Goddess Sophia

Goddess Sophia is a key figure in the Bible, appearing in both the Book of Proverbs and the Gnostic tradition. In Proverbs, she is portrayed as a “divine figure of wisdom, a master craftsman who has come to teach the earth’s people.” (Proverbs 8:1). She is said to bring understanding, discernment and insight to all who seek her out. In the Gnostic tradition, Sophia is a divine goddess of spiritual understanding, inspiring the growth of knowledge and enlightenment. She is represented as a female figure of light, eternal youth and beauty. Her divine power enables her to create and share both material and spiritual wealth with all humanity. Through Sophia, the divine creates and maintains its balanced and harmonious universal order. She is also seen as a maternal figure for her protection and nurturing of all life.

The biblical scripture “Wisdom hath builded her house” is commonly interpreted to refer to the goddess Sophia. This interpretation is based on the ancient Jewish belief that wisdom was a divine figure, personified as a female. Philosophical reflections in the Ancient Near East and Greco-Roman traditions often associated wisdom with a female figure, and Sophia (Greek for “wisdom”) is the most famous of these figures. The early Christian Church also adopted this belief, and eventually, by the 5th century, Sophia was commonly referred to as a “goddess” in the Church’s writings. Because of this long history of associating wisdom with a female deity, the “Wisdom hath builded her house” verse is widely believed to refer to Sophia.

Sophia is often represented as the Dove, the Holy Spirit, the AUM/Amen, Mary Magdalene, Isis, the Queen of Sheba, the Queen of Heaven, the Goddess.. the Divine Presence of Wisdom.

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