Tag Archives: maha mantra

The Esoteric Meaning of the name Krishna

Krishna, a name rich in cultural and spiritual significance, holds a secret esoteric meaning that unveils the depth of its symbolism. Derived from Sanskrit, Krishna is a divine name that embodies a multifaceted understanding, transcending mere linguistic representation.

At its core, Krishna signifies the embodiment of divine love, joy, and consciousness. It is a profound representation of the divine, the ultimate reality, and the primordial cosmic energy. Krishna is considered an avatar, a divine incarnation, of Lord Vishnu in Hinduism, and is revered as a deity who embodies both human and divine qualities.

Delving deeper into its esoteric meaning, Krishna can be deciphered as the personification of supreme consciousness and the epitome of spiritual evolution. The name Krishna signifies the boundless, eternal nature of the universe and the individual soul’s journey towards self-realization and enlightenment.

Krishna is often depicted as a dark-skinned, charming deity with a mesmerizing smile, playing a flute, surrounded by devotees, and engaging in divine play or lila. This playful aspect of Krishna represents the harmonious interplay between the divine and the mortal realms, symbolizing the dance of creation and the interconnectedness of all beings.

Furthermore, Krishna is renowned for his teachings in the Bhagavad Gita, a sacred Hindu scripture. In this text, he imparts profound wisdom, guiding individuals on the path of righteousness, selfless action, and spiritual realization. The name Krishna thus embodies the essence of divine wisdom, leading seekers towards enlightenment and liberation.

In essence, the secret esoteric meaning of Krishna’s name encompasses divine love, cosmic consciousness, spiritual evolution, and the interplay of the divine and mortal realms. It serves as a reminder of the eternal journey of the soul towards self-realization, offering profound guidance and wisdom to those who seek it.

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~Sakshi Zion

Narayana Hari Om – Kirtan by Baraka – 2008 Healing Sounds Concert at UU Church Bloomington, Indiana

Enjoy this old school “Narayana Hari Om” Kirtan we did at UU Church in Bloomington, Indiana at the Healing Sounds Concert in 2008!! This was fun!

You can Listen and Download more of our music here!

I hope you got lots of VALUE from this post! If you have questions or comments, please share your comments below! Thanks for visiting my blog!

~Sakshi Zion

Ps. Get Access Now to my FREE Ebook! How I use Law of Attraction to Travel the World and Live my Dreams!

Jai Ram Shree Ram Jai Jai Ram – Sita Ram Kirtan by Baraka – 2008 Healing Sounds Concert at UU Church Bloomington, Indiana

Enjoy this old school “Sita Ram” Kirtan we did at UU Church in Bloomington, Indiana at the Healing Sounds Concert in 2008!! This was fun!
You can Listen and Download more of our music here!
Thanks for visiting my blog!

~Sakshi Zion

Ps. Get Access Now to my FREE Ebook! How I use Law of Attraction to Travel the World and Live my Dreams!