Tag Archives: Sri Lanka

Sita Rama – The Ramayana

The Ramayana is an ancient epic poem that tells the story of Rama and Sita, an iconic Hindu deity couple. It is a revered text within Hinduism and esteemed by followers as one of the greatest works of world literature. As part of the larger Hindu tradition, Rama and Sita have come to symbolize many things including ideal righteousness, loyalty, and the divine power of true love.

Sita and Rama have become legendary figures in Hinduism and throughout South Asia due to the prevalence of the Ramayana. They represent the perfect couple and exemplify the characteristics of dharma, devotion, and sacrifice. Devotional texts often portray Sita as the link that binds Rama to his personal dharma in performances of moral and dutiful acts. She is also venerated for her selfless devotion to her husband and her willingness to sacrifice her own safety and well-being in order to bring honor and virtue to their relationship.

Rama is seen as the epitome of morality and devotion. He is a great warrior renowned for his courage on the battlefield and skill in fighting the demoniac forces of evil. As an incarnate of the god Vishnu, Rama is a source of divine strength that inspires his followers to rise to heroic heights and achieve great feats of devotion. In the Ramayana, Rama represents the highest ideals of dharma, and his willingness to practice them even when they cost him great hardship or personal sacrifice is seen as a source of moral inspiration.

The legends of Sita and Rama have been very influential within Hinduism and shaped the way devotional expression to the deity couple has developed over time. Numerous stories and devotional songs have been written about their relationship and have become part of the Ramayana tradition. As a result, the characters of Sita and Rama have been woven into the fabric of many Hindu communities, and their stories are told and re-told throughout Hindu literature and culture.

In conclusion, the legends of Sita and Rama are deeply shared within Hinduism, and their stories represent a powerful example of dharma and loyalty. They have become an integral part of Hindu tradition, and followers often look to their relationship as a source of moral guidance. As two of the most influential deities in Hinduism, Sita and Rama are symbols of true love and devotion.


Sita and Rama, two timeless souls,
Who walked by faith, made life their goal.
Oaths of love and promises they made,
Their love so strong, it could never fade.

Rama strong, brave, and true,
An epic hero, that much is true.
His love for her like none before,
Made many a heart even more sore.

Sita, the beautiful and brave,
She shed light in life’s darkest cave.
A lesson of pure devotion,
An archetype for modern woman.

A love story for all to hear,
Of devotion and strength, so sincere.
Their love through thick and thin,
Their legacy, forever within. 💓

Divine Lovers Sita & Rama

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The Gnostic Mandaeans

The Mandaeans of southern Iraq are the only remaining Gnostic sect from ancient times. They began their history on Sri Lanka when the island was part of the land-mass of Lemuria and home of the primeval Goddess Culture. Eventually migrating west they became part of the Sumerian, Persian, Egyptian and Jewish Essene civilizations. Finally, retracing their steps, they returned to their present location. In the tradition of the ancient gnostic sects descended from the Goddess and the Left Hand Path, the Mandaeans are dedicated to the achievement of gnosis for all their people, which they know involves the balance and union of the polarity and the alchemical force that results from that union.

To engender the balance and union of the polarity in their culture, the Mandaeans provide equal rights for both men and women. They are governed by their priest/priestess class, which is composed of both men and women. The centerpiece of their religion is the rite of baptism which is observed daily, during which is invoked the presence of the ancient Dragon Enki, the embodiment of the alchemical Kundalini, under his contemporary name of Manda d’Hiya. Enki is the “Water of Life,” the subtle alchemical force that moves within the physical water of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. When activated it purifies Mandaeans on all levels and can awaken their “inner Enki,” the Kundalini power at the base of the spine.

The daily baptismal immersion of a Mandaean, known as the “Rishama,” a prayer is repeated while each part of the body is sequentially cleansed. At the end of the rite, the power and wisdom of ancient Enki as Manda d’Hiya is invoked with the words: “The name of the Life [the Divine Power] and the name of Manda d’Hiya [the Divine Wisdom] are pronounced upon me.”

The most powerful of baptisms are observed on Sunday under the guidance of a Mandaean priest and incorporate much more ritual than the Rishama. They include the sacraments of oil, bread, and water, and end with the sacred kiss upon the head from a priest, a rite known as “giving Kushta.” Possibly the most valuable part of the ceremony for a person’s spiritual progress is a special transmission of energy given them by the priest or preistess, who after the water immersion transmits the Water of Life or Kundalini power into a baptized Mandaean by placing their right hand upon his or her head and calling forth Manda d’Hiya.

At the conclusion of their life, all Mandaeans rise up to Mshunia Kushta, an etheric dimension where they merge with their etheric-body double that has been waiting for them during their earthly sojourn. When asked the location of this etheric world, the priests give the description of an etheric world that apparently overlays the planet Venus and mimics the Earth when it was the Garden of Eden. One Mandaean priest has stated: “There is a star inhabited by men, the descendants of the Hidden Adam [the etheric double of Adam], but they are semi-spiritual in nature, and not gross like ourselves. This star is called Merikh, the star of the morning.” The Mandaean baptismal purifications continue on this “star” until each Mandaean is ready to shed his or her etheric forms and live exclusively in their most refined bodies of light as pure luminaries of gnosis. They are then eligible to return home through the Pleiades stargate to the highest Pleroma worlds of light.

From Mark Amaru Pinkham – Author : THE GNOSTIC CIVILIZATION OF THE MANDAEANS (Excerpted from World Gnosis: Coming Gnostic Civilization)

PHOTO: A Mandean baptism in the Tigris River, May 2003. Credit : Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images

Bel – Sun God of the Druids

Bel, the Horned God, the Green Man, Sun God of the Druids. He is the same Shiva Pashupati Lord of the Animals, Osiris the Green Dying and Resurrected Lord. He is also called Pan (Peter Pan), and Dionysus of the Greeks, and Murugan or Sanat Kumara of Sri Lanka and Ancient Mu or Lemuria. Also called Baal of the Canaanites and Israelites and Balaram of the Hindus. We get the festival of Beltane from Bel as well.

I recently learned that my family ancestry on my dad’s side “The Bell’s” goes way back to Scotland and the legendary enigmatic Druids themselves, who took the name Bell in devotion to their Deity Bel when having to adapt to (in threat of persecution and death) and create a syncretism with Christianity in what became the Celtic Coptic Church. 🦚🌿🍀🐉🐍