When Will The Heaven Begin? The Ben Breedlove Story

A few years ago, I came across a very inspiring story about a young man named Ben Breedlove who made a video shortly before he died of heart failure which went viral on YouTube and social media. In the video, Ben told his story about his lifetime struggle with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and also some very mystical and spiritual visions of heaven and angels in his near-death experiences. One interesting point in his experience was the rapper Kid Cudi appeared as a sort of guardian angel for Ben. The message he conveyed in his video stirred something deep in millions of people around the world, including myself.

About 2 weeks ago, a person I used to work with named Josh, came up to me with a gift in his hands. He said, “Hey Sakshi, I have something for you!”  he then pulled from behind his back, a book, “When Will The Heaven Begin? The Ben Breedlove Story”. I immediately recognized Ben’s smile and excitedly accepted his gift exclaiming, “Oh Cool! I know this story! It’s Amazing!” Josh told me he recently read the book himself and Ben’s story really impacted him deeply and has since distributed over 25 copies of the book to friends and family. I was extremely touched by this gesture and his thinking of me and I thanked Josh many times.

I then proceeded to read the book in 1 week. It was difficult to put down.. just one of those books. Ben’s story captured me similar to how Lisa “Left Eye” Lopez’s story did, when I first heard it. I cried, laughed and felt the spiritual presence of Ben, as an angel himself. As I read his story, I sat amazed by his strength, compassion and kind heart despite all that he went through. Inspired by Ben, I have been contemplating a lot of important questions in my life too. I can’t suggest this book highly enough, as well as his famous videos, which I share below.

From the final pages of the book:

His life story had been filled with struggle, but even in midst of his suffering, Ben was comforted by the peace of God. Even in the face of death, he was comforted by the hope of heaven. By sharing his short life with the world, Ben completed his purpose.

The last thing Ben left us all with is a question. “Do you believe in Angels or God?”

“I Do.” -Ben Breedlove


Get the book here: “When Will The Heaven Begin?

I hope you got lots of VALUE from this post! If you have questions or comments, please share your thoughts below! Thanks for visiting my blog!

~Sakshi Zion

Ps. Get Access Now to my FREE Ebook! How I use Law of Attraction to Travel the World and Live my Dreams!

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