Medicinal Use of Lotus:
There is a strong relationship between the lotus and Goddess Lakshmi (signifying richness and wealth). The lotus represents growth in nature. The honeybee makes honey with its pollens and the flower is used to prepare Gulkand. Gulkand is used as a medicine to cure constipation and other diseases. One can see green colored seeds inside the lotus flower, which are roasted to make makhana. If the raw seeds are peeled and taken as a medicine, it increases strength and vigor. It is cold in nature. It is used as eyeliner along with honey to improve the eyesight. The lotus leaves can be used as a cosmetic as well. Grind the lotus leaves and mix them with the ubatan (a pack made out of gram flour, raw milk, curd and 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder) and apply on the face. Rub it gently on the face, the skin glows and the face looks beautiful.
Medicinal Use of Kewda (Pandanus)
It has a nice fragrance like Kasturi (musk). This flower removes odors and fills the atmosphere with fragrance. Kewda oil is beneficial for respiratory problems and provides vitality. Its perfume relieves headache and gout pain. Boil the flowers in water and take bath with this water, it is very beneficial in cases of leprosy, itching, small pox and heart diseases. A few drops of this flower added to water gives relief in headache and tiredness. In case of fever one drop of kewda essence helps the sweat to come out and the body temperature comes down. In case of severe pain in the ear, place two drops of its perfume in the ear. It will instantly relieve the pain.
Medicinal Use of Rose
Rose represents beauty, love and affection. The gulkand made out of rose is purgative in nature and reduces the heat in the intestines and stomach. It makes the heart and mind cheerful. Wash the eyes with rose water to reduce the redness of the eyes and swelling. Its perfume is vitalizing and its oil makes the mind cool. A few drops of rose essence is used in sweet dishes. It provides coolness during the hot summer season.
Medicinal Use of Champa (fragrant yellow flower)
Grind champa flowers and apply it on the skin affected with leprosy. A few drops of this flower destroy the germs present in the blood. Dry the flowers and make a fine powder, use this powder to get relief from itching. Champa cures fever, improves the eyesight and gives strength and energy to men.
Medicinal Use of Aniseed (Saunf)
Aniseed contains a lot of beneficial qualities. Boil the aniseed flowers in water; add cardamom and a few mint leaves in the water. It is better to boil the leaves in a ceramic pot and keep the water aside. When the water gets cold, give one teaspoon to small children and to babies who are getting new teeth and those who are suffering from extreme heat. This reduces the stomachache and the teeth will also grow in the correct manner.
Medicinal Use of Marigold
Grow marigold flowers near dirty ponds and near the surroundings of the house to protect the house from mosquitoes. It is also beneficial in liver diseases, swelling of the liver, stones and skin diseases.
Medicinal Use of Jasmine
This flower possesses a very good fragrance and grows especially in the summer season. Decorate the house with Jasmine flowers. You can keep a garland near you or in a vase, which will give freshness and fragrance. Its smell reduces the burning sensation. Women who have the problem of mild menstruation should chew a few petals of this flower. The menses cycle will become regular and the menstruation also becomes normal.
Medicinal Use of Night Queen
Commonly known as ‘Raat ki Rani’ possesses an extremely good fragrance, which can be felt from a long distance. The flower produces fragrance from evening to midnight and after that it gradually reduces. Another advantage of this flower is that mosquitoes are kept at bay. Its fragrance makes the person drowsy and puts one to sleep.
Medicinal Use of Sunflower
Sunflower contains vitamins A and D. It cures diseases which occur due to sunlight. Its oil is especially beneficial for heart patients and it reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood.
Medicinal Use of Chameli
Oil of this flower is used in skin diseases, pyaria, toothache, wounds, eye diseases, boils, etc. It increases the blood flow and activates the entire body. In case of mouth ulcers chewing the leaves of Chameli provide instant relief. This flower also contributes in providing mental happiness.
Medicinal Use of Saffron
This flower gives happiness and glowing skin. It gives strength, stops vomiting and destroys wind, bile and phlegm related problems (all the three dosha disorders). Saffron cools down the anxiety and stress present in different systems. Hence it is also known as a natural tranquilizer. It gives vigor, strength, activity and glow if consumed along with betel leaf.
Medicinal Use of Ashok
It is also known as Madan tree. The flowers, skin and leaves of Ashoka tree are highly beneficial for women and are used as medicine to cure several diseases. Its powder has the potential to cure most of the diseases related to women.
Medicinal Use of Palash (Forest Flame)
It is considered to represent immense beauty because of the yellow flowers which grow on the tree in bunches. The tree looks very attractive from a distance. It is also called Forest Flame due to this quality. Its powder can cure any type of stomach problem. Boil the flowers in water and make a fine paste, keep this paste on the lower part of the belly to cure problems of stones. In case of acute pain due to the presence of stones or painful urination this medicine is highly beneficial.
Medicinal Use of China Rose (Gudhal)
This flower is related to the uterus. Roast this flower in ghee and consume it after your menstruation cycle. This will protect the pregnancy. Chew a few China rose flowers to cure mouth ulcers. If you are suffering baldness or loss of hair, make a fine paste with these flowers and apply it on the scalp. It gives coolness and purifies the blood. It can be taken in the form of squash or Gulkand to cure Sujak (gonorrhoea) disease. China Rose squash is especially beneficial and makes a person happy and cheerful.
Medicinal Use of Shankhpushpi (Blue creeper)
It is also known as ‘Vishnukanta’ and is found in summer season and appears to be some kind of grass. Grind the flowers, leaves and stem. Mix the paste with water and add honey or sugar candy. This medicine is extremely good for refreshing the mind and overcoming lethargy. Students are advised to take this regularly to cope up with stress, burden and competition.
Medicinal Use of Acacia
Grind the leaves of Acacia tree and apply on the head to get rid of headache. Apply the paste on skin affected with eczema and ringworm; it is beneficial for skin diseases. It also gives relief in cough and respiratory problems. Gargling with the acacia leaves helps stop tooth decay.
Medicinal Use of Neem
Grind the flowers of the neem tree and make a fine paste, apply this on boils and wounds to reduce burning sensation and heat. Rub the paste on the body and take bath, this is good to cure ringworm problem. Neem leaves are also useful for reducing weight. Grind the flowers, mix the paste in water and sieve it nicely. Regular consumption of this solution reduces weight and purifies the blood. It protects the body from infectious diseases. Neem has many uses and hence is also known as ‘doctor of the home’.
Medicinal Use of Clove
This destroys the bacteria present in the pancreas and intestines. It increases the white blood cells and thereby the resistance power of the body. It also stops bad breath. It works like a painkiller, in case of pain in any part of the body. Rub the clove on a grinding stone and apply the paste on the painful area. Suck a clove incase of severe pain in the teeth. Smoking clove excretes all the unwanted elements through sweat.
Medicinal Use of Juhi (a kind of Jasmine)
Make Gulkand or powder from the Juhi flowers. This medicine is beneficial for acidity, stomach ulcer and mouth ulcers. Living under the proximity of a Juhi tree protects one from tuberculosis.
Medicinal Use of Madhawi (Basil, a kind of creeper, which gives fragrant flowers)
This flower is beneficial to cure skin diseases. Prepare powder from these flowers and apply the lep (pack) on the affected area. In case of arthritis, chew these flowers in the morning. It also controls respiratory problems.
Medicinal Use of Harsingar or Parijat (Coral Tree)
This flower cures arthritis. The face pack made with these flowers gives glowing skin. Its sweet smell makes the mind cheerful.
Medicinal Use of Swallow-wart (medicinal plant – Aak)
This flower removes phlegm and burning sensation. In case of jaundice, keep a few flowers in one or two betel leaves and give it to the patient. This medicine is very beneficial for this disease.
Medicinal Use of Kadamba
It is also known as Madan tree. If the cattle are suffering from some disease, keep the flowers and leaves in the cattle shed; the disease will not affect the cattle. It grows in rainy season and was the favorite tree of the ‘gopikas’ of Lord Krishna.
Medicinal Use of Kachnar (flowers of this tree are used as a vegetable)
The bud of this tree blossoms in rainy season. The buds are useful in controlling the urge to pass bowels at small intervals. You can also make a poultice from the skin and flowers along with water and apply it on burn wounds and boils.
Medicinal Use of Shirish (Acacia tree)
It is a wild tree possessing a nice fragrance. Its fragrance coming along with the wind refreshes the mind and makes a person happy. In case of itching sensation, grind the flowers and apply on the paste on the affected area. Prepare a decoction of the flowers and wash the eyes, this is useful for any type of eye problem.
Medicinal Use of Naagkesar (medicinal tree)
It looks like clove. It destroys itching sensations. Make a powder of these leaves and consume it with butter or curd, this is beneficial in bleeding piles. It is also beneficial for conceiving a child.
Medicinal Use of Bakul (tree with fragrant leaves)
The flowers of this tree are mixed with oil and used to make perfumes. Make powder of the flowers and apply it on the skin. This will make your skin becomes smooth. The squash of these flowers cures infertility in women. Use the stem of this tree for brushing teeth; it cures all dental problems.
Medicinal Use of Amaltaas (purgative medicinal plant)
It grows in the summer season and the yellow flowers of this plant grow in bunches. It is very pleasing to the eyes when seen from a distance. Gulkand of these flowers is beneficial to cure constipation. Excess consumption is harmful and can cause dysentery, cramps in the stomach and ill feeling.
Medicinal Use of Pomegranate
In case of bile related eruptions on the body, prepare the juice from the pomegranate flowers, add sugar candy and drink it. Suck the flowers to cure mouth ulcers. Pour the juice of pomegranate bud to cure conjunctivitis.
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