John the Baptist was an incarnation of the Peacock Angel. This truth is revealed by understanding the deities John was linked with during his life.
John was recognized to be an incarnation of Elijah, the prophet who was synonymous with the Sufis’ al-Khadr, the “Green Man.” The Green Man is one of the titles of Tawsi Melek, whose etheric feathers engulfed the Earth and then crystallized to become the vegetation of our planet.
John the Baptist was also recognized as the incarnation of Sanat Kumara, the Hindu Avatar whose brother, Sananda Kumara, returned with him as the reincarnated Jesus. Sanat Kumara is the Hindu version of the Peacock Angel.
And John was also identified as the Sumerian Avatar, Enki, who returns to Earth at the beginning of every great cycle of time, and like John spends half his life in water and half on land. The connection between Enki and the future John was revealed to the Jews during their time of captivity in Babylonia.
Sanat Kumara, Enki, John, and Roman Green Man, Janus, are all synonymous and share the same name, which is a version of Jnana, meaning “Gnosis.”