Tag Archives: shiva trident

Poem for Lord Shiva

A trident held by Lord Shiva
The symbol of power and reminder of divinity

The three points that glint in the sky’s golden hue
Pointing in each direction to uphold truth

Om Shivoham, Om Namah Shivaya
Vibrations of devotion and love for Shiva

The trident’s rays of grace fire down
Piercing, enlightening the hearts of one and all

It soothes our pains and cleanses our sins
Blessings from above, blessings from within

The trident is a sign of Lord Shiva’s strength
Protector of all, the destroyer of wrongs

Om Tat Sat, all strings of life come together
By His command, He binds the universe

The trident grounds and holds us together
In His love and grace, we belong to Him forever.

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