“Lord Narasimha is here and also there. Wherever I go Lord Narasimha is there. He is in the heart and is outside as well. I surrender to Lord Narasimha, the origin of all things and the supreme refuge.”~Narasimha Purana
Narasimha is the Lion form of God in India. He represents Divine Majesty and Protection.
I always felt a connection to this Lion form of God because of how much I loved the form of Christ as the Lion of Judah.
Listen to Bob Marley singing the song Lion of Judah:
If you want to learn about the Cat Mystery Schools and divine parallels of Cats from around the world in sacred traditions, check out my friend Jahnagga Baba’s very well done video:
Enjoy! Jaya Narasimhadeva!
I hope you got lots of VALUE from this post! If you have questions or comments, please share your comments below! Thanks for visiting my blog!
~Sakshi Zion
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