Category Archives: Africa

Faith Can Move Mountains (Medley Cover) by Sakshi Zion (The Twinkle Brothers, Peter Broggs & Jah Levi)

Faith Can Move Mountains” is a powerful cover medley performed by Sakshi Zion, seamlessly blending the reggae classics of Twinkle Brothers, Peter Broggs, and Jah Levi into a soulful and uplifting tribute to the strength of faith.

Faith Can Move Mountains – Sakshi Zion

The medley begins with the spiritual resonance of Twinkle Brothers’ harmonies, bringing a deep, rooted sound of hope. As the tempo picks up, the medley flows into Peter Broggs’ stirring lyrics of resilience, building a rhythm that echoes with conviction. The final section brings Jah Levi’s transcendental energy, creating a euphoric sense of overcoming life’s challenges.

Sakshi Zion’s emotive vocals carry each song with clarity, offering a harmonious fusion of roots, reggae, and gospel influences, delivering a message that truly “faith can move mountains.” The medley encapsulates the power of music to inspire, uplift, and bring people together in unity and strength. This performance was part of the Sunday Service at New Thought Center of Hawaii.

Visionary Rasta Inspired Art

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~Sakshi Zion

Serpent in the Sky (book) The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt

Serpent in the Sky is a non-fiction book by John Anthony West that presents an alternative take on the history of ancient Egypt. Drawing on an impressive range of disciplines and sources, West argues that the civilization of ancient Egypt was not the work of humans alone, but of a much more highly advanced and “lost” civilization. In an insightful and groundbreaking exploration of ancient civilizations, West brings together the available evidence to suggest the possibility of a much older and much more mysterious origin of the Giza complex — one with monumental implications involving extraterrestrial contacts, a history of advanced science, and a possible source of the culture’s accelerated evolutionary conditions. West’s provocative and original hypothesis will challenge long held notions of mankind’s artificial boundaries of time, knowledge and discoveries.

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~Sakshi Zion

Tamar – Mary Magdalene’s secret daughter

Generally, when you hear about Mary Magdalene’s daughter, people tend to call her, consistently, “Sara”. But, the truth is that her name is actually Tamar.

Back in the 1st century, (and before that) it was traditional for girls, when they reach 12-15 years of age, for them to be married-off. (this generally went around the time of their first period… first period, get your husband!) Mary Magdalene’s family was rich. They decided to send their daughter off, from their home in Magdalena (Obviously, Mary “self-choose” her “surname”.) to marry a rich man in Bethany. Now, Magdalena is a northern Israeli (yes, I said “is”. It still stands!) town, a huge one for fishing, because it is on the Jordon river — but Bethany, is right next to Jerusalem, which is (obviously for us geography geeks) very south Israel. Mary was sent off with one donkey, tons of money, and her spikenard perfume. Along the way, Mary was raped by a southern-African band of bandits, they stole her donkey, and all her money. And, this resulted in a pregnancy. She was at least more than half way, she made it just to Jericho, a town slightly more northern than Bethany, but by the time she made it she was too sick (and by that, I meant too pregnant) to make it to Bethany. Oh what am I doing, this post is about TAMAR. OK- just to rap things up, she then went into prostitution, then met Jesus, wa-laa!

Well, about a month before the crucifixion, Mary got pregnant with Jesus’ child. After the crucifixion, Mary, Tamar (who was now… I think 15-16 years old) Salome (a female apostle of Jesus), Mary of Bethany and Lazarus escaped Israel in a rowboat — with Peter Simon now the first Pope, and more than enough people wanting to slit her throat, she had to leave. Under disguise, Tamar changed her name to “Sara”, and pretended to be Mary’s slave, (Gosh that’s horrible) noting her “father” was of southern-African origins. During this time, Mary gave birth to a boy who she named Joseph. Tamar was bypassed in favor of Joseph, him being a boy, but there were those that believe Tamar was the real heiress and as such a secret society sprung up around her and her beliefs.

It is called The Tamar Secret Society. And it is the most secretive society on Earth. It started in Glastonbury, a small town in England, but it’s base can also be traced to France as well as England. It had strong connections with the Celtic church where many of its members came, later it developed strong connections with the Cathars in France. Tamar even has it’s own language, with has almost 5,000 spells connected to it. The Tamar holds virginity very important, to both men and women. The Tamar where well connected to the Knights Templar and the Prieuré de Sion. It is thought by some that when the Templar where being persecuted by the catholic church that the Templar passed on to Tamar the secrets of the Arc, which they had discovered some years earlier.

Reposted From : Magdalene: Beyond the Da Vinci Code

Tamar – Secret Daughter of Mary Magdalene

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~Sakshi Zion

Mary Magdalene an Ethiopian Princess?

The legends of Mary Magdalene being an Ethiopian princess date back to the ancient times of the 1st & 2nd centuries. It is said that she was born in Egypt, either the daughter of a wealthy Jewish merchant or a princess of Ethiopia, and that she was raised near the temple of Isis in Alexandria. She was a revered princess, where it was believed she was trained in the art of healing and possessed magical powers.

When Mary Magdalene was about eighteen she received a message from God telling her to leave her home and travel to Galilee. There, she met Jesus and immediately recognized him as the Son of God. She began to follow him, and it is said that she was the first female to do so. After Jesus performed miracles and preached, Mary became his closest follower, traveling frequently with him teaching his message. She was eventually recognized as an apostle and it is said that Jesus openly acknowledged her.

The fame of Mary Magdalene as a follower of Jesus would continue even after his death. During the time of his crucifixion it was said that she had remained faithful to him, and after his burial, it is said that she had gone to his tomb. As such, Mary Magdalene has since become known as a symbol for faith, hope, and redemption.

Many folk tales and legends exist about Mary Magdalene’s origins. One such story tells of a faithful soldier from Ethiopia who pledged his life to serve the Lord. This soldier supposedly had a daughter named Mary, who was raised in a wealthy, royal home and was taught the ways of healing and magic. Some believe that this daughter was actually Mary Magdalene.

Regardless of the myths and legends, Mary Magdalene remains an enigmatic and inspiring figure from history, who is seen as a symbol of faith, love, and hope. Her Ethiopian roots and background continue to mystify and fascinate both religious and non-religious followers alike.

Mary Magdalene, she was the apple of His eye,
His love for her held strong and deep and never did wander by.

He held her close and whispered soft, to her soul He could relate, and through their love they would transcend the meager trials of fate.

For Him she was a loving wife, whom He treasured to the core, the love between the two was like two birds forever they would soar.

The Holy Spirit was the link that brought them ever closer, their faith in each other kept them tighter than a silver closure.

The Sacred Union of the two upon a dark night in the woods, will be remembered till the end of time and the way that Mary could.

As Mary wept with divine love, she would cling tightly to His side, and while love in the world abounds, their bond is forever tied. ????

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~Sakshi Zion

Manna from Heaven in the Bible… Magic Mushrooms?

In Exodus 16, God provided the Israelites with a heavenly substance known as “manna” to sustain them while they wandered the desert on their journey to the Promised Land. For centuries, theologians have speculated as to the identity of this divinely-provided sustenance, with many theories arising around the possibilities of it being an hallucinogenic mushroom known as the ‘psychedelic mushroom’. Let us explore the evidence for the hypothesis that ‘manna’ was indeed an hallucinogenic mushroom and examine the implications for religious practice and modern life.

The most common candidate for the identity of the ‘manna’ of Exodus 16 is the psychedelic mushroom, Amanita muscaria. This mushroom has both psychoactive and psycho-spiritual properties that have been well documented throughout history. It grows in abundance in countries located in the Biblical area, including Israel and Egypt, and is highly sought after by religious and spiritual seekers. It has been used in shamanic practices since ancient times, and continues to be used in ritual and spiritual contexts.

The psychedelic mushroom is a powerful entheogen, which is defined as a “substance that brings forth the divine within”. It has been used to access higher levels of consciousness, to expand awareness, and to commune with the divine. The hallucinogenic properties of the mushroom can produce profound religious, spiritual, and psychological effects, depending on the dosage and method of administration. It has been suggested that this is the same type of experience that the Israelites would have had when eating the ‘manna’ of Exodus 16.

In modern times, psychedelic mushrooms are still used in ritual contexts, and special ceremonies are often held in order to honor their power. They have become increasingly popular in recent years as both a means of spiritual exploration and personal healing. It is believed by many that the mushrooms can provide insight into the ancient and forgotten paths to spiritual enlightenment.

The hypothesis that ‘manna’ was an hallucinogenic mushroom has significant implications for both religion and modern life. For those who follow the view of a personal God, this could be seen as further evidence of God’s mercy and love. While it may not be literal manna from heaven, the psychedelic mushroom offers a glimpse into the mystical, spiritual, and powerful potential of entheogenic substances. Additionally, the use of psychedelic mushrooms is an alternative to drugs and alcohol, which can have damaging effects on the body and mind. Thus, it can be seen as a potentially beneficial form of self-exploration and spiritual growth.

In conclusion, there is evidence that ‘manna’ from Exodus 16 was an hallucinogenic mushroom. This substance is still used today and can provide profound religious, spiritual, and psychological effects, depending on the method of administration. The implications of this hypothesis are far-reaching, as they suggest that entheogenic substances can provide insight into spiritual truths and can assist in personal growth and healing.

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~Sakshi Zion

Poem for the Queen of Sheba

Once lived a queen with locks of ebony
and eyes both blazing ivory,
A daughter of pure royalty,
A power to rival none other,
This was the Queen of Sheba.

Her grandeur soared beyond belief and rivaled the sun’s own glowing rays,
A strength and beauty so immense,
That even the furthest corners of the world had heard her name.

She set forth and sojourned to a distant land,
Equipped with gifts that sparkled in the sand,
The wisdom of a queen and refreshing grace,
To seek the secrets of King Solomon’s holy place.

The meeting of the two was no ordinary scene,
Like two shimmering stars shining bright,
The power and wisdom they shared that day,
Could light the night sky through the night.

The King himself was truly amazed
At the momentous power of such a graceful woman,
So honored was he to receive a crown
From the hands of the Queen of Sheba.

The heroes of that glorious time have long passed,
But the legacy of their glory remains,
The memory of the Queen of Sheba,
Forever shining in our hearts and brains.

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~Sakshi Zion

The History of the Ethiopian David Harp

In ancient times, the use of a musical instrument known as the David harp was common among the Ethiopian Jews, who referred to the instrument as a “kinnor.” A kinnor is a three-stringed instrument that is believed to have derived from the Middle Eastern lyre and is made of an animal skin stretched over a circular wooden sound box. The strings are generally made of sheep gut, which produces a softer and more subtle sound than the strings made of metal which are found in modern harps. The David harvest was named after King David, who is said to have invented the instrument, according to Jewish tradition.

The use of the David harp can be traced back to the ninth century BCE and it is believed to have been brought to Ethiopia through the Jews of the diaspora who were fleeing religious persecution. The Jews of Ethiopia brought the harp with them and it became a part of their culture and practice of ethnic worship. In the 19th century, the instrument was highly popular among Jewish communities and it was used at weddings and religious ceremonies. The harp is also closely associated with the Amharic language, which is spoken in Ethiopia, as it is used to accompany fans during ceremonial singing and story-telling.

The use of a kinnor is mentioned in the Bible in many different contexts, including the story of King David and his use of the harp to calm King Saul (1 Samuel 16:23). The instrument was also seen as a symbol of devotion to God in the ancient world and it is closely associated with sacred practices. In addition, the kinnor was often used in Ethiopian Jewish music to accompany the melodies and rhythms of their religious practices.

The design of the David harp has changed over time and it is believed to be the ancestor of the modern harp. The Ethiopian Jews used a variety of materials in the construction of the David harp and they often decorated the instrument with colorful fabrics or gemstones. The players of the David harp were highly skilled and they often sang and composed their own songs.

Over time, the use of the David harp declined and the instrument was no longer played as frequently as it had been in the past. However, in recent years there has been a revival of interest in the traditional Ethiopian music and the kinnor has seen a resurgence in popularity in some areas.

In summary, the David harp is an ancient instrument that has a long and rich history in Ethiopia. The instrument is closely associated with the practice of ritual worship by the Ethiopian Jews and it has played an important part in Ethiopian culture for centuries. The David harp is also believed to be the ancestor of the modern harp and its use and design have changed over time. In recent years, the instrument has seen a resurgence in popularity and it continues to be used in certain areas.

Thanks for visiting my blog! To learn more about the Law of Attraction and to start your own journey with a team of like-minded and inspired Entrepreneurs, forging a way to make the world a better place for all, just like you…

Click here & listen to our Daily Mastermind Call (recorded live Mon-Fri) & also I invite you to learn more about our premiere Home Business Academy here. I’m here to help! See You on the Inside!

~Sakshi Zion

Haile Selassie I speaks about Lord Rama

“We see how the effulgence arising from the Lord Ram, who overcame Ravana in a fair fight, is as brilliant as ever; and since it has an abiding inviolability, no power on earth can undermine it.”

  • From “God, The Almighty: Commonly Entitled The Second Coming of the Lord,” A Talk Given on the Occasion of the Silver Jubilee of Emperor Haile Selassie I

“The victory of Lord Rama signifies the victory of righteousness and justice. In the same way, we can transform our own lives to a victory of righteousness and justice over all the forces of evil that enslave mankind.”

  • From a speech given by Haile Selassie I at the 62nd Convention of the Supreme Council of The Order of DeMolay, Washington, D.C, October 2, 1966.

“Lord Rama is an example for whole of mankind, for he was a merciful and just ruler who accepted punishment for his mistakes as readily as he accepted victory for his righteous actions.”

  • From a speech given on the occasion of the 1975 Silver Jubilee celebrations of Emperor Haile Selassie I.
Haile Selassie I claimed he was a descendant of Lord Rama through his son Kush, who was the father of the Kushites, whom the Ethiopians are historically known as.
Lord Rama & Goddess Sita
Prince of Peace
Jah Rastafari

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Mystical Poetry for Queen Cleopatra

Time of Nile’s kings hath come to pass
Bringeth forth the great Queen of Egypt’s grass
Cleopatra the Seventh, treasure of lore,
Descended down the lineage to open a new door.
Her dynasty would foretell of a holy birth
Ancestor of a Son who cometh of Heaven’s mirth.

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Cryptic Poem for Queen Cleopatra

Queen Cleopatra VII

Ruler of time and space,
Her gaze beholden with grace,
A timeless queen, a pharoah clear,
The ancestor of the Nasarene so near.
Her mysteries and secrets unearthed,
Her beloved Egypt on river rust,
Ancestor of a crucified King,
Her legend flows like a Spring.

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