Tag Archives: queen makeda poetry

Poem for the Queen of Sheba

Once lived a queen with locks of ebony
and eyes both blazing ivory,
A daughter of pure royalty,
A power to rival none other,
This was the Queen of Sheba.

Her grandeur soared beyond belief and rivaled the sun’s own glowing rays,
A strength and beauty so immense,
That even the furthest corners of the world had heard her name.

She set forth and sojourned to a distant land,
Equipped with gifts that sparkled in the sand,
The wisdom of a queen and refreshing grace,
To seek the secrets of King Solomon’s holy place.

The meeting of the two was no ordinary scene,
Like two shimmering stars shining bright,
The power and wisdom they shared that day,
Could light the night sky through the night.

The King himself was truly amazed
At the momentous power of such a graceful woman,
So honored was he to receive a crown
From the hands of the Queen of Sheba.

The heroes of that glorious time have long passed,
But the legacy of their glory remains,
The memory of the Queen of Sheba,
Forever shining in our hearts and brains.

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~Sakshi Zion