There is starting to surface evidence that the Biblical patriarchs from Abraham, Jacob, Solomon, David, Moses and literally all the most relevant names even Jesus, which previously could not be found in the historical record, can now be found in the historic records if looked at in a slightly different era with slightly different names.. the history of the Hebrews & Egypt is very controversial & mixed in ways that made their symbology & traditions almost indistinguishable at times, and eventually Egypt became the scapegoat and thing to reject and divorce from seemingly in extreme ways.. but when you connect the Essene-Nazorean, Knights Templar & Free Mason history & symbology you start to see how these Egyptian Mystery School traditions were maintained covertly for thousands of years.. despite the sometimes overt and extreme cover-up… Imagine now that many of the great Patriarchs of the Bible were actually great Pharoahs of Egypt… 🤯🤯
Read books like “Jesus Last of the Pharoahs” and “Solomon Pharoah of Egypt” by researcher Ralph Ellis for more info & evidence on this. The implications of this cover-up is manifold & revealing! 📖📚🧐🤔𓂀
The Gnostic Serpents of Palestine were descended from the lineage of Serpents from Egypt, Sumeria, and the Far East, where they had been the Djedhi Adepts, the priests of Lord Enki, and disciples of Sanat Kumara.
Moses brought the Djedhi tradition with him from Egypt and first introduced it to the Hebrews in the desert with the image of the Serpent on the Cross, which he assured his people would heal them. Throughout his many years Moses taught his tribe, the Levites, the Egyptian wisdom of the serpent, including how to both properly invoke the Primal Serpent and how to awaken it internally as the Kundalini. The Primal Serpent was placed upon the altars and venerated by the Levites until the time of King Hezekiah “who broke the images of the serpent which had been in the high places [temples] since the time of Moses.” The name Levi reflects that of “Leviathan,” the epithet under which the Levite priests’ venerated the Primal Serpent.
Much of the esoteric Serpent Wisdom that Moses brought out of Egypt was compiled into the Kabbala, which was secret knowledge first taught in the Garden of Eden by the Angel Raziel, one of Sanat Kumara’s entourage (Sanat Kumara’s western name is St. Michael, the leader of the Archangels). According to the Kabbala, the Gnostic-alchemical tradition of the Serpent Masters began in the Garden of Eden with the Serpent on the Tree who was either a name for Cain or the father of Cain. The Name Cain denotes “a worker of [Serpent] fire,” and Cain is related to Can, the universal word for “Serpent. Another name for Cain is Seth and both are names for the Egyptian Thoth-Hermes. This truth was taught among the later Cainite and Sethian Gnostics of Alexandria who, like the Ophites and Naaseni, claimed to have descended directly from the Primal Serpent and been heir to the Gnostic wisdom that had passed from Adam to Cain-Seth and then down a long line of enlightened Gnostics.
The Gnostic Serpents of Palestine also received both Serpent Wisdom and Power from the lineage of Abraham from Sumeria. The name Abraham was originally “Abram,” meaning “Possessor of fire.” This was the Serpent Fire that Abraham received from King Melchizedek, who by another name was Sanat Kumara, the Dragon King of the World. Melchizedek’s sacred fire in turn passed from Abraham to the lineage of Jewish Prophets and to the Gnostic Masters of the Kabbala. Sanat Kumara’s yantra – his geometrical form body – was also passed to the Jews from King Melchizedek in the form of the Star of David.
The third line of Serpent Gnostics that influenced the Jewish Serpents of Wisdom were the Mandeans who had originated on Sri Lanka when it was part of Lemuria and known as the Garden of Eden of Serendib. They were disciples of Sanat Kumara, the Serpent on the Tree and founder of the Gnostic-Alchemical Path. The Nasurai, the enlightened “Serpents” (Nas = “Serpent”) of the Mandeans, transmitted the power and wisdom of Sanat Kumara to the Essenes when the Jewish sect united with the Mandeans to form the Nasoreans. Born within the Nasorean sect of Serpent Gnostics were John the Baptist, Jesus, Mary Magdaelene and John the Apostle, the wayshowers who spread the wisdom of the Gnostic-Serpents throughout the western world.
From: “The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom” 🐍 by Mark Amaru Pinkham
Life Coach, Entrepreneur, Social Media Expert, Musician, Yoga Teacher, World Traveler