Tag Archives: Hare Ram

Haile Selassie I speaks about Lord Rama

“We see how the effulgence arising from the Lord Ram, who overcame Ravana in a fair fight, is as brilliant as ever; and since it has an abiding inviolability, no power on earth can undermine it.”

  • From “God, The Almighty: Commonly Entitled The Second Coming of the Lord,” A Talk Given on the Occasion of the Silver Jubilee of Emperor Haile Selassie I

“The victory of Lord Rama signifies the victory of righteousness and justice. In the same way, we can transform our own lives to a victory of righteousness and justice over all the forces of evil that enslave mankind.”

  • From a speech given by Haile Selassie I at the 62nd Convention of the Supreme Council of The Order of DeMolay, Washington, D.C, October 2, 1966.

“Lord Rama is an example for whole of mankind, for he was a merciful and just ruler who accepted punishment for his mistakes as readily as he accepted victory for his righteous actions.”

  • From a speech given on the occasion of the 1975 Silver Jubilee celebrations of Emperor Haile Selassie I.
Haile Selassie I claimed he was a descendant of Lord Rama through his son Kush, who was the father of the Kushites, whom the Ethiopians are historically known as.
Lord Rama & Goddess Sita
Prince of Peace
Jah Rastafari

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