Tag Archives: Sheba

Mary Magdalene an Ethiopian Princess?

The legends of Mary Magdalene being an Ethiopian princess date back to the ancient times of the 1st & 2nd centuries. It is said that she was born in Egypt, either the daughter of a wealthy Jewish merchant or a princess of Ethiopia, and that she was raised near the temple of Isis in Alexandria. She was a revered princess, where it was believed she was trained in the art of healing and possessed magical powers.

When Mary Magdalene was about eighteen she received a message from God telling her to leave her home and travel to Galilee. There, she met Jesus and immediately recognized him as the Son of God. She began to follow him, and it is said that she was the first female to do so. After Jesus performed miracles and preached, Mary became his closest follower, traveling frequently with him teaching his message. She was eventually recognized as an apostle and it is said that Jesus openly acknowledged her.

The fame of Mary Magdalene as a follower of Jesus would continue even after his death. During the time of his crucifixion it was said that she had remained faithful to him, and after his burial, it is said that she had gone to his tomb. As such, Mary Magdalene has since become known as a symbol for faith, hope, and redemption.

Many folk tales and legends exist about Mary Magdalene’s origins. One such story tells of a faithful soldier from Ethiopia who pledged his life to serve the Lord. This soldier supposedly had a daughter named Mary, who was raised in a wealthy, royal home and was taught the ways of healing and magic. Some believe that this daughter was actually Mary Magdalene.

Regardless of the myths and legends, Mary Magdalene remains an enigmatic and inspiring figure from history, who is seen as a symbol of faith, love, and hope. Her Ethiopian roots and background continue to mystify and fascinate both religious and non-religious followers alike.

Mary Magdalene, she was the apple of His eye,
His love for her held strong and deep and never did wander by.

He held her close and whispered soft, to her soul He could relate, and through their love they would transcend the meager trials of fate.

For Him she was a loving wife, whom He treasured to the core, the love between the two was like two birds forever they would soar.

The Holy Spirit was the link that brought them ever closer, their faith in each other kept them tighter than a silver closure.

The Sacred Union of the two upon a dark night in the woods, will be remembered till the end of time and the way that Mary could.

As Mary wept with divine love, she would cling tightly to His side, and while love in the world abounds, their bond is forever tied. ????

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~Sakshi Zion

Poem for the Queen of Sheba

Once lived a queen with locks of ebony
and eyes both blazing ivory,
A daughter of pure royalty,
A power to rival none other,
This was the Queen of Sheba.

Her grandeur soared beyond belief and rivaled the sun’s own glowing rays,
A strength and beauty so immense,
That even the furthest corners of the world had heard her name.

She set forth and sojourned to a distant land,
Equipped with gifts that sparkled in the sand,
The wisdom of a queen and refreshing grace,
To seek the secrets of King Solomon’s holy place.

The meeting of the two was no ordinary scene,
Like two shimmering stars shining bright,
The power and wisdom they shared that day,
Could light the night sky through the night.

The King himself was truly amazed
At the momentous power of such a graceful woman,
So honored was he to receive a crown
From the hands of the Queen of Sheba.

The heroes of that glorious time have long passed,
But the legacy of their glory remains,
The memory of the Queen of Sheba,
Forever shining in our hearts and brains.

Thanks for visiting my blog! To learn more about the Law of Attraction and to start your own journey with a team of like-minded and inspired Entrepreneurs, forging a way to make the world a better place for all, just like you…

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~Sakshi Zion

Cryptic Poem for Queen Cleopatra

Queen Cleopatra VII

Ruler of time and space,
Her gaze beholden with grace,
A timeless queen, a pharoah clear,
The ancestor of the Nasarene so near.
Her mysteries and secrets unearthed,
Her beloved Egypt on river rust,
Ancestor of a crucified King,
Her legend flows like a Spring.

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Hindu Influences on Rastafari

There is only one Jah, one God with Infinite Names.

Aristotle referred to the Ethiopians as a people of both Kush (Africa) & Sind (India).. Queen of Sheba ruled over the land of Sheba/Shiva/Saba.. the indigenous traditions of the Sabians was ancient African Shiva & Shakti worship.

To overstand the issue with iconography verses idolatry one must know the difference between a graven image & sacred murti, the ancient Egyptians had a similar practice as Hindus when they would designate specific icons for temple worship and a ritual is performed where the breath of God/Life is breathed into the icon and thus the image becomes a living deity… that being said.. when Yeshua went to India, he learned about the sacred science behind murtis, mandalas, Hindu & Buddhist symbolism and yantras, mantras and pujas BUT he also saw the corruption of the caste system & how the elite class of Brahman priests and people in general would worship and lavish great riches and honor to their stone icons but treat their fellow brothers & sisters like animals or worse.. thus Yeshua preached a razor edge distinction regarding this.. and emphasized to the people that the real deity to be worshipped is within the heart of all living beings.. the so-called low caste folks (Dravidians aka Lost Tribes of Israel) loved Saint Issa, as they called him in the East, but the elites didn’t like what he was preaching at all (threatening their hierarchy of power), and the story goes that then Yeshu had to flee from some of these areas of India to the Himalayas and stay with some Buddhist monks whom agreed with his teachings on rejecting the caste system. These stories can be found in The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ, The Christ of India & various other manuscripts that have been hidden & repressed for centuries. The secret archives of the Vatican has several of these various manuscripts as well as ancient icons/murtis of these connections and sadly many of these manuscripts were destroyed in the 2 worst literary holocausts in history.. the burning of the library of Alexandria & the burning of the Saint Thomas Christian’s library in India, both burned down by the Roman Catholic Church.

When Haile Selassie, the emperor of Ethiopia was gifted with a Ramayana by an Indian sannyasi, he smiled, and said they were all descendants of Lord Rama. He explained how the Ethiopians are called as Cushites, or coming down from Kusha, a son of Rama. The country is called Kushadwip, or the land of the son of Rama.

Ethiopians admit their ancestor as Kush, and they quote the Biblical story of Cush being a son of Ham (a phonetic misnomer of Ram). This only confirms to the widespread influence of Ramayana, even in a land that is 3000 miles away from the mainland of India.

Kemetic Yoga is the OG Sanatan Dharma brought from Ancient Kush (Ethiopia) to Ancient Sind (India) by the Dravidians in the first major human migrations out of Africa, and they founded the Indus Valley Culture & city of Harappan (Hara is a name of Shiva & Pan is an archetypal god often linked to Shiva) which was one of the most advanced in the ancient world, later it was the Aryans from the north that brought in many new ideas and later subjugated the Dravidians with the caste system. The Dravidians were mostly agricultural people who worshipped the Mother Goddess & Pushupati (Lords of the Animals) aka Shakti & Shiva in their indigenous African-Dravidian forms similar to the ancient traditions of the land of Kush/Saba/Sheba/Shiva but the Aryans were hunter/gatherers & would invade and conquer wherever they went, their pantheon was more War gods & Sky Gods like Indra and Surya.. these two traditions were eventually synthesized / merged to form modern Hindu religion. But the true mystical path of Sanatan Dharma is what the Sadhus (Holy Men) & Rastafari trod.. the lifestyle and consciousness of the Natural Mystic as Buddha, Krishna & Yahshua the Christ taught us.

Watch Yogiraj speak on his rare meeting with Haile Selassie I after his supposed death :

Read about the how the Ancient Hebrews worshipped Shiva here.

Leonard Howell also known as Gong Gang Guru Maharaj aka The First Rasta

Read this thesis paper on the “Hindu Influences on Rastafari” for more relevant information about Leonard Howell’s influences on Rastafari and his connection to Hindu ideas and traditions.

The Antiquity of the Essenes

Pliny the Elder said the Essenes existed for “thousands of ages.” The Essenes claim they go back to the time of Shem, Noah’s son.

The Hindu Sabean Lineage of Noah is Obvious. Edgar Cayce, like Pliny and the Essenes themselves, affirms that the Essenes existed in the early days of Judaism.

Why did the Christian Orthodoxy Downplay the Significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hammadi documents?

Vegetarianism is a Taboo Subject for Orthodox Scholars. Though it is admitted that the Vegetarian Covenant in Genesis was God’s original Dietary Covenant, orthodox scholars refused to admit the possibility of a renunciate vegetarian tradition such as the Essenes having existed since the earliest days of Judaism.

The majority of people understand that the victors write both history and scriptures, and that the original message of Jesus was perverted by Paul and by Constantine’s bishops at Nicea, in order to produce a New Testament that was conformable to Rome.

Suspicions Regarding the treatment by orthodox scholars of the Dead Sea Scrolls of the Essenes and the Nag Hammadi documents are justified.

A Brief List of Facts Demonstrating the Vegetarian Origins of Christianity.

1. The Nag Hammadi documents name James the Brother of Jesus as the Heir to Jesus’ authority.

2. James is well documented as a vegetarian, even a vegan, in Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical History.

3. Matthew is described as eating no flesh in “The Pedagogue” (The Teacher) by Clement of Alexandria.

4. Peter is described as vegetarian in the Clementine literature.

5. The Panarion by Epiphanius says the Ebionite Gospel portrayed John the Baptist,  Jesus and his disciples as eating no flesh and condemning the Pentateuch’s sanction of animal sacrifices as false scriptures.

6. Roman histories confirm that the earliest Christians rejected animal sacrifices.

7. The “Gospel of Philip” in the Nag Hammadi documents states directly that “this world eats corpses” and that Jesus did not.

The discoveries of the Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran in 1947 and the scriptures found at Nag Hammadi in Egypt at about the same time resulted in a number of publications regarding them both. but except for the studies and publications by Edmund Bordeaux Sziekley on the Essenes in which vegetarianism, and, apparently, lacto-vegetarianism are promoted–works which are summarily ignored by the orthodox–I have not found any orthodox scholars of the Dead Sea Scrolls who are conversant with the Hindu/Jain origins of Judaism.

And only Robert Eisenman’s work such as in James the Brother of Jesus and that of Hugh Schonfield in The Jesus Party and Those Incredible Christians, both of which are quite witty and intentionally sarcastic titles, that affirmed the validity of vegetarianism as the diet of the earliest Christians. Schonfield in The Essene Odyssey shows how the vegetarian Nazarenes and Essenes were denounced by the growing Pauline Christian orthodoxy. Abegg Wise and Cook, in their edition of the Scrolls also affirm that vegetarianism was the diet of the earliest Christians.

The “Gospel of Thomas” in the Nag Hammadi documents names James the brother of Jesus as the heir to Jesus’ authority, and James was recognized as a vegetarian, even a vegan, in Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical History.

Matthew is described as vegetarian by Clement of Alexandria in his work “The Pedagogue,” (“The Teacher”). Peter is described as vegetarian and as denouncing the animals sacrifices in the Clementine literature.

And the “Ebionite Gospel” as discussed by Epiphanius in his Panarion portrays Jesus and his disciples as vegetarians stating that the Pentateuch was rewritten in order to sanction animal sacrifices.

The Panarion also states that the original followers of Jesus are described as Nazarenes and Jessenes or Ossaenes, both of which refer to the Essenes.

Both Essenes and Nazarenes were vegetarians, and it is known by most people who have had a Christian education, as I have, having gone to a Catholic grade school, and the Jesuit University of Detroit for three years, that the Nazarenes are, or at least were, seldom mentioned, and vegetarianism was a taboo subject, for the scriptures say that Jesus said “all foods are clean,” and that was that.  To bring up the possibility that Jesus was an Essene or Nazarene, or was strongly influenced by them, is to open a Pandora’s Box holding numerous facts that show Christian orthodoxy is false.

So vegetarianism, and vegetarian groups such as the Nazarenes and Essenes went unmentioned by orthodox scholars precisely because such knowledge contradicts the doctrines of  the carnivorous orthodoxies of Judaism and Christianity.  Islamic scholars clearly understood that the original message of Jesus and his disciples was overthrown by Paul, and I have no doubt that vegetarian Shiite Muslim scholars have studies regarding the origins of Islam that are parallel to the one you are now reading regarding early Christianity.

The Muslim majority comprise the Sunni sect who have values essentially the same–regarding women, homosexuals, slavery, and animal sacrifices–as the Christian orthodoxy and Jewish orthodoxy, except that they regard Muhammad as the last of the prophets.  Other pages of this study deal with the vegetarian origins of Islam.

Vegetarianism: the Taboo Subject for Orthodox Scholars

Though it is acknowledged that vegetarianism was God’s original dietary covenant

with creation, scholars refuse to admit the possibility

that a renunciate vegetarian tradition existed from the earliest days of Judaism.

The point made in this study is this: these vegetarians, the Essenes and Nazarenes and Jesus and the Ebionites, all regarded themselves as the pure remnant of Judaism.

And one of the great ironies of so-called religious scholarship is this: though the vegetarian covenant of Genesis 1: 29-30 stares the orthodoxies of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in the face, none of these orthodoxies wish to acknowledge the possibility that a renunciate and vegetarian tradition could have existed from the earliest days of Judaism.

Orthodox Jewish and Christian Scholars Ignore the Heart of the Matter..

The Egalitarianism and Vegetarianism of the Essenes and first Christians.

Glenn Kittler summarizes the attitude of many by quoting John Allegro’s article in Harper’s Magazine: “The very scholars who should be most capable of working on the documents and interpreting them have displayed a not altogether surprising, but nonetheless curious, reluctance to go to the heart of their matter.

The scholars appear to have held back from making discoveries which, there is evidence to believe, may upset a great many basic teachings of the Christian church.

This in turn would greatly upset many Christian theologians and believers.

The heart of the matter is, in fact, the source and originality of Christian doctrine.” [Aug. 66]

Orthodoxy’s Suppression of the Panarion

Kittler no doubt understood that if Allegro did not specify the specific orthodox doctrines that are challenged by the Dead Sea Scrolls, Allegro nonetheless understood that the orthodox Christian churches especially would deny that the values of the Essenes were the the values of the earliest Christians.

[Allegro’s study, The Magic Mushroom and the Cross, though scorned by the Christian orthodoxy, should none the less be read by all those who understand that orthodox Christian scholars are more apt at putting up smokescreens, than they are at revealing the truth about Christian origins.]

The Roman Catholic Epiphanius of Salamis in the fourth century in his Panarion would however make just such a startling assertion, namely, that the earliest followers of Jesus were called Jessenes (Essenes) and Nazarenes, we know that these groups were vegetarian. Never heard of the Panarion?

The Christian orthodoxy is not about to saw off the very slim limb it is tottering on, and that is what would occur if students of Christianity were to study the documents of early Christianity.

They would realize that they have been bamboozled by the orthodoxy.

Most sincere students of Christianity have such a realization already, because of the fact that the New Testament, which is supposedly divinely inspired, promotes  sexism, slavery, elitist class structures, bigotry towards homosexuals, and the disease-promoting diet of carnivorism.

The Antiquity of the Essenes

The Essenes Admit the Influence of India and trace their lineage to Shem, son of Noah.

The Essenes in the Dead Sea Scrolls in a word on medicine credit the wise men of India.

And they also trace their lineage back to Noah’s son Shem, thus affirming what Pliny the Elder stated of the Essenes, that they had lived “for thousands of ages,” meaning, we may infer, thousands of years, a claim predictably denied by the carnivorous orthodoxies of Judaism and Christianity.

One may not see the above facts as related, but they are. Shem was probably named after Sambu, a name given to Shiva, which became the root of Samuel. [Samuel = a contraction of Sambu-El].

Shem alone of Noah’s sons is described as having an immense longevity, which Pliny and Philo both describe as characteristic of the Essenes, who had centenarians commonly living among them, living on a diet free of animal sacrifices.

The “Hinduism” of Noah and his sons is more than obvious.

Noah’s Name is a Hebrew form of Nu, meaning spirit in Sanskrit.

The lineage of Noah names their children after Hindu Deities.

Noah’s name, which means comforter in Hebrew, and comforter may be seen as an attribute of divinity, is related to Nu in Sanskrit, which means spirit.

Vish means pervasive, and thus we see the logic in the name of Vishnu, the pervasive Spirit.  The deity Vishnu is regarded as a sea serpent incarnation of Krishna, and is related to the primal serpent that we see in the pantheon of Egypt.

Noah is the Manu of the Jews.

Manu to the Hindus is the survivor of the deluge.  His name may be seen as a combination of Ma(ha) and Nu. Nu refers to the divine spirit in Sanskrit  (and is the root of noumena and phenomena). Ma means great or mighty.  The name Manu is not seen in the literature of Judaism or Christianity except in the name of Immanuel, which may be seen as a three-part compound name:

Immanuel = Im-Manu-El

Im = with

Manu = the lawgiver, as Noah was El = God.

The name Immanuel, Im-manu-el, in Isaias is a reference to Manu, the lawgiver. Im means with; Manu is the lawgiver; and El means God. So too was Noah a lawgiver in the Torah but his laws convey values that are the opposite of those conveyed in the majority of laws in the Hindu Laws of Manu, which, to the reader in comparative religions, may be seen as a kind of inverted Torah.

Whereas a majority of scriptures in the Torah sanction animal sacrifices, and a lesser number condemn them, in the Laws of Manu it is different: the vast majority of scriptures condemn animal sacrifices and the ill-treatment of animals, and for that matter, the bad treatment even of plants, and a few scriptures, no doubt revisions, sanction animal sacrifices.

The Hindu, Jewish and Ethiopic Noahs

    The most compassionate Noah, the Noah who is more compassionate than the Noah of the Torah and the Manu of the Hindus, is the Noah in the Ethiopic Book of Enoch.

This Book of Enoch is a record of the Jews before the Deluge, and it is referred to throughout the Old and New Testament and Koran.

The Noah in the Book of Enoch forbids all bloodshed, and all interference with nature, be it mining, the making of weapons, or cosmetics. This Noah also forbids writing. One is to live directly with creation and no interfere with it, and not create intellectual abstractions about it in writing.  In other words, excavating the ground, creating monuments and roads and cities, which are essential to industrial civilization, are all forbidden.

The Sumerian version of Noah is not directly relevant here.

Hindu Concepts and Deities in Noah’s Lineage:

1. Ham’s name is a form of Aum, the Sacred Sound of the Hindus.

2. Ham names his sons Rama and Sheva, after the Hindu/Ethiopian Deities.

3, The grandson of Noah though Ham, Kush, founded Ethiopia, a Sabean nation worshipping Shiva, and keepers of the Ethiopic Book of Enoch. The Sabeans of Ethiopia like the Shaivites and Vaishnavas of India and the original Jews worshiped Shiva, Kanneh, and Ramman.

Shiva among the Hebrews and Ethiopians was known as Seba, Sheba, and Saba.

The Sabbath, the Sabaoth, and the pillars erected to God, the masseva, are all derived from the name of Shiva.

Kanneh and Cainan of the Ethiopians is the same deity as El Kana or El Chanan. Kannan is the Tamil Hindu name for Vishnu or Krishna. And the Ethiopian Ramman is none other than Rama of the Hindus and Jews.

Studies demonstrating that the Vedic religion had spread throughout the world may be found at Viewzone.com, Sword of Truth, and Hinduism Today, all on the net.

4. Kush named one of his sons Seba, a transliteration of Siva.

5. Seba (ceba), the son of Kush, founded the nation of Sheba, which is also a transliteration of the name of Shiva.

So, looking at the above facts, that the name of Ham, Noah’s son, is a form of Aum, the sacred sound of the Hindus; that Ham names two of his sons after the Hindu vegetarian personalities and deities, Ramah and Sheva; and that Kush continues the Sabean tradition–all these facts would have been interpreted as an absolute act of defiance towards the orthodox patriarchy claiming that Jehovah was the one and only true deity.

(The antiquity of the Essenes has also been asserted by psychic Edgar Cayce, who affirms they went all the way back to Elijah and the school of prophets raised by him; thereby Cayce, though carnivorous himself, in his trance state also  allied the way of the Essenes with Elijah, and Cayce thereby indirectly attacked the Old Testament’s version of Elijah as carnivorous.) 2 Ezra also sees early Judaism’s patriarchs as aligned with the later prophets of Judaism, most of whom denounced the animal sacrifices.

Let us look at Edgar Cayce’s assertions that the Essenes were indeed a tradition which we may call renunciate, and that they existed during the time of Elijah, Ellish (Elisha) and Samuel.

Edgar Cayce, like Philo and the Essenes themselves,

Affirms that the Essenes existed in the early days of Judaism.

From Edgar Cayce on the Essenes

254-109 Essenes: When there were the activities in which there were to be the cleansings through which bodies were to become channels for the new race, or the new preparation, these then were restricted – of course – as to certain associations, developmeents in associations, activities and the like. We are speaking here of the twelve women, you see – and all of the women from the very beginning who were dedicated as channels for the new race, see?

Hence the group we refer to here as the Essenes, which was the outgrowth of the periods of preparations from the teachings by Melchizedek, as propagated by Elijah and Ilisha and Samuel.

These were set aside for preserving themselves in direct line of choice for the offering of themselves as channels through which there might come the new or the divine origin, see?

Their life and work during such periods of preparation were given to alms, good deeds, missionary activities – as would be termed today. 1158-6 9.

Did not John come as the voice of one crying in the wilderness and in the spirit of Elijah? Yet he WAS Elijah.

As in the present, here, proceed – but remember that given – each must know his OWN book of remembbrance, and read same. 1472-3 4.

Some four and twenty years before the advent of that entity, that soul-entrance into material plane called Jesus, we find Phinehas (?) and Elkatma (?) making those activities among those of the depleted group of the prophets in Mt. Carmel; that begun by Samuel, Elisha, Elijah, Saul, and those during those early experiences.

Essenes that had cherished not merely the conditions that had come as word of mouth but had kept the records of the periods when individuals had been visited with the supernatural or out of the ordinary experiences; whether in dreams, visions, voices, or what not – they brought the life of their child, Judy, and dedicated it to the study and the application of self to the study of those things that had been handed down as a part of the EXPERIENCES of those who had received visitations from the unseen, the unknown – or that worshiped as the Divine Spirit moving into the activities of man. 1472-3 12.

So there was the setting about to seek means and manners for the preservation, and for the making of records of that which had been handed down as word of mouth, as tradition. Such channels and ways were sought out. And eventually the manner was chosen in which records were being kept in Egypt rather than in Persia, from which much of the tradition arose – of course – because of the very indwelling of the peoples in that land. 13.

Hence not only the manners of the recording but also the traditions of Egypt, the traditions from India, the conditions and traditions from many of the Persian lands and from many of the borders about same, became a part of the studies and the seeking of the entity Judy early in the attempts to make, keep and preserve such records. until there were those visitations by what ye call the Wise Men of the East – one from Persia, one from India, one from the Egyptian land. 15.

These reasoned with the Brethren, but more was sought from the studies of the entity Judy at that experience. EACH and every soul MUST BECOME, MUST BE, the SAVIOR of some soul! to even COMPREHEND the purpose of the entrance of the Son INTO the earth – that man might have the closer walk with, yea the open door to, the very heart of the living God! 29.

And the entity, as would be termed, was hounded, yea was persecuted the more and more; yet remaining until what ye would call the sixty-seventh year AFTER the Crucifixion; or until Time itself began to be counted from same. 30.

For the records as were borne by the entity, it will be found, were BEGUN by the activities of the entity during what ye would term a period sixty years AFTER the Crucifixion. 31.

And then they were reckoned first by the peoples of Carmel, and then by the brethren in Antioch, then a portion of Jerusalem, then to Smyrna, Philadelphia, and those places where these were becoming more active. 32.

The entity [Judy]- though receiving rebuffs, yea even stripes in the body – died a natural death in that experience; at the age then of ninety-one. 262-61

In no land in which JESUS presented Himself was He accepted;

I have left in some material which helps to elucidate the concerns of Edgar Cayce in his trance state. In any case, we see that he states that there was a school of prophets going all the way back to Elijah, Samuel, Illisha, and even Melchizadek.

The numbers of these prophets declined, we may infer, because of the rise of what we call Jewish orthodoxy, which suppressed the pure vegetarian remnant represented by the Essenes.

Some of my readers are no doubt familiar with Edgar Cayce’s readings on “Revelations,” which affirm that the dynamic of the chakra system of the Hindus underlies much of the book.

So, now that we have cleared away some of the illusions of the orthodox, understand that even rabbinical scholars admit the first dietary covenant was vegetarianism, and understand that the religion of the earliest Jews and the Hindus sprang from the same source, then it is not hard to understand that the term Essene also came from a name, or possibly even two names of Shiva, Asani and Isana. We can also comprehend that Ossaens or Osseans came from the name Oseo or Osseo, which is also a name of Shiva. And we can also comprehend that Jessenes has its root in Jesse, which comes through as Isa, or Issa, which is also a name of Shiva. The following page on the Essenes elaborates on these facts.

Islamic scholars clearly understood that the original message of Jesus and his disciples was overthrown by Paul.

Sunni Muslims are thereby caught in their own Catch 22 situation. On the one hand Muslim tradition clearly denounces Paul as an apostate, just as did the now non extant “Ascents of James” by James the brother of Jesus.  On the other hand, the teachings of Paul regarding slavery, sexism, bigotry towards homosexuals, and animal sacrifices, are all found in the Quran we now have!

This, I will show in other chapters, proves that the Quran, like the Torah and the New Testament, is a revised document.

The point made in this study is this: these vegetarians, the Essenes and Nazarenes and

Jesus and the Ebionites, all regarded themselves as the pure remnant of Judaism.

And there is an abundance of material proving that they in fact were that pure remnant.

There are excellent contemporary Essene web sites on line, as well as Mandean sites, that confirm the vegetarian/egalitarian origins of Christianity.

-Written by Anonymous Author

Abraham and Original Torah is Vegetarian


The Sabbath and Sabaoth were named after Saba, a name of Shiva. The pillars Jews erected in the days of Genesis were called masseva. The name El Shaddai comes from Shiva as Sada. The name of Shiva as the Destroyer, Hara, pervades the Torah.

Abraham came from the kingdom of Oude in India. Hindus are called Hodu in the Old Testament. The word Exodus means the departure of the Hodu people: (Ex-Hodus). The Israelites of the Exodus wore the Hindu bindi or tilaka.

Abraham and his sons name their sons after Hindu deities, and Hindu tribes and places.

Shiva was known as Pasupati, the all-compassionate Lord of Creatures. The commandment to be vegetarian in Genesis came from the Lord of the Sabbath, Saba, or Shiva.

The fact that Abraham father of the Jewish people made Haran, a center of the Sabeans, his home for many years has been glossed over by the orthodox, who are either ignorant of Sabean history, or simply do not want to rock the boat of orthodox Judaism. Sabeans were devoted to Saba (Tsaba), which is a name of Shiva, and were known as the Cebaiy in ancient Hebrew, which corresponds to Shaivites in contemporary English. Had Abraham been repulsed by the Sabeans, he is not likely to have made his nest among those who were considered heathens. Evidence both inside and outside of the Torah points to the fact that Abraham himself was a Sabean and a vegetarian.

The Shabbath was named after Sheba (Ancient Hebrews is based on consonants).

Shiva’s name Saba is easily seen to be the root of Sabbath and Sabaoth. The name El Shaddai comes from Sada, a name or description of Shiva. The word for pillars in ancient Hebrew is masseva (masseba) which contains the name of Shiva aka Siva or Seba.

Abraham made his home among the Sabeans of Haran for many years, because he shared their views and was comfortable in their presence, and because originally Jews such as Abraham worshiped Sheba, and honored the seventh day as his day. Thus we have the Shabbath (in ancient Hebrew) or Sabbath. The Sabaoth, the Lord of military hosts, was named after Saba aka Shiva. The Lord of the mountain introduces himself to Abraham as El Shaddai, and Shiva was known to Hindus as Sada. The numerous names given to Jews using the Isa or Is prefix, for example, Isaiah, Ishmael, Isaac, to name just a few, were intentional references to Isa, also a name of Shiva. When a pillar was erected on the grave of his wife Sarah, it was done so in the tradition of a devotee of Shiva. And any reader of the Torah knows that the ancient Hebrews erected pillars at sacred places, just as pillars had been erected by devotees to Shiva throughout the ancient world. The word for pillars in ancient Hebrew is masseva or masseba which in itself contains the name of Siva. Hara, the name of Shiva as the destroyer, was not only the root of Haran, but also the root of the ancient city of Harappa in India dated by some as existing in the 3rd millennium b.c.e, about 2500, though some scholars date it earlier. Shiva was venerated in Harappa.

The name of Shiva as Hara, the Destroyer, is pervasive and ingrained in ancient Hebrew and ancient Judaism.

And we find when looking at a dictionary of ancient Hebrew, that har or hara is the root of a number of words in ancient Hebrew signifying destruction in one form or another. In the Hebrew/Chaldee Dictionary of James Strong’s Concordance to the Old and New Testament) we find words such as

Entry 2026 harag, to smite with deadly intent, destroy out of hand, kill, murder, put to death, slaughter, slay.

Entry 2034 Haricah, from 2040, means something demolished, ruin. [Haricah appears to me to be the logical source of the English word hurricane, especially since Shiva himself is historically is connected with wind and storms.]

And entry 2040 Harac to pull down or in pieces, break, destroy, beat down, ruin, thrown down utterly.

Below are a number of Har and Hara words denoting mountains or hills, which is where Shiva and his consorts liked to live. Shiva was well known for living in the mountain wilderness, and the following ancient Hebrew words for mountains and hills also have the Har root:

2022 Har a mountain or range of hills, from 2042 harrar, an unused root meaning to loom up, a mountain, hill.

2025 harel, mount of God.

2039 Haran from 2022, mountaineer, the name of two men. Haran.

2024 Hara is defined as mountainousness, and as a region in Media.

A specific mountain is said to have been the favorite of Shiva, Mount Kaillaisa. And in ancient Hebrew Kallai means a mountain, and may well be a compound word carrying both the name of Kali, Shiva’s consort, as well as the name of Shiva as Isa. Moreover, the Lord of the mountain introduced to Abraham, El Shadday, or El Shaddai, is Shiva as well who is known as Sada.

One of the houses of ancient Israel was known as Beth Haran (Entry number 1028). Haran was also a center where Sabeans lived and venerated not only Shiva, but Rama and Kana (who is the source of the Old Testament name, El Kana, or El Qanna. The names of these deities got transliterated into Sheba, Seba, Saba, Rimmon, Ramman, Kanneh, and Cainan as we move into Ethiopia, which was indisputably one of the religious centers of the ancient world, and which was well known as an agricultural center. These names may be found in James Hasting’s Dictionary of the Bible under Sheba. The pantheon shared by Ethiopia and India was shared by many cultures and was simply part of a united religious network that literally extended throughout the ancient world, throughout Asia as well as the Arabian peninsula, throughout Polynesia and Hawaii, the Yucatan and South America, as well as in Turtle Island, or North America. As Drummond noted, Abraham grew up in the midst of Tsabaism, or the Sabean religion, which was not just local in the Eastern Hemisphere, but universal, existing in various forms in the Western Hemisphere as well.

The Sword of Truth internet site demonstrates with an abundance of etymological and historical evidence that Tsabaism or Sabeanism, the religion of Shiva, exited in pre-Islamic Arabia as early as 1850 B.C. that this Sabeanism also existed in force during the time of Muhammad, and shows that Muhammad also derived his inspiration from Tsabaism, and that the sacred stone of the Islamic faith is the Shiva lingam. Sword of Truth quotes Sir W. Drummond’s Origines, Volumes 3 & 4″:

“Tsabaism was the universal language of mankind when Abraham received his call, their doctrines were probably extended all over the civilized nations of Earth.”

Drummond’s probably is really a definitely. George Matlock is the author of India Once Ruled the World, and has written articles showing that the Hindus and Jews worshipped many of the same deities, and he has his own contributions to the literature discussing the fact that the Hindu stories of Brahma and Sarasvati and Jewish stories of Abraham and Sarah are stories about the same people. His work, as well as cutting edge articles on ancient writings and petroglyphs found throughout the world may be found at Viewzone.com. Voltaire himself was aware of the interconnection between Hinduism and Judaism.

And the Theosophical Society’s glossaries on the internet provide abundant historical documentation for the fact that Hinduism didn’t pervade just the eastern hemisphere, but our own western hemisphere as well and that, interestingly, prisoners and outcasts were sent to the western hemisphere, much as they were from England millennia later. The western hemisphere’s lands were by the Hindus called Patala, meaning lower world or hell. And the Aztec culture which sacrificed humans may in fact be seen as a degenerate form of a disturbed minor sect consisting of the remnant of such outcasts who considered themselves devoted to Shiva and Kali as well. These carnivorous sects are considered degenerate by the mainstream devotees to Shiva (Shaivites = Sabeans) who are vegetarians.

Once the reader had seen the indisputable connections between the deities of Ethiopia, India, and Canaan and Palestine, it becomes logical to assume that Abram/Abraham made his home among the Sabeans of Haran for many years, because he shared their views and was comfortable in their presence, because originally Jews worshiped Sheba, and honored the seventh day, the Sabbath, in ancient Hebrew Shabbath, as the day of their God Sheba or Saba.

So now that we have adequately witnessed how thoroughly pervaded the ancient Hebrew language was by Shiva and Hara roots meaning destruction, we will have a much greater sense of what Haran meant to Abraham and his wife Sarah, whom many scholars have either likened to or identified with Brahma and his mate Sarasvati. The point is, Abraham and his family too were Sabeans, and vegetarians.

Terah, Father of Abraham, named his son Abram after Ram or Ramah

Sabaeans venerated Rama, who is known in the Old Testament times as Ramah, Rimmon, Raamah, Ram, Ramman, and Rahman. Let us recall that Abraham’s original name was Abram, or Ab-Ram. Abram means much more than the Hebrew Dictionary’s definition of high father, ram meaning high and ab meaning father in Hebrew, though we may see the connection between identifying Ram as the Most High. However, it is safe to assume that Terah named Abram, or Ab-Ram, after Ram himself, one of the Deities of Tsabaism. For as anyone can see who reads the Tanakh or Old Testament the name of Ram or Rama was ingrained in the ancient Jews who used the name as the root of the names of numerous people and places. Ram or Rama was the epic hero experiencing the adventures of the Hindu epic, the Ramayana, and he was a deity in the Hindu pantheon, so Ab-Ram as a matter of fact meant Father-Ram or fathered by Ram, that is, of the lineage of the Hindu deity Ram, and the name was given by Terah to his son as a sign of Terah’s Hindu spirituality and spiritual allegiance to the ideals of Hinduism, namely Tsabaism or Sauvism. The Sabeans were known as vegetarians. One of the icons discovered in the Harappa and Mohenjodaro areas was of a fertility goddess giving birth to trees. And Shiva was known as Lord of Trees.

Mosheh is a contraction of Mah (Great) Oshea (Liberator)

Looking ahead to the discussion of Moses on this web site, let us keep in mind that Haran is also the name of a region in Midea, where Moses married Zipporah, a region that even early Christian Church fathers regarded as an extension of India. Moses’ father is named Amram, Am-Ram, which combines the sacred Aum or Om sound with the name of Ram. Moreover the Am word very interestingly means mother in ancient Hebrew, and is an abbreviation of Umma, the name of the consort of Shiva as Osseo. The name Umma means community, nation, or people in ancient Hebrew. In other words the nation of Israel in ancient times chose to name itself after the bride of Shiva, Umma, who was the mother of them all, as a people, a nation, and a community.

The Sabeans Used Astrology. Abraham is described as a Father of Astrology. Abraham referred to Enoch as his teacher.

The Hellenistic historian Eupolemus, writing in 158 BC contradicts the notion that Abraham was against the practice of astrology, and in fact shows him to be a teacher of astrology. Similarly the astronomical writings in the Book of Enoch implies that astrological concerns were part of the Jewish experience from the very beginning, that in fact the lineage of Methuselah, Lamech, Noah and Enoch, all of whom play a part in the Book of Enoch, were all part of a culture, that, like the Hindu culture, used astrology for guidance. This would tend to make the reader view the claim that Abraham disowned the gods of his father as simply a lie told to discredit the Hodus, or Hud people, the Hindustani people who originated Judaism and its vegetararian covenant in Genesis. While the written Ethiopic Book of Enoch has be given a date of 72 to 300 B.C., the fact is that it was preserved as a record of antediluvian Judaism, of Judaism before the flood. It is the prototype of passages of the Old Testament dealing with the Flood.

Eupolemos gives a detailed account of the biblical Abraham as having been taught astrology by Enoch, and as being a teacher of astrology to the people around him. In Eupolemos’ account Abraham is even regarded as a father of astrology. He taught the Phoenicians astrology, says Eupolemos, and introduced the priests of Heliopolis to the study of all sciences including astrology. He tells the priests that it is Enoch who first invented astrology.

The Great Orthodox Lie– That Abraham Abandoned the Faith of his Father– Is Disproven by the Torah itself.

The Torah’s Genealogies Reveal that the Sabean Tradition was continued by Abraham. His children were named after Sabean deities or Hindu tribes. Abraham did not abandon the faith of his fathers; he practiced it.

We are told a quite deliberate lie in the Old Testament: namely that Abraham abandoned the faith of his father, Terah, who worshipped many gods, and who used means of divination such as astrology. This is contradicted not only by Eupolemus, but by the genealogies presented in the Old Testament itself. The genealogy of Abraham’s family is in itself proof that that Abraham embraced Sabeanism.

“Then again Abraham took a wife, and her name was Keturah. And she bare him Zimran, and Jok-shan, and Me-dan, and Mid-i-an, and Ish-bak and Shu-ah. And Jokshan begat She-ba and De-dan.” 1 Chronicles 1: 32

Abraham’s children are quite obviously in the Sabean tradition. Shan is a name referring to the destructiveness of Shiva. The name Dan and the name of the prophet Daniel, known for his vegetarianism, comes from the vegetarian Danu tribe in India that worshipped Shiva. And Shu-ah is named after Shu, the father sky God of ancient Egypt. Shu’s son was Seb (or Geb), the Lord of the Earth, who is none other than Seba. The Shuites were well known in ancient Israel. Ish is a shortened of Ishwara or Isvara or Eshwara, all of which names refer to Shiva or Krishna. George Matlock of Viewzone.com states in his article “Who was ABRAHAM?” states that Isaac (Ishaak in Hebrew) is derived from the Sanskrit Ishakhu meaning “friend of Shiva.”

Jokshan, Abraham’s son, continued to name his children after Sabeans, Sheba being simply a transliteration of Shiva, and Dedan once again referring to the Danu tribe of India, who were no doubt one of the ancient immigrating tribes that were responsible for the flowering of Hinduism and vegetarianism in the land of Canaan. Canaan itself was named after Kannan, the Tamil Hindu name for Krishna.

Midia, the source of Midian, was considered to be a part of India’s vegetarian culture even into the times of the New Testament.

Let me remind the reader still enamored of the notion that orthodox Judaism considers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as the patriarchs of a Judaism that abandoned the polytheistic faiths of the past, that the name Isa-ac itself is a reference to Isa, a name of Shiva, and that Jacob names his son Asher, after Asherah, or Asura of the Hindus. Asura originally meant Almighty God. Only later did it come to mean demon. And that the tribe of Benjamin was named after the Yamini tribe of India.

From the evidence presented in this chapter, and elsewhere on this site, we may safely say that it has been correctly conjectured that the Jewish scriptures we now have are an intentionally garbled version of the Vedic vegetarian scriptures in particular, of which the vegetarian covenant of Genesis 1:29-30 is a remnant, and the scriptures are also a garbled version of Vedic deities that existed in the earliest days of Judaism. And just as Abraham is the Alpha, or Father, of Judaism, so too is the vegetarian covenant Genesis 1: 29-30 the original covenant of Judaism, as is admitted even by orthodox rabbis.

So too many students of history have discussed the similarities between the name Abraham or Ibrahim in Hebrew and the name of Brahma, the Hindu creator. Brahma’s mate was Sarasvati and Abraham’s wife was Sarah. Brahma is the creator in the Hindu trimurti, and Abraham is the father, or creator, of Judaism.

Abraham came from the Kingdom of Oude in India.

Hodu is the Name for Hindustani in Ancient Hebrew. The Exodus (Ex-Hodus) meant the departure of the people

of Hindustani belief, that is the vegetarians.

I refer my readers to the paper, Who Was ABRAHAM? by Gene D. Matlock, B.A., M.A., which can be found at the cutting edge site of Viewzone.com. Matlock’s work is of the highest quality, and should be known to the entire world of scholarship. Matlock meticulously details the interconnection between the religious cultures of India and Judaism. For example, he notes that Abraham, the father of the Jewish people, came from the Kingdom of Oude in India. In ancient Hebrew, Hoduw, or Hodu, is the word for Hindustani, or India, and the attributes of India may be seen in its likeness, the word Howde. From Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary:

1935 Howde, means grandeur, glorious, beauty, comeliness, excellency, goodly, honor, majesty.

1912 Hoduw, ho’doo, Hodu (i.e. Hindustan), India.

So we now also see the limitations of the traditional definitions of the word exodus, which has come to mean simply a leaving or departure. Exodus in fact means the departure of a very particular group of people, the Oude people, the Hodus (in ancient Hebrew), meaning the people of the Hindustani belief. In other words, the people of the Kingdom of Oude in India, who immigrated west, were the Hodus, the people of the Exodus, which may be read Ex-(h)odus.

Moses and the Israelites wore the Hindu Bindi.

“And it will be a sign on your hand and a symbol on your forehead that the Lord brought us out of Egypt with his mighty hand.” Exodus 13: 16

The word Oude became Hodu, Hod, and Hud in ancient Hebrew. The Hud root is seen in the original form of the word Juda, Jehudea, which translated means God’s or Jah’s Hindustani people. These terms were well known to Muhammad, who in the Quran calls the true prophet Hud and praises the vegetarian Sabeans. And, as many have said, the sacred stone, the Kabba in Mecca, is in fact a Shiva lingam.

Promoting Scriptural Lies for Profit

As this article demonstrates, the misconceptions or lies generated by so called religious orthodoxies are abundant. To ask “Why lie about the scriptures?” is a question that would be asked only by someone who is oblivious to, or does not care about the cruelty and disease that are perpetuated by the orthodoxies of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. One of their lies, fabricated by those who rewrote the Torah, New Testament, and Quran, is that an all-compassionate Deity wishes humanity to partake in the disease-promoting diet of carnivorism, even though animal fat contributes to diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and a legion of other diseases, as well as the weakening of the immune system. As the late Jewish vegetarian prophets, Jesus, and Muhammad knew, greedy people would change the scriptures for a financial gain, even though it would contribute to the moral and physical degeneration of their own people. Zechariah says it well: the orthodox are not good shepherds tending to the welfare of their flocks of cattle; they are businessmen profiting from the brutality of the meat industry.

“Thus said the Lord my God: “Become shepherd of the flock doomed to slaughter. Those who buy them slay them and go unpunished; and those who sell them say, `Blessed be the Lord, I have become rich’; and their own shepherds have no pity on them.” 11:4-5.

The Scriptures of Baruch and Esdras both link the original vegetarian covenant of Genesis with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

“Wherefore the Lord has had compassion on our tears, and has remembered the covenant which he established with our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.” “Baruch,” Chapter 6:21

And we also have further support from Esdras that the late vegetarian prophets and the earliest patriarchs believed and promoted the same vegetarian morality.

“…to them I will give as leaders Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and Hosea and Amos and Micah and Joel and Obadiah and Jonah and Nahum and Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi, who is also called Malachi, who is also called messenger of the Lord.” 2 Esdras l: 38-40.

Though it is probable that even their scriptures were at least partially revised as well, it is well known that most of the late prophets, even in the orthodox New Testament we now have, are vegetarian. The contention held by Abegg, Wise and Cook, editors of their edition of the Dead Sea Scrolls, that there was an original Vegetarian Bible that was subsequently revised, is valid. We need only to look at forbidden history, history censured and suppressed by the orthodoxies of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, in order to discover that this is true.

(Author Unknown)

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Ancient Hebrews Worship Shiva, Lord of the Sabbath, Hindu Jewish Connection

Shiva is the Lord of the Sabbath. Shiva is Lord of Yoga, Loosing the Seven Seals.. Fulfilling the Seven Chakras.

Shiva meant Seven throughout the ancient world.

How the Sabbath Got its Name:

The Ancient Hebrew word Shabbath, meaning Sabbath, has its roots in Sheba meaning seven, and Shaba.

Sabaoth, meaning the military lord of hosts has its root in Saba, which also transliterates as Sheba and Seba. The Pillars erected to God in the Torah are named masseva or masseba. Both variants used the name of Shiva or Siva.

It is acknowledged even by the orthodox that Deity was addressed by various names, such as Baal, Adonai, Jah, Jehovah, El, El Shaddai, and El Kana. And we also know that divinity was not necessarily addressed as a singular entity as we see in the name Elohim which refers to a number of deities.

In the common translations available to the public, however, the original male deity of Judaism is never addressed as Sheba, a transliteration of Shiva, for obvious reasons. It would disclose the original deity of Judaism as being the Hindu Shiva and the original Jews as being Sabeans, that is, followers of Saba aka Sheba and Seba, all of which are names of Shiva. The deity Shiva venerated by mainstream Hindus commands vegetarianism as a diet, compassion for animals, and does not respect castes or classes. He starts to not at all fit in with what has become orthodox Judaism and Christianity, religions, or, more properly speaking, sects, which promote animal sacrifices as a diet, and elitist societies of rich and poor. The term, elitist societies of rich and poor, may be regarded as a euphemism for slavery in one degree or another. Slavery is an institution which is portrayed as acceptable in both the Old and New Testaments as well as in the Koran. As we shall see, point by point in this study, the original vegetarian and egalitarian values of Judaism were radically different from what orthodox Judaism has become.

Orthodox Jews ignore the root of the name of their place of study, the Yeshiva.

Shiva is known in the Old Testament as Sheba, Seba and Saba, Tsaba, as well as by other names. Shiva aka Sheba is the Lord of the Shabbath (Hebrew) and Sabbath (English). One easily sees the connection between the word Saba, which is interchangeable with Seba and Sheba, and the English word Sabbath. The etymology of the word Shabbath or Sabbath has been scrupulously ignored, as has, for example, the term yeshiva, meaning a school or academy for students of Judaism. The word is of course is a rather direct reference to Shiva, though it is not acknowledged to be so by the orthodoxy. When the relevant names of Shiva are aligned with the Hebrew and English designations of the seventh day, it is rather easy to see the etymological connection.

Sheba: Shabbath in ancient Hebrew.

The name Saba is easily seen to be the root of Sabbath in English

Sheba is an easily seen root of Shabbath, especially when we realize that ancient Hebrew is comprised of consonants, just as Saba is easily seen as the root of the English word Sabbath. As we examine the ancient Hebrew terms and names connected with the Sabbath, however, we will see that these correlations are not simply superficial or coincidental, but that they provide specific documentation of the Sabean tradition that gave birth to original Judaism.

Most of us are quite familiar with the term Sabbath day, the seventh day of rest which we understand as being derived from the sequence of days in Genesis: God creates the world in six days and rests on the seventh. And we are also familiar with the fourth commandment “Remember thou keep holy the Sabbath day.” But we usually aren’t informed as to the source or etymology of the word itself, Sabbath, or in Hebrew Shabbath.

7676 Shabbath in Hebrew is described as meaning intermission, the Sabbath, and every sabbath. It is a form of 7673.

7673 Shabath is a primitive root meaning to repose, to desist from exertion.

Understanding that the Shabbath or Sabbath is the seventh day, when we examine the roots of the Hebrew words Shabbath and Shabath, we come across a number of definitions that can make more sense from a Hindu perspective, since they refer to a yogic process.

The Sabbath and Shiva as Lord of Yoga “Sevening One’s Self”

An examination of the names Sheba and Shaba, words which may be seen as roots of Shabbath (in English the Sabbath), deal with sevening one’s self, and thereby reveal the ancient devotion that the original Jews had to Shiva as the Lord of Yoga, one who has “sevened himself,” that is fulfilled his seven chakras. In the Hindu system of Yoga, which tradition has it was begun by Shiva himself, there are seven centers, the root chakra or center, corresponding to one’s sexual energy, the power chakra above it, the solar plexus chakra above it, the heart chakra, the throat, the third eye and the seventh chakra at the top of the head.

The practitioner of Yoga, or for that matter, any human seeking spiritual perfection, is to deal with resolving, controlling or balancing sexual desires (the first center), resolving conflicts of power (the second center), controlling appetite addictions and using food for purification (the third and solar plexus center), controlling one’s emotional attachments (the fourth and heart center), expression of one’s will (the fifth and throat center), reception to the infusion of divinity through meditation (the sixth center in the third eye), all of which, when finally achieved, allow one to connect with divinity through the highest chakra in the top of the head.

We can easily see moreover how the term Shabbath or Sabbath is related to numerous other words which reflect the seventh day aspect of the word. Namely: the word shaba and the words sheba (pronounced sheh’ bah) and shibah (pronounced shib-aw’) which are the feminine and masculine forms of the same word. The ancient Hebrew words Shaba and Sheba both refer to aspects of the Hindu Shiva as Lord of Yoga.

7650 shaba, a primitive root; to be complete; to seven oneself.

The latter part of the above definition, to seven oneself may be interpreted in numerous ways, among them that seven is part of a natural cycle, and that the seventh day completes or perfects the cycle, were it not for the word oneself, which brings the completion of the seven part cycle to a personal level. On the personal level the phrase to seven oneself may seem to make little or no sense in the history of the orthodox Jews, but makes perfect sense in the history of Hinduism. The phrase refers to the ideal of the Yogic process, to eliminate all major negativity in one’s spiritual centers and to activate their positive potentiality.

Shiva is the Inventor of Yoga, and the Lord of Yoga. Shiva has nourished to the full his seven spiritual centers or chakras, and is now a fulfilled being elevated to divinity. It is Shiva who is being referred to as a divine model for human behavior, for in fulfilling the potentiality of each of his seven chakras, Shiva has sevened himself; he is a complete being.

Shiva was known throughout the world as the God of Seven.

Whereas the verb Shaba refers to the activity of becoming complete in one’s self, the following definition of Sheba, a frequently used noun and root in the Old Testament Hebrew, means seven, but seven as the sacred full one. In other words, the nominative case refers to the same occurrence: that of being in the state of having fulfilled one’s self, one’s spiritual centers, and once again seven, the number of the chakras, is mentioned. Sheba means seven. The Shabbath is the seventh day. Sheba is merely a transliteration of Shiva, sometimes spelled as Sheva.

7651 sheba (fem) or shibah (masc), seven (as the sacred full one); as an adverb, seven times; a week.

To anyone who is not familiar with the Hindu system of Yoga featuring the development of one’s seven spiritual centers, the above definition of seven as the sacred full one would be rather ambiguous, but to the Hindus and Buddhists, to the ancient Maya and Aztecs, who also revered the number seven and worshiped Shiva and Kali, and to the Hopis (though Hopis limit the centers to five), it is a system which meshes with their own. [The Aztec pantheon even has a vegetation goddess known as Kundalini (See Michael Jordan’s Encyclopedia of Gods).]

Shiva is associated with the number seven over and over again in Hinduism, as is the God of Judaism, and Sheba in Hebrew means seven. The link between the Hindu deity Shiva and the number seven includes the fact that Shiva is Lord of the seven worlds, he lives in the place of seven rivers on earth and in Shivaloka, the highest of the seven worlds, he is Lord of Yoga, having mastered his seven spiritual centers, and his name means seven. Zechariah Sitchin in Lost Realms says that the name Elisheva in Canaan mean “my God is Seven.” p. 82.

SHIBAH, meaning Seven in Genesis: 26:33

Isaac’s servants in the above scripture name the well shibah, meaning seven, to honor their God, Sheba, or Shiva, and thereby also to show that the wells are “owned” or cared for by Isaac (God laughed), the root of whose name is Isa, one of Shiva’s other names. The well therefore has been named after Shiva as Isaac himself has been named after Isa.

Let us let the above definitions show us the relationship of our own English Seven to the German Sieben, and the Hebrew forms of the word, such as Seba and Sheba, words which go back to a Sanskrit source. Perhaps we can get somewhat of an idea of how influential central essential concepts of divinity are, and how spin-off material is related to the phonetic structure and mental significance of the original concept.

Insofar as the Sabbath was named after the seventh day of creation and Creation is the Creator’s Harvest, we can see how the root of the word Sabbath is related with the following words meaning plenty, abundance and satisfaction.

The Lord of the Sabbath is the Lord of Creation, and therefore the Lord of Plenty, the Harvest, Abundance.

7646 saba or sabea (defined the same) to sate, fill to satisfaction, have plenty of, satisfy with, suffice.

Saba is the name of God to the Ethiopian Sabeans, who erected pillars and offered vegetation to him. The Hebrew Seba and Sheba are transliterations of Siva and Shiva. It is indisputable that Saba, Seba, Sheba, and Sheva, all Hebrew words, are transliterations of Shiva’s name and/or attributes. Like the Dravidians in India, the Ethiopians also worshipped Krishna as Cainan or Kanneh, and Rama as Ramman or Rimmon. For verification that these were the names of the Ethiopian deities, look up Sheba, Seba, Saba, in James Hasting’s Dictionary of the Bible (1919 edition). Some Indian scholars affirm that Ethiopia may in fact be the mother culture of India, and given the evidence that the oldest human bones thus far found are Ethiopian, this would indeed be even more evidence to add to the fact that the Sabean religion was the first universal religion of the world. What is being conjectured is that the migrating Ethiopians became the aboriginal Shaivites who were later invaded by the Aryans.

7647 sabea, copiousness, abundance, plenteous.,

7649 sabea, satisfied in a pleasant or disagreeable sense, full of, satisfied with.

Sheba or Shiva, Lord of the Sabbath was known as the Lord of Creatures, and Protector of Cattle, The seven day cycle of creation and rest in Genesis 1 is a description of the Lord of the Sabbath, Sheba, or Shiva. He was the Deity who commanded the vegetarian covenant of Genesis 1: 29-30.

“And God said `Behold I have given you every plant yielding seed which is upon the face of the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the air and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.'”

Mainstream Hindus for millennia have worshipped Shiva as the compassionate Lord of Creatures, or Shiva Pasupati.

Thus, this same Shiva or Sheba, after whom the Shabbath was named, was also the compassionate deity commanding vegetarianism for all creatures, not just for humans. In other words, the vegetarian covenant which commands that all creatures eat plants and not other creatures is a logical covenant commanded by Shiva. We should also realize, that after the fall, in “Genesis” cattle are singled out as those who will suffer. The rewriter of the Torah was obviously countering the previous influence of Shiva, or Sheba, Lord of the Sabbath and Protector of Cattle.

(Author Unknown)

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