Tag Archives: Sadhu

Lord Shiva instructs his Sadhu Disciples

In the mist-clad peaks of Mount Kailash, the abode of divinity where silence speaks volumes, there sat Lord Shiva, the ascetic god of destruction and regeneration. His presence was as serene as the moonlit Himalayas, yet as intense as the fire that burns within the core of the earth. Surrounding him were his devoted sadhus, seekers of the ultimate truth, each one an embodiment of renunciation.

These ascetics, with ash smeared across their foreheads and bodies, signifying their continual death to the world of form, had gathered to absorb not the words, but the wisdom that emanated from the very being of Shiva. They were an assorted congregation; some young with fiery eyes fueled by the vigor of spiritual quests, others, old, with eyes deep as the cosmic sky, reflecting eons of contemplation.

Shiva, the great Yogi, sat in tranquil stillness, his eyes half-closed in a state between the manifest world and the unmanifest void. His trishula, the trident, stood beside him, symbolizing control over the physical, mental, and spiritual worlds. The crescent moon adorned his matted locks, and the mighty Ganga flowed from his hair, cascading down into the realms of man, a testament to his power to harness and release the torrents of cosmic energy.

As the sun began its descent, casting a golden cloak over the snow, Shiva opened his eyes, and in them, the universe seemed to dance. He spoke not through words but through the very essence of silence. His teachings were not of the scriptures but of existence. He taught the sadhus about the impermanence of the physical universe and the permanence of the self. He revealed to them the dance of creation and destruction, inherent in the flow of time, where every end was a prelude to a beginning.

He spoke of the beauty of detachment, how like the lotus, one must live in the world yet not be of it. His every gesture was a teaching, every pause a lesson in patience, every glance an initiation into the depths of consciousness.

As dusk turned to night, and the stars began to mirror the sparks of their meditative fires, the sadhus sat in profound meditation, absorbing the vibrations of Shiva’s presence. They realized that the ultimate teaching was not something to be grasped, but something to be lived. It was in the very act of living in harmony with the cosmos, in recognizing the oneness of all existence.

In the great silence of the Himalayas, under the watchful gaze of their eternal teacher, the sadhus found their truths. And Shiva, the Adiyogi, continued to sit in repose, his stillness an eternal testament to the wisdom beyond worlds. The cycle of night and day passed, seasons changed, but the quest of the sadhus remained — a quest quenched only by the profound waters of self-realization, a thirst for which they had forsaken all worldly desires.

And thus, the story of Lord Shiva and his disciples continues, in the hearts of those who seek, in the silence of the sages, and in the very air of Mount Kailash, where every breath whispers tales of liberation.

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~Sakshi Zion

Sadhus – Holy Men of India

India is a land of mystery, culture and religions. One of the most unique and extraordinary features of India is its sadhus. A sadhu is a holy man, an ascetic who renounces worldly life and devotes his time to meditation and spiritual pursuits.

The sadhus of India have been an important part of the culture for centuries. They are typically found dressed in bright saffron robes and orange wrap around skirts called dhoti. They often have matted dreadlocks and can be found walking around singing or chanting mantras or seated in meditation. They are easily recognizable by their symbols of divinity – ash markings, auspicious strings of rudraksha beads, and a trishul (trident).

The sadhus of India are not just wandering holy men, but they are great teachers of the spiritual and cosmic energy of the universe. They are the guardians of ancient Hindu spiritual practices, and are said to protect people from harm and bad omens. They also promote the ideals of peace, love, and tolerance among all people regardless of their religion or creed.

The sadhus of India provide an interesting glimpse into the ancient mysteries of India. They are a great source of knowledge and insight into the deep spiritual traditions that have been practiced for many centuries in this part of the world.

In traditional Hinduism, living a life of the Sadhu is considered to be one of the highest callings. Sadhus have reached an extreme level of spiritual development and are often revered as living masters. They are thought to have achieved moksha, or ultimate freedom.

Sadhus also give spiritual guidance to people who come to seek their advice and knowledge. They often live in ashrams or temples, where people can go to seek advice and gain spiritual knowledge from them. Sadhus are also known to visit villages and towns, in order to spread their spiritual knowledge.

The tradition of the Sadhu is an important part of Hinduism, and will be practiced for many years to come.

Thanks for visiting my blog! To learn more about the Law of Attraction and to start your own journey with a team of like-minded and inspired Entrepreneurs, forging a way to make the world a better place for all, just like you…

Click here & listen to our Daily Mastermind Call (recorded live Mon-Fri) & also I invite you to learn more about our premiere Home Business Academy here. I’m here to help! See You on the Inside! 

~Sakshi Zion

Sita Rama – The Ramayana

The Ramayana is an ancient epic poem that tells the story of Rama and Sita, an iconic Hindu deity couple. It is a revered text within Hinduism and esteemed by followers as one of the greatest works of world literature. As part of the larger Hindu tradition, Rama and Sita have come to symbolize many things including ideal righteousness, loyalty, and the divine power of true love.

Sita and Rama have become legendary figures in Hinduism and throughout South Asia due to the prevalence of the Ramayana. They represent the perfect couple and exemplify the characteristics of dharma, devotion, and sacrifice. Devotional texts often portray Sita as the link that binds Rama to his personal dharma in performances of moral and dutiful acts. She is also venerated for her selfless devotion to her husband and her willingness to sacrifice her own safety and well-being in order to bring honor and virtue to their relationship.

Rama is seen as the epitome of morality and devotion. He is a great warrior renowned for his courage on the battlefield and skill in fighting the demoniac forces of evil. As an incarnate of the god Vishnu, Rama is a source of divine strength that inspires his followers to rise to heroic heights and achieve great feats of devotion. In the Ramayana, Rama represents the highest ideals of dharma, and his willingness to practice them even when they cost him great hardship or personal sacrifice is seen as a source of moral inspiration.

The legends of Sita and Rama have been very influential within Hinduism and shaped the way devotional expression to the deity couple has developed over time. Numerous stories and devotional songs have been written about their relationship and have become part of the Ramayana tradition. As a result, the characters of Sita and Rama have been woven into the fabric of many Hindu communities, and their stories are told and re-told throughout Hindu literature and culture.

In conclusion, the legends of Sita and Rama are deeply shared within Hinduism, and their stories represent a powerful example of dharma and loyalty. They have become an integral part of Hindu tradition, and followers often look to their relationship as a source of moral guidance. As two of the most influential deities in Hinduism, Sita and Rama are symbols of true love and devotion.


Sita and Rama, two timeless souls,
Who walked by faith, made life their goal.
Oaths of love and promises they made,
Their love so strong, it could never fade.

Rama strong, brave, and true,
An epic hero, that much is true.
His love for her like none before,
Made many a heart even more sore.

Sita, the beautiful and brave,
She shed light in life’s darkest cave.
A lesson of pure devotion,
An archetype for modern woman.

A love story for all to hear,
Of devotion and strength, so sincere.
Their love through thick and thin,
Their legacy, forever within. ?

Divine Lovers Sita & Rama

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MC Yogi – Breath Control – Official Video

You gotta check out this awesome new video from MC Yogi called “Breath Control”. The man brings that yoga and mystic consciousness inna Hiphop stylee! The video is really cool too! I like the tracer lines when he moves his hands.

I got to see MC Yogi perform this song a few months ago when he came to Indiana for the Serendipity Festival, in which he performed with DJ Drez and the Kirtaniyas. His set was alot of fun! It was cool to see the mashup the 3 artists did by performing together. My reggae band The Tuff Tones also performed at the festival. It was a really great festival!

Watch the new video and support good music! Here’s MC Yogi’s website~

MC Yogi – Breath Control

Blessed Love
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~Sakshi Zion

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“Lord Narasimha is here and also there. Wherever I go Lord Narasimha is there. He is in the heart and is outside as well. I surrender to Lord Narasimha, the origin of all things and the supreme refuge.”~Narasimha Purana

Narasimha is the Lion form of God in India. He represents Divine Majesty and Protection.

I always felt a connection to this Lion form of God because of how much I loved the form of Christ as the Lion of Judah.

Listen to Bob Marley singing the song Lion of Judah:

If you want to learn about the Cat Mystery Schools and divine parallels of Cats from around the world in sacred traditions, check out my friend Jahnagga Baba’s very well done video:

Enjoy! Jaya Narasimhadeva!

I hope you got lots of VALUE from this post! If you have questions or comments, please share your comments below! Thanks for visiting my blog!

~Sakshi Zion

Ps. Get Access Now to my FREE Ebook! How I use Law of Attraction to Travel the World and Live my Dreams!