His name Christ comes from the word Krishna, Krist, and the second one is Jesus. Krishna had a foster mother whom Radha loved very much. Her name was Yeshoda, we also call her as [Jesoda, Jeshoda]. Christ is called also as [Yesu, Yeshu] in India. The short form of [Jesoda, Jeshoda] is [Yesu, Yeshu] or [Jeshu, Jesu] we have both the things. From there the name Jesus has come. She wanted to name Her after the foster mother because she was a lady so she was called as [Jeshoda, Jesoda] but for a man She selected the name [Yesu, Yeshu] and [Jeshu, Jesu]. Moreover the word [Jeshu, Jesu] or [Yeshu, Yesu] is very important. “J” in Sanskrit language means, every word has a meaning in Sanskrit language, means to know, is to know, the knowledge, Gyana. [SANSKRIT TALK]. The one who knows. But [Jeshu, Jesu] [“shu”, “su”] means auspicious. [“Shu”, “Su”] means “that brings auspiciousness, that brings blessings”. Jeshu is the one who knows how to bring auspiciousness on this Earth. People never told this, they never knew who went from here with the message that Christ was born.
At the time when Christ came on this Earth with this big message that somebody has to pass through this special problem. Now let’s see why the problem was there. We have to understand the problem that faced human beings at that subtle level where they had to work out this special, a very extraordinary Incarnation. The problem was that human beings had raised their heads. By raising their heads their ego and superego grew up around their limbic area, making it a very hard shell, just like an egg. A man developed his I-ness and only way to transform him into a bird, like an egg breaks up into a bird, was to make the Kundalini rise.