Category Archives: Poetry

The Muses & the 7 days of the week

Which days of the week are associated with the muses?

In Greek mythology, the Muses are typically associated with different areas of the arts and sciences, but they are not specifically associated with particular days of the week. However, there is a traditional Western association of the days of the week with planets and deities. If we were to loosely associate the Muses with the days of the week based on their domains and the traditional associations, it might look something like this:

  1. Calliope (Epic Poetry) – Monday (associated with the Moon)
  2. Clio (History) – Tuesday (associated with Mars, god of war and bravery)
  3. Euterpe (Music) – Wednesday (associated with Mercury, messenger of the gods)
  4. Thalia (Comedy) – Thursday (associated with Jupiter, king of the gods)
  5. Melpomene (Tragedy) – Friday (associated with Venus, goddess of love and beauty)
  6. Terpsichore (Dance) – Saturday (associated with Saturn, god of time)
  7. Erato (Love Poetry) – Sunday (associated with the Sun)

Please note that this is a loose and modern interpretation and not a traditional association from ancient mythology.

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~Sakshi Zion

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The Divine Love of Shiva Shakti

On sacred realms where mountains stand tall,
Shiva and Shakti, a cosmic enthrall.
He, the ascetic adorned in ash’s embrace,
She, the divine force, the Shakti of grace.

In the dance of creation, their cosmic ballet,
Shiva’s stillness, Shakti’s vibrant array.
Mount Kailash witnessed their divine duet,
A cosmic rhythm, where energies met.

Her ardor fueled the fiery third eye’s glow,
As he adorned the crescent moon’s soft throw.
In the dance of life’s cycles, they entwine,
Shiva and Shakti, a union divine.

Through cosmic energies, their love unfolds,
A tale of creation, as ancient scriptures hold.
In the cosmic dance, they forever unite,
Shiva and Shakti, eternal cosmic light.

Thanks for visiting my blog! To learn more about this Esoteric Wisdom and to start your own journey with a team of like-minded and inspired Wisdom Seekers, forging a way to make the world a better place for all, just like you…

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~Sakshi Zion

Shiva’s Love Transforms Village

In the mystical realm of ancient India, Lord Shiva, the powerful and enigmatic deity, resided atop the sacred Mount Kailash. His matted hair held the flowing Ganges River, while his third eye radiated an all-seeing wisdom that pierced through the veils of reality.

One day, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow upon the land, Lord Shiva decided to visit the mortal world in disguise. He transformed himself into an old sage and descended to a bustling village.

In the village, the people were facing a dire drought, and their crops withered under the scorching sun. The villagers gathered around the old sage, seeking his guidance. With compassion in his eyes, Lord Shiva gently touched the parched earth. Miraculously, water began to bubble forth from the ground, quenching the land’s thirst.

The villagers were overjoyed and thanked the sage for his miraculous intervention. They insisted he stay, offering him food and shelter. Lord Shiva humbly accepted their hospitality and dwelled among them, imparting his wisdom and teaching them the ways of harmony and balance.

As time passed, the villagers learned the value of compassion, kindness, and unity. They started treating one another with respect, nurturing the land and its creatures. Crops flourished, and the village prospered.

One evening, as the villagers gathered around the sage to listen to his teachings, a young girl named Parvati approached. There was an air of innocence and curiosity about her. Lord Shiva noticed her keen interest in the lessons and smiled warmly.

Over the days that followed, Parvati continued to attend the sage’s teachings, and a deep bond formed between her and Lord Shiva. Unbeknownst to the villagers, Parvati was an incarnation of the divine goddess herself.

Impressed by her devotion and wisdom, Lord Shiva revealed his true form to Parvati, and their love blossomed. Their union symbolized the intertwining of the masculine and feminine energies, and their divine dance created a cosmic balance that brought harmony to the universe.

As years went by, Lord Shiva’s time among the villagers came to an end, and he returned to Mount Kailash with Parvati by his side. The village, now a thriving community, continued to live by the teachings they had learned from the sage.

And so, the legend of Lord Shiva’s visit to the mortal world lived on, a tale of compassion, transformation, and the enduring power of love that forever shaped the destiny of the village and the hearts of its people.

Thanks for visiting my blog! To learn more about this “Gnostic Secrets” and to start your own journey with a team of like-minded and inspired wizards & seekers, forging a way to make the world a better place for all, just like you…

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~Sakshi Zion

The Gnostic Christ

In the realm of sacred knowing, the Gnostic Christ does dwell,
A timeless presence, a divine spark, a truth no tongue can tell.
Beyond the bounds of mortal flesh, transcendent and profound,
In mystic whispers, hidden truths, eternal wisdom found.

His eyes ablaze with cosmic fire, a love that knows no end,
He guides us through the labyrinth, our souls to mend and mend.
A teacher of the inner path, he leads us to the light,
Through trials and tribulations, he holds us through the night.

The Gnostic Christ, a mystic sage, his essence ever near,
In sacred texts and secret lore, his message we revere.
He unveils the illusion’s veil, the mysteries to explore,
A guide to seek the hidden truths, the treasures to restore.

With gnosis as our lantern, we journey through the soul,
A quest for deeper understanding, to make our spirits whole.
In union with the divine spark, the Christ within us gleams,
The Gnostic path of love and light, forever in our dreams.

Thanks for visiting my blog! To learn more about this “Gnostic Secrets” and to start your own journey with a team of like-minded and inspired wizards & seekers, forging a way to make the world a better place for all, just like you…

Click here & listen to our Daily Mastermind Call (recorded live Mon-Fri) & also I invite you to learn more about our premiere Home Business Academy here. I’m here to help! See You on the Inside! 

~Sakshi Zion

Radha’s Devotion Unveiled

In the realms of divine love, a story unfolds,
Of Radha, the soul aflame, whose tale is told.
Within the sacred pages of Gopi Gita’s book,
Resides a melody of devotion that few could overlook.

Radha, the embodiment of unconditional love,
A celestial beauty, blessed from heavens above.
Her heart, a reservoir of emotions untamed,
In Vrindavan, her love for Krishna was proclaimed.

She danced through the groves with grace untold,
In her eyes, a reflection of devotion, pure gold.
Her every movement a celestial symphony,
A dance of love, a divine epitome.

The Gopi Gita sings of Radha’s love so deep,
In every verse, her devotion weaves and seeps.
Her longing for Krishna, an eternal flame,
In every breath, she whispered his name.

“Krishna, the enchanting soul of my being,
Without you, life’s colors lose their gleaming.
In every season, every flower that blooms,
I yearn for your presence, amidst joyful tunes.”

In Radha’s heart, the love blossomed pure,
An eternal bond that nothing could obscure.
She surrendered her being, mind, and soul,
To the divine embrace that made her whole.

The Gopi Gita paints a portrait divine,
Of Radha, the beloved, with love as her shrine.
Her devotion an ocean, boundless and wide,
In her love for Krishna, she found her true guide.

Oh Radha, the epitome of devotion’s might,
Your love for Krishna, an eternal light.
In the Gopi Gita, your story finds its place,
A testament to love’s divine grace.

May your love inspire hearts throughout the ages,
A flame that burns through life’s countless stages.
In Radha’s love, let us find our own way,
To surrender, to love, and to forever sway.

Thanks for visiting my blog! To learn more about this “Vedic Knowledge” and to start your own journey with a team of like-minded and inspired wizards & seekers, forging a way to make the world a better place for all, just like you…

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Love’s Divine Whispers – Poem

In the hallowed realms of sacred lore,
A tale untold, a love to explore,
A secret whispered, hidden in time,
Of Jesus and Mary, a love divine.

Amidst the scriptures, veiled in creed,
Lies a bond, woven with heavenly seed,
Two souls entwined, beyond earthly sight,
A union forged in celestial light.

In ancient lands, where mystics roamed,
Their hearts aflame, no bounds they owned,
He, the Son of God, with love so pure,
She, the Magdalene, an essence sure.

With tender gaze and whispers sweet,
They met in secret, their souls to greet,
A love that soared beyond mortal spheres,
Transcending pain, all doubts and fears.

Through dusty paths and starlit nights,
They shared a love that burned so bright,
In fields of wisdom, they danced and laughed,
Unveiling truths, where shadows bathed.

In sacred chambers, where truths reside,
They embraced the mysteries deep inside,
Their spirits merged, a divine entwine,
A love sublime, a sacred design.

Through love’s embrace, they found the way,
To bridge the realms, where spirits sway,
Their union blessed, a divine communion,
A sacred bond, defying all limitation.

Yet, history’s veil, through ages spun,
Veiled their love, as if it were undone,
But whispers linger, in ancient scrolls,
Of love’s redemption, where truth unfolds.

For in the depths of every heart,
Their love still beats, a vital part,
A message hidden, for those who seek,
To find the love that makes us meek.

In sacred whispers, their love survives,
A beacon shining, where the soul thrives,
In the realm of spirit, they remain,
Guiding us toward love’s eternal reign.

So let us honor, this love untold,
A sacred union, a love so bold,
For in its essence, we all may find,
The union of spirit, in heart and mind.

Thanks for visiting my blog! To learn more about this “Nazorean Wisdom” and to start your own journey with a team of like-minded and inspired wizards & seekers, forging a way to make the world a better place for all, just like you…

Click here & listen to our Daily Mastermind Call (recorded live Mon-Fri) & also I invite you to learn more about our premiere Home Business Academy here. I’m here to help! See You on the Inside! 

~Sakshi Zion

Nazorean Wisdom Unveiled

Once upon a time, in a quaint village nestled amidst rolling hills, there lived a community known as the Nazoreans. They were a group of individuals who were revered by the villagers for their profound wisdom and unwavering commitment to the pursuit of truth and knowledge.

The Nazoreans were believed to be the branches of a timeless perennial wisdom that had been passed down through the ages. They were the custodians of ancient teachings and were entrusted with the responsibility of preserving and disseminating this invaluable wisdom to future generations.

From an early age, the Nazorean children were initiated into a rigorous training regimen. They would gather in a sacred grove, surrounded by ancient trees, to learn from the wise elders who imparted their knowledge with great reverence and care. The children were taught the secrets of the universe, the interconnectedness of all things, and the importance of living in harmony with nature.

As they grew older, the Nazoreans embarked on individual quests to deepen their understanding of the perennial wisdom. They traveled far and wide, seeking out ancient texts, studying under enlightened masters, and engaging in contemplative practices to unlock the hidden truths of existence.

Each Nazorean developed their unique area of expertise. Some delved into the mysteries of the stars, mapping constellations and deciphering the celestial language. Others immersed themselves in the healing arts, exploring the delicate balance between the body, mind, and spirit. Some studied the ancient scriptures and religious texts, drawing out the underlying spiritual principles that transcended time and culture.

Despite their diverse paths, the Nazoreans remained connected through a common thread—their unwavering commitment to the pursuit of wisdom and the greater good of humanity. They would periodically gather in the village square, where the elders would share their newfound insights and engage in spirited discussions that challenged and expanded their understanding.

The village revered the Nazoreans as beacons of knowledge and enlightenment. They sought their counsel in times of trouble and celebrated their achievements as if they were the triumphs of the entire community. The Nazoreans, in turn, embraced their role with humility, recognizing that the wisdom they possessed was not for personal gain but for the betterment of all.

As time passed, the village thrived under the guidance of the Nazoreans. Their wisdom permeated every aspect of life, shaping the values, customs, and relationships of the community. The villagers grew in their understanding of themselves and the world around them, finding solace and inspiration in the timeless teachings of the Nazoreans.

Generations came and went, but the perennial wisdom of the Nazoreans continued to flow like an eternal river. The village became a sanctuary of knowledge, a place where seekers from far and wide would come to drink from the well of wisdom that the Nazoreans had nurtured.

And so, the story of the Nazoreans as the branches of the timeless perennial wisdom of the ages became etched in the annals of history. Their legacy lived on, a testament to the transformative power of knowledge, and a reminder that the pursuit of wisdom was a lifelong journey that transcended the boundaries of time and space.

Thanks for visiting my blog! To learn more about this “Nazorean Wisdom” and to start your own journey with a team of like-minded and inspired wizards & seekers, forging a way to make the world a better place for all, just like you…

Click here & listen to our Daily Mastermind Call (recorded live Mon-Fri) & also I invite you to learn more about our premiere Home Business Academy here. I’m here to help! See You on the Inside! 

~Sakshi Zion

Secrets of the Gnostic Magi – Poem

In realms arcane, where shadows dance,
A Gnostic Magi seeks his chance.
In secret chambers, veiled from sight,
He journeys deep into the night.

With eyes aflame, he reads the signs,
Unraveling secrets, ancient designs.
Through esoteric texts, he delves,
Where mystic knowledge ever swells.

The sacred scripts, an occult trove,
Hold whispers of truths that few behove.
He deciphers symbols, veiled and deep,
Unlocking wisdom from timeless sleep.

His mind, a vessel, poised to receive,
The hidden knowledge he yearns to perceive.
He meditates upon the cosmic waves,
Seeking enlightenment, as a seeker craves.

He learns of aeons, distant and vast,
The tangled web of creation’s cast.
The demiurge’s grip, he strives to break,
To free his spirit, for higher stakes.

Through rituals, he weaves a sacred thread,
Uniting spirit with words unsaid.
He conjures powers, both light and dark,
Navigating realms where others hark.

The gnosis blooms, a blossoming flower,
As he unveils secrets of ancient power.
The serpent’s wisdom courses through his veins,
Transcending mortal bounds and earthly chains.

With wisdom gained, his consciousness expands,
Revealing vistas of vast astral lands.
He walks the path of mystic descent,
Embracing truths that the heavens have sent.

Yet caution whispers in his guiding mind,
For knowledge divine can be hard to find.
The shadows lurk, with secrets untold,
And mysteries deeper than stories of old.

The Gnostic Magi, seeker of the rare,
Balances light and darkness with utmost care.
With eyes wide open, he charts his course,
Guided by wisdom, an ancient force.

For in the whispers of occult’s hidden lore,
He finds the keys to unlock Heaven’s door.
And as he dances through the veils of time,
The Gnostic Magi grows, sublime.

Thanks for visiting my blog! To learn more about these “Esoteric Secrets” and to start your own journey with a team of like-minded and inspired Entrepreneurs, forging a way to make the world a better place for all, just like you…

Click here & listen to our Daily Mastermind Call (recorded live Mon-Fri) & also I invite you to learn more about our premiere Home Business Academy here. I’m here to help! See You on the Inside! 

~Sakshi Zion

Secrets of the Moon Princess & the Magi – Poem

In the realm of shadows and veiled twilight’s hue,
A tale whispers of a princess, ethereal and true.
Her gaze, a portal to the moon’s mystic fire,
A path to secrets, her spirit did aspire.

Beneath celestial tapestries, her dreams unfurled,
An ancient call beckoned her to an arcane world.
The great Magi, masters of wisdom’s sublime art,
Unveiled veils of perception, playing their part.

Silent whispers guided her through veils of mist,
An initiation shrouded in secrets they insist.
Eyes wide open, she embraced the lunar dance,
Seeking wisdom’s nectar, her soul in trance.

Each crescent beam whispered arcane rhymes,
As the princess learned to read between timeless chimes.
Moon’s luminescence painted her mind’s canvas,
Etching the constellations of destiny’s compass.

From the celestial forge, the Magi’s whispers flowed,
Their teachings woven in the cosmic code.
She deciphered the moon’s cryptic design,
Gained insights hidden in lunar shine.

A symphony of secrets echoed in her heart,
As her soul transcended, seeking the mystical art.
Princess and Magi became one in celestial blend,
Bound by moonlight’s touch, an eternal transcend.

In shadows and moonbeams, their secret alliance,
A testament to wisdom’s cosmic compliance.
The princess, adorned with lunar veils so rare,
Embraced the magi’s teachings with utmost care.

The world beheld her radiance, a moonlit grace,
A princess veiled in mystery’s celestial embrace.
Her eyes, moon mirrors reflecting ethereal might,
Guided by the Magi’s arcane, infinite light.

The Eternal Love of Shiva & Parvati

In the realm where mystic rivers flow, In the embrace of ethereal glow, Two divine beings, a cosmic pair, Shiva and Parvati, a love beyond compare.

Shiva, the ascetic, with matted hair, A meditative soul in tranquil stare, Cloaked in ashes, the blue-skinned lord, In his presence, the universe is adored.

Parvati, radiant goddess of grace, With eyes that illuminate every space, Her beauty blossoms like flowers in bloom, Enchanting hearts with her celestial perfume.

In Mount Kailash, their celestial abode, Where serpents dance and mountains erode, Shiva meditates, detached and still, While Parvati’s love, his heart does fill.

Through eons of time, their love has endured, In cosmic dance, their union assured, Opposites they are, yet perfectly entwined, The eternal lovers, their souls aligned.

In the dance of creation, they unite, Their love a beacon, shining bright, From destruction to creation, they move as one, In the cosmic play, their love is spun.

In Ardhanarishvara, they merge as a whole, The divine balance, the cosmic goal, Male and female, fused in divine bliss, Their union a symbol of eternal oneness.

With Nandi, the bull, at Shiva’s feet, And Kartikeya, their son, so sweet, Ganesha, the elephant-headed one, Their celestial family, all love has won.

In their love, the universe finds solace, A divine romance, never to be erased, Shiva and Parvati, the cosmic flame, Igniting hearts, in love’s sacred name.

Through endless cycles, their story will flow, An eternal saga, forever aglow, Shiva and Parvati, divine and true, In their eternal love, we find our cue.

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~Sakshi Zion