anointing/Crystalizing/Christalizing. Why do you think he (Jonah) had the people of Niniveh fast pray and meditate for three days? He was teaching the same process God just took him thru. The same wilderness of meditation the Christ was in for 40 days. As Moses lifted the serpent in the wilderness of meditation so the Seed of Man must also be lifted up.

Read the book of RA-veilations (Revelations)  and understand that the Mark of the Father is in the Forehead. 

The hidden message in the Name RasTafari is “The Mark/Sign/Seal in the Head is Worthy of Reverence”

Swami Paramahansa Yogananda said: “The Spine and the Brain are the altars of God”

Written by Ras Imon Shamaiwan